posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 10:41 PM
I haven't seen the episode, but having family in northern wisconsin, and and co-workers from the UP of michigan, I've heard every story there is
about the paulding light.
I too thought it was merely car light reflections, or something of that sort, until I personally went there to see it. It literally blew me away, and
I wish i could have stayed there all night. It is on a back road to a campground, down an old railroad track bed, that is now a dirt road. Just the
movements it makes, and the changes in color of light make it an opportunity that you should definately put on your top ten of things to see. Granted
many people outside of the Midwest rarely travel to these parts.
It still has not been figured out, and has been reported since long before cars were around, in which it can only be explained as a phenomena.
Thank you to the tv show for bringing this phenomona back into media attention, because I believe that this deserves a lot more research.