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People are cattle

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posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 10:42 AM
We blindly follow the Republicans. Democrats, Sunni, Shia, Dr Phil...

Come on!

Lets face the fact people largely LIKE to be told what to think and feel.

POL POT, Hitler, Stalin, Kennedy, Jim Jones. We want to believe in someone, something.

Even this web site is mass produced non conformity. This is a band of people brought together by the "unknown."

Those who stand out or succeed choose their own path. We have suicide bombers because these losers can't think for themselves.

My point is... Pick a direction and go with it. If your direction is to be against everything then you are a loser.
AGAINST THE WAR? Great. Give another choice. You are not a free thinker you are just a sniper.

Stand up FOR something!

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by crmanager
Stand up FOR something!

Are you saying Hitler, Stalin and Jim Jones didn't? What's Kennedy doing in your list anyway?

"Those who stand out or succeed chose their own path?"

I'd say you're making a great case for being a suicide bomber. If that's your goal, and you blow yourself up...mission accomplished.

Skip all that, what do YOU stand up for CRMANAGER?

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 11:07 AM
Man you are a bitter person.

I am saying people believe in anyone who stands for something, including lunatics and megalomaniacs. Including Kenedy who brought us the BAY OF PIGS and a deeper Vietnam war and people think he walked on water.

The Peace Corp was created as nothing more then the "White Mans Burden."

All of these putz's who have nothing to offer but "Impeach Bush" or "War is never the Answer" are truely useless hunks.

I stand for this line in the sand that Bush has drawn. It must stop. With us not our kids like past presidents (BUSH 41 and CLINTON>)

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 11:21 AM
All that rabble rousing and bashing just to say you're PRO-BUSH?

Whoop te de doo!

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 11:28 AM
didnt their used to be a people are sheep thread why all the associating people with livestock.this garbage should be in bts

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by machinegunjordan
this garbage should be in bts

I think in the RANTs section, because it's more of a statement than anything worthy of debate in the PIT.

I suppose it could remain WEBSITE RELATED if crmanager wishes to continue criticizing members of this community...

"Even this web site is mass produced non conformity."

But it's not my forum, and frankly I've lost interest.

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by machinegunjordan
didnt their used to be a people are sheep thread why all the associating people with livestock.this garbage should be in bts

The sheep following the shepperd; herd mentality, or slave morality, as written about by Nietzsche. It makes sense, however, I don't think people should waste their time whining about people following paths blindly, and should try and knock some sense into them, wake them up, or worry about reflecting and making 'authentic' choices in their own lives.

Oh well.

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by crmanager
Man you are a bitter person.

I am saying people believe in anyone who stands for something, including lunatics and megalomaniacs. Including Kennedy who brought us the BAY OF PIGS and a deeper Vietnam war and people think he walked on water.

The Peace Corp was created as nothing more then the "White Mans Burden."

All of these putz's who have nothing to offer but "Impeach Bush" or "War is never the Answer" are truly useless hunks.

I stand for this line in the sand that Bush has drawn. It must stop. With us not our kids like past presidents (BUSH 41 and CLINTON>)

You sound pretty bitter yourself there guy.

BTW, Kennedy actually did try and change all that stuff and more. That is also right about the time he was introduced to the 'Magic Bullet'. You see, there are some things that are put in motion whether or not people like Presidents want them or not. JFK, IMO, started out like all the rest, but at some point he must have had a serious awakening cause 'they' had to kill him for what he wanted to do in changing things.

I'm not sure why you consider someone a putz because the recommend riding the world of Bush or any politician for that matter, or for revealing the FACT that 'WAR is Never the Answer'. 'War' in fact is a Problem, which came from combining other previous problems and usually a healthy amount of Greed, Arrogance, Intolerance, Ignorance and Fear. Another thing that should be pretty obvious, is that these people you view as 'useless hunks' aren't creating all the problems. The problems like Terrorism for example is created by all these people 'That are Motivated behind a Cause', similar to who seem to admire so much. I think it's pretty much safe to say that Terrorists are in fact Motivated and have a clear belief that they are following. They are much more of the problem than the hippie or stoner or monk or whatever that is not doing anything accept trying to give advise.

Your desire to Resolve the Situation is Great however. Yes, all this Sh*t needs to stop and I have no doubt that the Sh*t is many times deeper and more stank than any one of us could possibly know. The problem is that all these rebel terrorists who supposedly hate us cause our Freedom or some B.S. is a Lie. The only reason any nation of People screw with another nation of people is because at any given time throughout history Some Motivated Prick in the form of a Military, Mob, Gang or something has made a habit of destroying the lives of others. It's all just the Hatfield's and McCoy's over and over. Just a couple of sides fighting while both justifying each strike for reasons that have happened in the past. That past however dates back beyond any understanding making 'Right & Wrong' or who started what and why a mystery forever. It's been happening for over 5000 years and it seems we are destined to just continue it because the Human Condition is based on Ignorance and Intolerance.

Just like you said yourself. THIS ALL NEEDS TO STOP. You're right too. But how do you get people motivated to JUST F*CKING STOP AND CHILL THEIR ASS OUT!!!??? Nobody ever thinks that is the answer. The answer is always to WAGE WAR AGAINST IT. It would be the most amazing discovery if someone could figure out how to WAGE PEACE AGAINST IT. But that would mean just chillin' out and taking things slow and calm, and nobody likes that idea.

Edit: Calm not Clam!! On the last sentence too, how embarrassing!!

[edit on 19-6-2004 by mOjOm]

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 11:58 AM
You know this guy have a point, we are like cattle.

We follow our government choices even if these choices are not good, yes we complaint and cry but still we are compliant.

We are given a choice to vote, but only some but the choices are mostly not ours, but we still vote, under (better one candidate than other).

Our country is taken into conflicts in our name but we are never asked if we wanted the conflicts, but we make ourselves patriotic even if we don't agree what we fight for.

Our law maker leaders make laws, we abide by them even if we don't like them, and no body asks us if we want them.

I can go on and on and yes we have a mind and we know a lot a things are not right but we always follow the leaders.

I am talking only in US not other countries.

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 12:58 PM
Even when we don't believe in anything we believe in something that gives us meaning.

We have to believe that we are being controlled and we are helpless fools if nothing else.

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 09:18 PM
Wow?!? "Enter any of Rants quotes here"

Did you even read the opening post? If it's in the wrong forum then just move it! Let EVERYONE have a say. It's OK to have dozens of threads about anti-Bush or Anti-Kerry, but Anti- followers/sheep is taboo? I can't believe you're a MOD. I think this subject is a very valid subject for discussion.

Why does this make him as you said "Pro-Bush". By that statement I could lower myself to your level and say you must be Pro-Kerry!

Set a good example, your in the position where you should.

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by GriBiT
Did you even read the opening post? ... Why does this make him as you said "Pro-Bush".

Yes, and asked for clarification. Where he got to the point in his second post saying he stands for the line in the sand Bush has drawn.

Since I already indicated I'm not a mod in this forum, my agreement with the poster that said it should be moved should be taken as just another poster chiming in. Mods are posters too. And have as much right to criticize motives and opinion as you seem to enjoy doing to me.

My personal opinon that this was a broad sweeping and insulting approach to bash anyone against the war without just coming right out and saying so, stands. I still think it should be in the PIT or rants or trash. You are free to disagree.

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 09:39 PM
crmanager was only using the bush reference to prove a point since that seems to be the flavor of the day. And to justify his point you claimed he was "Pro-Bush". Very expected sheep responce. Job well done.

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 09:46 PM
Right. I'm a sheep. And no one that calls everyone else a sheep is a sheep.

Just you and crmanager "get it" and have that right.

Please continue to enlighten all us sheep and cattle of ATS.

I'm going to set that "better example" you're so worried about now by ignoring you GriBit.

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 09:57 PM
Best news I've heard all day.

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