posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 04:46 AM
Hello ATS,
I am TheOni and I have been viewing articles on this website for approximately 2 years now. I have a great interest in all things paranormal whether
it be cryptids, ghosts, or aliens. I am 21, but due to my life up until now I have tons of stories about various topics that I have never shared
outside of my own family. I can be pretty opinionated, but it's only because I type responses so early (I live in Dayton, OH; EST). I try not to
sound like a jerk when posting.
Any questions as to myself or my background I will definitely try to answer. If you have already read some of my posts and completely hate me, I can
take that criticism (I don't mind one way or the other). Just saying that I'm finally on-board for the ride.