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Christians lose another bid for privilege at work, thank god for that.

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posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by mamabeth

Oh please! Just because someone does not like what some Xtians do does not equate with genocidal impulses. Actaully it is more likely for Xtians (with their renowed intolerance) having another Holocaust against the non-believers.

[edit on 14-8-2010 by Tiger5]

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by The Sword
The Christian in question was evangelizing at work. That's always a no-no. I don't see hatred here. I see someone getting called out on irrational behavior.

well here is 2 other stories of work place
evangelizing, guess that is irrational behavior
as well?

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 08:55 AM
I could never understand how people are unable to worship and practice their religious beliefs without the need to push their faith on everyone else in situations where its clearly not appropriate.

Most work places have policies that allow one to practice their religion including taking off days for special religious holidays if requested in advance. At the same time they tend to have restrictions on harassing other employees. Constantly pushing your religious views on others who do not share them is inappropriate at a work place and possibly harassment. It creates a hostile environment were ultimately the company may be held responsible if they do not take action to remedy the problem.

Terminating a person who was warned about their conduct and continues to violate policy is appropriate. A work place is not a church, but a business trying to create a profitable working environment with people from all over. An employee can spend all the time they want before or after work spreading their religious views.

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 09:02 AM
Ahhh yes. Annoy people with your mythology, then get fired and play into the privileges that you believe reside in victimology.

I had a guy not too long ago give me the old jesustalk at work. We had polite discourse and I didn't raise a fit over it. He was just in to jesus and wanted to give me what he thought was the good news. No harm I suppose. Now if he kept doing it and never shut the heck up about it we may have had a problem.

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by Tiger5

Boy, how wrong you are! There are more 'unbelievers'
than true believers.Here is a possible example...

What if a space ship landed on earth and the aliens
would give us all knowledge of the universe.The aliens
have a strange request,they don't like christians either.
If the world wants the information,the christians have
to die.
Don't think for a minute that the unbelievers wouldn't
pounce on the christians like a pack of wolves.

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by mamabeth

Well if you believe that Xtians are tolerant then I have several large bridges in New York for sale. I could give you a good price

And I could chuck in a few acres on lunar real estate>

Try to read your bible objectively. There is plenty of food for fundamentalist Xtians to chew on.

Why should any religion force their views on Co-workers who do not wish to participate. Now I don't hate you but if we met socially and insisted on babbling on about ANY topic that I had no interest in then I would get grumpy>

I think it is damn rude to go pushing their religion. Face facts all proselytising religions bread intolerance!

[edit on 14-8-2010 by Tiger5]

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 09:19 AM
Actually the bible gives us the example of what the children of Israel did to the Canaanites -now that was a holocaust if everythere was one but hey ho god said it was OK So it was not even a murder. Even the Canaanite dogs were killed

I call it a holocaust!

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 09:25 AM
Why do Christians always want to turn this into a Christian hating thing?
Here's my point.

A relative of mine was cornering people, trying to sell them on Christianity---at the wake of another close family member. He was using our loved ones death as a selling point, really driving it home---trying to get people saved. Yes, I said at the wake of a close family member.

This same family member can not go anywhere without handing out pamphlets, giving impromptu lectures, etc. trying to push Christianity on people, everywhere he goes.

It's like being pressured by a high pressure salesman into buying a product that you're really not interested in buying. At first, you are polite and just let him do his shpeel, but after awhile it gets irritating.

There's nothing wrong with being a salesman----but there are places and times when it's inappropriate to try to sell your product. How would you feel if someone was wasting your time at work, or at the wake of a loved one, or anywhere, trying to sell you a product you aren't interested in? Just because you absolutely love the Shamwow, doesn't mean everyone else will, so don't try to force someone to buy it.

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by Tiger5

Actually the bible gives us the example of what the children of Israel did to the Canaanites -now that was a holocaust if everythere was one but hey ho god said it was OK So it was not even a murder.

Did you know, according to the bible, a Canaanite prostitute was an ancestor of Jesus?

[edit on 14-8-2010 by dusty1]

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by texastig

I guess you can't figure it out. When they start taking away our liberties, yours will be next. We need to stand up for each other.

No liberties were taken, the man was never denied the right to think how he pleases, he was never denied the inalienable right to worship as he chooses (or in the case of a christian the prescribed worshiping in his closet) he was never denied the right to express his opinion upon request.

The employer exercise it's right to have the employ act in a manner befitting the employment terms and not try and use his position to influence the customer with a personal agenda.

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by The Djin

An employee is paid to work, and shouldn't discuss anything other than company business on company time.

The reality is that people like to talk about what they are into.

Nobody here has every shared their conspiracy theories at work?

Never discussed alternative medicine or some diet at work?

Never heard a coworker talk about partying hard last weekend?

The problem is common sense is needed, you shouldn't cram anything down anybodies throat.

Next time a coworkers loved one dies, just put your arm around them and.........oh no, wait that could be sexual harassment.

Just say your sorry, no wait, I forgot we are at work.

Just say nothing, and let them suffer in silence, knowing in your heart it is all part of the evolutionary process and there is no hope of ever seeing the ones we loved, again..................

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by mamabeth
reply to post by The Djin

There will be another holocaust sometime in the
future.I believe it will be against the christians.
Threads like this one are good indications to support
my hypothesis.

Are you trying to imply that I would seek to defend the murder of another human being, in order to have christians refrain from imposing their will upon me or mine ?

Christian scripture clearly states that the godmanjesus/ yahwhe instructs them to worship him from within the confines of their own closet. If they followed his orders then it is more likely that the rest of us would have so much less to endure and subsequently take issue with.

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by dusty1
reply to post by The Djin

An employee is paid to work, and shouldn't discuss anything other than company business on company time.

The reality is that people like to talk about what they are into.

Nobody here has every shared their conspiracy theories at work?

No, I don't. Nor religion. Nor politics. Nor anything other than business or trivial things.

Talk religion, politics, conspiracy theories or anything else requiring some belief and it's going to cause a rift every time.

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

No, I don't. Nor religion. Nor politics. Nor anything other than business

You have never in your life discussed any of these things at work?

You must be really young.

At least once a week various business associates bring up the economy and or President Obama.

Nor anything other than business or trivial things.

Trivial things like what?

You may have bored someone to tears talking about your last gig, or about the Ludwig drums you just scored at a garage sale.

Talk religion, politics, conspiracy theories or anything else requiring some belief and it's going to cause a rift every time.

I hear what you're sayin'.

I will say, that over the years I have had to listen to a lot of things I didn't like, foul language, racism, political views, stories about someones sexual exploits, etc. etc..

The world in general crams an agenda and philosophy down my throat, everyday.

If you care enough about your co worker you will respect them and their beliefs, and be careful what you say, and how you say it.

If you care enough about them, you will stop them before they say or do something stupid, that gets them fired.

The truth is, most people don't care enough.

[edit on 14-8-2010 by dusty1]

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by Tiger5

Get in touch with my accountant and I will consider
your offer.
I am a fundamental christian!I have noticed a lot of
problems with christians today.
We are to spread the gospel to all people.BUT,
If these people refuse to listen,we are to shake the
dust off our feet and move on.

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by LurkerMan

“a half-hour lecture on the fact there was no such thing as an incurable illness, doctors should never be trusted, that my problem was that I did not have God or faith in my life so therefore was ill as a result”.

imagine you were ill, and someone said that to you.....
I believe in miracles, but they are by far not a right granted by God to his people! It's not the first part that I find's the ASSUMPTIONS the guy makes afterward...
doctors are useless.......well, that is just his opinion, it is not shared by many christian groups, and I think most christians in the US do find doctors useful.....
so, this guy is telling a sick person that doctor's are useless, and shouldn't be trusted!!
then he goes on to say.....
the person was sick because they didn't believe in God, or have faith....
quite an assumption there, isn't it?? I mean, Job had faith, had God, and still, he was left to remain suffering with sickness...

all in all, it's kind of presumptuous at best to assume that this person wouldn't be sick if they just believed your way, did what you thought they should be doing, isn't it?? that's the superiority complex coming out....

would all christians deliver such a message to a sick person, of course not!!
but, well, the person you are talking to might actually have a closer relationship to the creator than you ever dreamed of, the sickness might have a purpose behind it that you cannot comprehend, they might be relying on THEIR FAITH just to get them through this day....
you shouldn't just chuck it all to the side, judging it as inadequate, or not good enough in God's eyes. we are not God, don't have anything close to his understanding, and well....I am pretty sure that God can speak for himself when he choses! this was a unchristian way to address this problem...very liltte good could have from was a hurtful thing to say!
I would have been offended....
and.....I have heard similar statements being made in some of the churches I have been in....

and, I find it hard to believe, in a country that has so many churches in it that I can't travel six blocks in any direction without passing one would have a genocide on christians anytime soon...
I can't foresee such a thing happening in my lifetime....

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 02:44 PM
Could you slander an entire group of people by the words of one any worse if you tried?

It's ridiculous that you are using this article as a launching pad to prove? persuade? people to believe that all Christians operate in this manner or worse that Christianity is somehow defined by a man on a crusade that erroneously took his soapbox to work.

I agree with you that he was wrong. So you've proven that there is yet another ill-directed person running amok in society.

But then you move on to your "man in the sky" bit and frankly this man's words have nothing to do with proving or disproving why even bother unless you are purposing tangling a carrot in the hopes of getting the religious folk all riled up over a non-issue.

The majority of people agree that religion has no place at work. This merely solidifies that statement and nothing more.

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by The Djin

We are to pray to Jesus/Yeshua in private.
Don't confuse the blessing over a meal as the
same thing.

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by mamabeth
reply to post by Tiger5

"Get in touch with my accountant and I will consider
your offer."

Bless you Mamabeth you have a sense of humour after all.

The problem is some people just do not know when to cease and desist. The fact that they are Xtian is only significant because Xtians set themselves up on a pedestal. The fact is irritating people come in all denominations.

[edit on 14-8-2010 by Tiger5]

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by mamabeth

We are to pray to Jesus/Yeshua in private

In your closets to be precise M, not that one would expect poverty stricken first century jews to have closets but there you go, the bibles say what the bibles say. I didn't write your instructions but if the christians want to have me abide by them it would be kind of courteous to do it themselves.

Don't confuse the blessing over a meal as the same thing

Weird, every time I've observed christians praying (talking to the jesus yahweh god) be it in the shopping mall, the park , public offices , opening a bar or going off to war there's never been a bight of food nor a closet in sight.

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