posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 04:50 AM
In Australia, we've been subjected to garbled English for well over a decade -- courtesy of money-hungry organisations who hire non-English speaking
employees on contract for a fraction of the cost of the made-redundant Aussie employees. Many are also 3rd world call-centres/customer service
I protest any time it frustrates or angers me
and yes, I am angry that our stinking, corrupt government uses big-name employers as a means of sneaking yet more thousands of 3rd worlders into
Australia, under the guise .. the LIE .. of 'skills shortages'
that way, the government can tell the voting public that 'only 300,000 migrants entered Australia this year', meanwhile neglecting to add the tens
of thousands brought into the country by major employers such as supermarkets, banks, insurance companies, call centres, etc. etc.
' Hewwo, you Mrs Smith. Mrs.Smith, garble garble every tenth word possibly comprehensible, garble blurble, nnnkn pfg'
and they state this in a tone of voice intended to convey ' I am an important voice on the phone, courtesy of my very important employer -- who
in fact relies on your partonage, as do I, but I'm going to mouth off arrogantly anyway -- because in MY country, people who speak on the phone are
more important than the postman, the goat-herder and the woman who sweeps away excrement from the open-air toilets - and anyway, you're just a female
and I'm a man, so that means you must defer to me '
In response, on MY phone, in MY home, concerning MY money or MY purchase, I am polite as long as the caller is very polite and can render him/herself
comprehensible. After all, they are supposed to be customer-service
If the voice cannot be understood or if the caller demonstrates some of the famous sub-continental 'I am a male, so bow to me' type arrogance -- I
say once: ' I cannot understand you. Please repeat and slowly '
If they garble at me again, I ask to be connected to a fluent English speaker
If this does not solve the problem or if they adopt an attitude, I put down the receiver and write a letter of complaint to their employer .. snail
male, formal
Very often I dispense with the services of the company concerned and if provided the slightest opportunity (such as if they enquire as to why I'm
taking MY money out of THEIR hands or why I'm going to buy from their competitor ) I tell them very calmly that I prefer to deal with
companies/organisations who employ English-speaking Australians, so many of whom are unemployed because of the cheap, contract, 3rd world labour the
government has sneaked into the country (along with all the fake students, etc.)
My prerogative
[edit on 14-8-2010 by Dock9]