reply to post by TORCHWOOD
It's not just you, TORCHWOOD, Mother Earth is dying. She, like everything else in this neck of the woods, follows a CYCLE. She is born, She lives,
she dies, She is reborn. This has happened before, we live in the 4th world right now, we are looking to live in the 5th world, and let me see if we
can again destroy Her, cut down that which gives us life giving oxygen to build our houses and buildings? Pollute her waters and air, and at the same
time give all thanks for everything She gives us to a made up Godman who lives out there some place?
Set people fighting each other for all time? Let us see if again only a few will keep and hold the important information, and form secret societies
to keep all that secret from the masses, for what would they do with it anyway? If I told you right now that on a certain day the Earth would end
suddenly, and proved it to you beyond any doubt whatsoever, would you shout it from the rooftops, or keep it to yourself and secretly prepare?
I have another scenario...Say a Being from a very high frequency planet is sent here to Earth, his mission to awaken everyone to the fact that they
are not alone, and that there are many worlds out there with human beings living on them, and there is a space station near Uranus that would dwarf
Earth in it's scope and size, and proved it to you? What would you do with this information? If you were the being, how would you proceed?
Would you become a prophet, dress in robes and preach from the street corners? Would you show what you can do to everyone, and take a chance on
scaring them? Or would you join internet forums and try to get your message across that way?
Yes, your world is dying, and it is a natural thing. It has to be so that mankind's messes can be cleaned up once again. This does not have to be,
everything can change by concious thought alone. The future is not yet written, and there is no fate but what we make.