The list of disasters that you provide OP are all horrible. There has been a lot of death, destruction, and economic damage around the planet, and
each event is newsworthy and horrible at the same time.
To most people, it would indeed be logical for them to believe that this series of 'natural' disasters is building up to something, since in many
ways, they seem to be causing more havoc than ever before.
Hence, we have all of the Doom and Gloomers that focus on the fact that we are seeing horrible destruction so often nowadays.
It is sensational, and it tugs at the emotions of so many people, especially in modern society, for most of us have seen all of the end-of-the-world
movies from Hollywood, plus all of the Doom, Boom, and Gloom specials on the History and Discovery Channels.
HOWEVER, does anyone know what the global climate was like on December 21, 235,000 B.C.? Maybe the weather back then, makes the weather right now,
seem like a beautiful day at the beach?
Is it possible that a couple of hundred thousand years ago, the planet's weather was soo bad that there were Super Hurricanes, or Continental wide
forest fires? Or how do you think life was back when Yellowstone actually did erupt? Or when there were Mega Earthquakes that make the recent
Indonesian earthquake look tiny?
Did the planet survive back then? Obviously, we are all here now glued to ATS to either learn, share, teach, or debate just about every possible
topic in the world.
So the issue is not will the world survive!
The issue is will our society survive?
Will deathmatches on X-Box, or vacations to the Swiss Alps, be possible with all of these natural disasters that are occurring?
Does Mother Earth have a lot more in store for us in regards to hurricanes, droughts, earthquakes, and every other type of 'natural' disaster
What if in 2012, or tomorrow, or in 2895, the planet really gets angry and shakes loose with a Yellowstone type mega eruption, again?
The planet will live on, but society would crumble....
And it is exactly that fear of loosing modern society that makes it seem to so many people that the world is pointing in one direction of complete
Hell..our society is what is so dang fragile! There are so many plausible doom possibilities that could knock down our society right now, right this
very minute. It's scary to think about. Let's face it, the world is more polarized than ever before, with each country either loving or blindly
hating every other country around them. Or destroying themselves from wthin. Global war is possible from hot spots like Iran, North Korea, and other
Our economy sucks (I live in the Midwest USA, and yes I know, not all of the Midwest's economy sucks, but it does suck where I am), the global
economy mostly sucks, and it seems like it is constantly poised on failure, which also sucks.
The earth is throwing more stuff at us, it seems like almost weekly.
What if a bigger volcano goes off in Iceland, or another mega thrust earthquake happens, or something along those larger destroying lines? Could the
US economy handle it if the New Madrid fault line violently moved? Or another Katrina?
The level of decline for each society in the world, or for the global society as a whole, depends on the level of destruction it faces, whether it is
natural, economic, or poltical. Forward progress is halted because of so many things happening at once, both natural and human-made.
If your thread said, "Is it just me, or does (not dose by the way as in the title of this thread) it seem like SOCIETY might be starting to die
because of the increased amount of natural disasters facing us?" I might agree with your thread.
But no, the world is not going to die.
But society might. And that would suck, because while I do not have an X-Box myself (PS3 rules), nor have I ever been to the Swiss Alps, I do love
playing laser tag with my three sons, and I don't think we would have much laser tag in a post-apocalyptic society.
Be prepared as much as possible. Know alternative routes out of your city. Know how to get water, or food, or make shelter. And probably a few
hundred other little things. But learn them. But not at the exclusion of life. Learn those things as your play laser tag or X-Box, or climb the
corporate ladder, or earn a degree.
And watch for things like the tension in the Middle East, or follow Earthquake's at the USGS site , or hurricanes through
NOAA and obviously stay glued to ATS, but stop thinking every single thing that happens in the world is the end.
Society has risen and fallen so many times in the past, why are we so arrogant to think it will not fall now, tomorrow, or in 2012?
Be prepared, but go play some laser tag somewhere and relax.
Sorry for the long post, but thanks for the chance to vent all of this.
Deny Ignorance