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Originally posted by Annee
Originally posted by 547000
to believe in a God. It is peoples actions in the name of god that cause problems. And people following blindly.
More humans have been slaughtered on this planet by atheists and immoral dictators than any religion.
Hitler heeded psychic readings
Pol Pot
I think its great you had an experience and get to expand on that in your belief.
Originally posted by IandEye
Reply to post by John_Q_Llama
because religion is being part of a cohesive group and spirituality is a personal experience that can be talked about but isnt occuring in a shared group experienece.
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Originally posted by FiatLux
Originally posted by IandEye
Reply to post by sticky
I disagree with you. 'spirituality' feeds the ego as it is a completely personalized thing.
Does it really? And I disagree with you. Let`s look at the words spiritual and spirituality and see how they are defined.
Main Entry: 1spir·i·tu·al
Pronunciation: \ˈspir-i-chə-wəl, -i-chəl, -ich-wəl\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French & Late Latin; Anglo-French espirital, spiritual, from Late Latin spiritualis, from Latin, of breathing, of wind, from spiritus
Date: 14th century
1 : of, relating to, consisting of, or affecting the spirit : incorporeal
2 a : of or relating to sacred matters b : ecclesiastical rather than lay or temporal
3 : concerned with religious values
4 : related or joined in spirit
5 a : of or relating to supernatural beings or phenomena b : of, relating to, or involving spiritualism : spiritualistic
Main Entry: spir·i·tu·al·i·ty
Pronunciation: \ˌspir-i-chə-ˈwa-lə-tē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural spir·i·tu·al·i·ties
Date: 15th century
1 : something that in ecclesiastical law belongs to the church or to a cleric as such
2 : clergy
3 : sensitivity or attachment to religious values
4 : the quality or state of being spiritual
So, how does that feed the ego when the same spirit is within and without each of us? When one goes on that journey to find the spirit within, to balance the physical with the spirit, how does that feed the ego? It`s only bad, if you allow it to feed the ego, just like anything else in life.
emotionalism isn't really the truth and the best part about religion is that you have to trust that the wisest people in history have been working so that you can continue their work.
It`s the lack of trust we have in the spirit within us that keeps us tied to old religious practices of looking to "those wisest people" for all the answers.
I am sick and tired of the sense that 'freedom' means individuality.
So, in your terms, an individual can`t have freedom? Any individual can have freedom from the constraints that organized religion places on people. Though the spirit within us is the same, the physical body we walk around in, gives us the freedom to see reality differently as an "individual".
just like everything else there are good and bad fruits found in any religion but the truth can be found in any religion if you look hard enough too.
The question would be, why does religion obscure the truth? That in itself can be a good thing. It forces us to go looking for truth as an "individual", it`s where we go to find it is the main thing. Truth is within the spirit that is within each of us.
'religion' comes from the latin 'religare' which means 'to rejoin'.
The term religion (from Latin: religio meaning "bind, connect"). In todays world, it has many meanings.
you can not rejoin yourself you can only lose your self to rejoin reality.
To a degree, you are right. We all have a common individual reality. I can see you, you can see me, we can see each other. Only, what many don`t understand is, that is where individuality ends. Ego doesn`t like to believe, or even understand, that we are all just one spirit within different bodies, seeing reality from many different levels of spiritual growth.
Originally posted by slugger9787
And you need to use caution that the SPIRIT behind and producing your spiritual experience is a good and HOLY ONE.
Spirit in the absence of reason and conscience is playing with fire, so to say.
Originally posted by slugger9787
I have learned that the only people who should use we in conversation are Kings, Editors and people with tapeworms.
Thank you for your response. your input.
We is duality in speech, is is not?
speech is preceded by thought.
Hindu religion and karma in practice yielded the caste system which is dual duality (four levels of caste system). It is pantheism and polytheism and very pagan. Founded by a human.
animal spirit guides, soul mates point to "duality"
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name...
Originally posted by slugger9787
my point is you resurrected Hindu religion and dusted it off and put a new spin on it.
It is a man made belief system.
There is one religion Catholic that is God made, and before that it was Judaism.
Originally posted by slugger9787
my point is you resurrected Hindu religion and dusted it off and put a new spin on it.
It is a man made belief system.
There is one religion Catholic that is God made, and before that it was Judaism.
Originally posted by Tayesin
Man made that one too. Sure the fledgling christian faith was on the rise at the time, and it's no wonder considering Paul's manipulations and additions that convinced people it was the only way.
Follow this up with the Nicea Council where it is claimed the "priests" could not decide which books were to be included in the "Book". Which then gave rise to Constantine becoming angry and making the decisions for himself... as was not unusual for an Emperor to do at any time.
All religion is man made.
Originally posted by adjensen
What were those manipulations and additions? Paul was a pretty bright fellow, but I'm not sure that I'd peg Christianity's success on him.
You realize, of course, that the Council of Nicaea had absolutely nothing to do with the selection of what books were included in the Bible? Well, I guess not, since you've claimed exactly the opposite. Sorry, "slugger", you're wrong. Try studying history, rather than Dan Brown books, in the future if you would like to avoid such egregious mistakes.
Whoops, sorry. You're right here, "slugger." However, religion is not faith.
Originally posted by slugger9787
reply to post by Tayesin
I visited you wesite.
I am impressed that is not more than old resurrected ideas with a new spin on it, a niche market in the "altered state of consciousness" driven Emotion based belief system.
Old ideas dusted off to appeal to the New Age mentality that presupposed, since they are not at the end of selves, that they are right.
Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
Spirituality without religion is meaningless.
I laugh at all you people going around thinking you are so spiritual when without religion you have no true guidance. You cannot even understand what being spiritual is really about without the guidance of religion.
You have spirituality because of what religion (or the bible) teaches you. This idea that you can truly be spiritual without this teaching is made up by non believers to claim you can be spiritual without really having to have God in your life and actually learn and do the things religion (or the bible) teaches you.
People that do not follow a good honest religion won't ever see the difference because to them, it's all the same. Many religions or factions of them (churches) have twisted and misrepresented the teachings of the bible so that people can not find the true guidance to a correct spiritual path. This is sad and casts a bad light on religion.
Even non christian religions all base their spirituality on what their religion teaches. Without religion there can be no true spirituality.