posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 01:07 AM
The Color RED and the Human Being
Red is used in Color Therapy when life forces need to be stimulated or renewed. Red is a strong physical stimulant that will help restore vitality,
courage and self-confidence. Red activates blood circulation and the sympathetic nervous system. It helps with problems of the sensory nerves -
hearing, taste, smell, vision and touch. Red stimulates the metabolism and purification.
Chakra - Muladhara (root/support)
Location - Base of spine. (to feet
Endocrine Association: Testicles, (Adrenals)
Adrenal Glands: Related organs/systems
The Color GREEN and the Human Being
The color Green symbolizes the harmonic cycles of nature and is the main healing color. It stands for balance, harmony, love, and growth. In color
therapy it is used primarily to soothe irritation, bring balance and promote healing and growth. Green is the color of nitrogen which is the main
component of our atmosphere and which is integral to the formation of bones, muscles and other tissues. Consequently a Green treatment is excellent
for soothing soreness and tired muscles while promoting their regeneration. Green tends to have a very stabilizing, balancing and calming effect of
the entire energy system. It is the color of energy, youth, hope, growth and love.
Chakra: Anahata
Location: Heart
Endocrine Association: Thymus - plays a role in the body's immune system.
The Color BLUE and the Human Being
Blue is the purest, coolest and deepest color of the spectrum and stands for rest, relaxation, sleep, regeneration and communication. Blue decreases
blood pressure and heart rate, dissolves nervousness and stress and has a very calming effect on the entire organism. It is very effective in the
treatment of headaches and sleep disorders. Blue is also a highly effective color for meditation, communication, spiritual growth and high mental
qualities. Blue will help bring about the expression of one's creative power while bringing the individual to a state of peace and holistic
Chakra: Visshudha
Location: Throat
Endocrine Association: Thyroid, Parathyroid