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Organizations related with terrorism are promoting Michael Moore's film.

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posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by spacedoubt

Love him or hate him, you have to respect him for knowing how
to manipulate both sides of world opinion into promoting his SUPER-BIASED
piece of work. If you pay money to see this, you are the USEFUL IDIOT
he's counting on, and I really mean COUNTING, as in large piles of cash.

What happens when you mix Hollywood and France?
An award for Micheal Moore, and a lot of Jerry Lewis on Video.

Speaking of Jerry Lewis, he is popular in France, because his characters
represent pefectly, the French opinion of Americans...Goofy Buffoons with no class..

However we do bathe more often....Except for a few exceptions, like, hmm
Michael Moore... Thereby closing the mystery of the Cannes Award..

ha ha ha i love it! brilliant! shere brilliance!

posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 05:57 PM
Michael Moore, what a waste of human DNA that porker is. It was bad enough, the NEO Cons and thier tele tubby Rush Limbaugh dominated the airwaves. Now I must suffer the limp wristed left wing's version? Jesus H Christ.

I shall not go see Fahrenheit 9/11. Why? I already know enough, probably more than Moore does about what really happened. The only thing he ever touches thats semi close to base was the removal of 27 Bin Ladens from the US. Hardly even touching what really happened.

I would really like to see a death match between him and Rush Limbaugh. Hopefully both these miserable clueless morons would rip each other to shreds so my ears no longer are tormented by thier arrogant, biased whining.

Id rather terrorists watch disney films so maybe they will get pissed and blow up disneyland. That would be cool.

posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 07:28 PM
I'm not even getting into this one, but here's a copy of the Newsweek review of Moore's film.

Not saying if I'm going to see it, or not, just thought it was an interesting read. I am totally staying out of this one.

posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 09:09 PM
If Michael Moore makes a bunch of money off this film, more power to him. That's America !
No way will he make near as much money as Bush, Cheney, etc. have made off this bogus war.
I bet THOSE guys are laughing saying "suckers"!

No matter what Moore's motivation is, his film contains images of our president and the people who carry out his orders behaving in a very disgusting manner, and these images themselves are not lies and should be seen by anyone and everyone whose lives are in any way affected by the Bush Admin.'s decisions and actions.
Then, after you see it, you can continue to hold them in high regard, if that's how you feel - because you're free to ! Though some people who "love freedom" would prefer that no one sees it.
I fail to see how it could be at all smart or responsible to blind yourself to criticism of our government- that's what makes us free, otherwise it's totalitarianism.
And if our enemies use it as propoganda, well, face it, the world at large despises Bush. How can we move forward in the world in an honest manner if our own allies don't trust us, much less our enemies ?

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 09:32 PM
Have you seen the film or don't you want to learn who is W. Bush, 43 of the name, little son of Adolf Hitler Banker, Prescott Bush.
This is not in the movie but this is known but in America!
That Roman terrorist, killer, sionist is to kill every one , Islam and Jews, this is what he says on TV : the world have to become Roman or we will all go to hell... Pure race...
Are you sure you know everything about those terrorists, are they real or created to take the oil out of Iraq and Saoudit Arabia thanks to the situation America brought in Iraq?
There was no terrorism in Iraq before the war and Al Qaida was only known to say Wahhabit kingdom (Saoudit Arabia) have to control its own oil, country and culture.
Ben Ladden was a friend of W. Bush but was taken out of his oil, weapon, technology, church, politic Lobby (G. Bush lobby) when he said before 1991 that he didn't admit the Saoudit oil taken away with such a speed by America.

Anyone that say G.Bush lobby war is bad and non roman is a terrorist?!!? I understand why Nick Berg was killed in Abu Ghraib...

[edit on 21/6/2004 by Alchy]

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by Alchy

There was no terrorism in Iraq before the war and

Who is buried in the 100,000's of mass graves?
Did all these people die laughing?

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by KrazyIvan

ha ha ha i love it!...

I sorta made myself laugh when I typed that one..

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 04:29 AM
How are you going to bash Moore, without seeing the movie, you're just going to read your right wing website and let them decide for you? Umm, lets see I think the mass graves had something to do with the Gulf War, its after affects, and economic sanctions in addition to Saddam treating them ill.

Do you realize that Jews have been living with Arabs for thousands of years and it wasn't until the formation of Israel and its repeated segregation of Arabs and bombings on its neighbors that probably prompted some ill-will to the un-Biblical Jews. No I don't support terrorists in Israel despite, yea, I knew you wanted to jump all over that one.

But anyway, I think this is some of the information in Moore's movie:

The second one contains other articles relating to the Bush family, al Qaeda, Reagan, Noreiga, and Hussein. Basically Bush's co. was involved with BCCI who was a top bank for terrorist funding, but Bush claimed he no knowledge of this. But, he still managed to make a but load of money without reporting it right before his company went down the drain at the start of the Gulf War. Its interesting because John Kerry was involved in the prosecution of BCCI.

Questionable Ties

Various Links to Other Related Articles

Octupus Link - Many different connections here

These are all from the first link:

After several incarnations, Arbusto emerged in 1986 as Harken Energy Corporation. When Harken ran into trouble a year later, Saudi Sheik Abdullah Taha Bakhsh purchased a 17.6 percent stake in the company. Bakhsh was a business partner with Pharaon in Saudi Arabia; his banker there just happened to be bin Mahfouz

Though Bush told the Wall Street Journal he had �no idea� BCCI was involved in Harken�s financial dealings, the network of connections between Bush and BCCI is so extensive that the Journal concluded their investigation of the matter in 1991 by stating: �The number of BCCI-connected people who had dealings with Harken�all since George W. Bush came on board�raises the question of whether they mask an effort to cozy up to a presidential son.�

Worst of all, bin Mahfouz allegedly has been financing the bin Laden terrorist network�making Bush a U.S. citizen who has done business with those who finance and support terrorists. According to USA Today, bin Mahfouz and other Saudis attempted to transfer $3 million to various bin Laden front operations in Saudi Arabia in 1999. ABC News reported the same year that Saudi officials stopped bin Mahfouz from contributing money directly to bin Laden. (Bin Mahfouz�s sister is also a wife of Osama bin Laden, a fact that former CIA Director James Woolsey revealed in 1998 Senate testimony

[edit on 22-6-2004 by Jamuhn]

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 04:40 AM
I can't speak for the others.
But I am not bashing his movie.

I'm bashing him, directly.
I've seen other films of his. He peaked at "ROGER AND ME".
Sometimes that happens in careers,
in music they are called ONE-HIT-WONDERS
he is desperately trying
to reCREATE that success.

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 06:24 AM
Who cares about the life of Moore? only those that are scared by the truth of the movie? Why are you not interrest more by G. Bush life, he is your president (dictator of Romans) and no one care about all what he did in the past, and his familly of colabo. His grand father was still Adolf Hitler Banker, so what? This is nothing... The Banker of the nazi Germans, the third ball of Hitler, the one that financed the nazi war and made people from concentration camps (Jews to be gazed) work in his firm of weapons in east europ......... and so much else, up to Roman sionists that will rise on the worlds as Bush said!

That man is not Roman as he loves to claim, this is too easy, he kills, make all people go in that made war, so he is not Roman but think he is more important than Jesus... and would save the world with a pure race of white christians and his drunk hallucinations...

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by Alchy
Who cares about the life of Moore?

Someone who feels he is an enemy contained within the borders
of the United States. It pays to know the enemy.

Maybe us "ROMANS" should throw him to the Lions?

To the lions,,,,no this would be better

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 02:08 PM
So Moore is an enemy because he criticizes the Bush administration. Hmm, I think that sort of thinking will eventually lead to the persecution of dissenters that Ashcroft and Bush are looking for.
Let me ask you question, do you believe in Michael Moore's right to free speach and press, or do you think he should be jailed for his beliefs ("enemy" is a strong word to use)?

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 08:05 PM
Sorry, not biting on that one..

He can say whatever the heck he wants.
It's up to INDIVIDUALS to determine whether he's
worthy of a listen.
In my personal opinion, he is full of BIOMASS.

Moore is not a documentarian. He is an entertainer (term used looooooosely).
He "stages" the facts, and uses soundbites out of context.
He uses his supporters as "discount advertisers".

If you love the guy, it's not my problem. Like you said, it's a free country.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 05:18 AM
Well, it seems at least Christopher Hitchens doesn't think he's worth listening I tell you what, I don't know how much entertainment value is in Moore's film, but I sure got a lot of entertainment reading this article on it! It was VERY VERY hard for me to pick my favorite paragraph...but this one finally won out:

To describe this film as dishonest and demagogic would almost be to promote those terms to the level of respectability. To describe this film as a piece of crap would be to run the risk of a discourse that would never again rise above the excremental. To describe it as an exercise in facile crowd-pleasing would be too obvious. Fahrenheit 9/11 is a sinister exercise in moral frivolity, crudely disguised as an exercise in seriousness. It is also a spectacle of abject political cowardice masking itself as a demonstration of "dissenting" bravery.

Oh wait...see, I knew it wouldn't be easy:

Perhaps vaguely aware that his movie so completely lacks gravitas, Moore concludes with a sonorous reading of some words from George Orwell. The words are taken from 1984 and consist of a third-person analysis of a hypothetical, endless, and contrived war between three superpowers. The clear intention, as clumsily excerpted like this (...) is to suggest that there is no moral distinction between the United States, the Taliban, and the Baath Party and that the war against jihad is about nothing. If Moore had studied a bit more, or at all, he could have read Orwell really saying, and in his own voice, the following:

" The majority of pacifists either belong to obscure religious sects or are simply humanitarians who object to taking life and prefer not to follow their thoughts beyond that point. But there is a minority of intellectual pacifists, whose real though unacknowledged motive appears to be hatred of western democracy and admiration for totalitarianism. Pacifist propaganda usually boils down to saying that one side is as bad as the other, but if one looks closely at the writing of the younger intellectual pacifists, one finds that they do not by any means express impartial disapproval but are directed almost entirely against Britain and the United States �"

And that's just from Orwell's Notes on Nationalism in May 1945. A short word of advice: In general, it's highly unwise to quote Orwell if you are already way out of your depth on the question of moral equivalence. It's also incautious to remind people of Orwell if you are engaged in a sophomoric celluloid rewriting of recent history.

You get the phat-bastahd

Unfairenheit 911

[edit on 6-23-2004 by Valhall]

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 06:10 AM
Like him or hate him, Moore has earned his place in history.

And before anyone dismisses that place as a mere joke or footnote, consider the public mockery and resistance nearly every revolutionary artist endured during his life.

Off the top of my head, another fat baztid comes to mind now studied in every Film & Media Appreciation class from now until the end of time, Orsen Wells.

Whether you're talking about his 1938 broadcast of War of the Worlds that spawned public outcries for his head and politicians rewriting communications law to deal with such subversives or 1941's Citizen Cane which drew public mockery over never before seen techniques (Rosebud
) and political efforts at suppression because it's statment was based in the FICTIONALIZED account of the life of powerful media magnate William Randolph Hearst, one has to admit Moore is in fine company being so hated and so masterful at being controversial.

To open a DOCUMENTARY railing a SITTING President in over 800 theatres is unprecedented. Even if we think it's awful. Even if it's all a lie. It's historic, and long after Bush is just another dead President, generations of artists and filmmakers to come will study the work of Mike Moore and be inspired to change the world.

If you step outside the politics and really take an objective perspective of Moore's accomplishment's you'd understand why he deserves the Cannes. To be recognized for changing everything in your own life is truly amazing and rarely done.

Compare that to artists mocked even on their death beds we now praise as misunderstood genius. I shouldn't have to list examples, it's pretty much all of them.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 07:52 AM
To those of you criticizing Michael Moore's movie:

Considering it hasn't been released yet, you're an idiot. Unless you've SEEN the whole thing and can judge, then you're really just wasting all our time criticizing it, since most of it is conjecture.

I'd rather watch Michael Moore's take on the War in Iraq than Disney's or Turner Communications or any number of mega-corporate mainstream media. And considering I don't just automatically 100% believe everything I see and hear, I'm not too worried that it's going to turn me into a mindless America-hating zombie. It's called getting a new perspective, doesn't always have to be a BETTER perspective, just different.

So if you don't wanna go see it, don't go see it. As for the reasons you don't want to see it, I can personally say that I don't care what close-minded people have to say, so save it.

And as for this film promoting terrorism, WATCH IT AND THEN DECIDE.

Doesn't Rambo promote terrorism? James Bond, too? Acting above and beyond the law and killing bunches of people?

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 08:03 PM
About the pacifists that say bad things against US or Britain, he was speaking about those who say US is an impire. He didn't understand goods can be also bads even if they love him, every one is wrong one day or an other.
The world really don't admire America but know it have to do with and fight every day against its imperialism you are not told in your country.

In 1944 America came in Europ with new euro dollars we didn't admit, Mashall plan that made so much money to america and put its firms in europ (they were already in east europe annexed by hitler who put them here), no Jews allowed to go to US after the war (just a few ones) and so more you should know, people... Read History, not the one in school books, the real one that don't appear in American medias.

We know what fashism is. It's faith is wonderful and reconfortable first with a logic of a safe world, then it become war against those who are different and don't agree, in a democratic and patriotic way...
KKK, nazis and Bush might be linked. This have to be proved to be right or wrong, but I really don't know how. History book? History of the 1000 years of the Bush familly and tradition?

It is so long they are linked and prepare there coming back. We won't see nazi signs, but it will be knew and unsaid.

[edit on 25/6/2004 by Alchy]

[edit on 25/6/2004 by Alchy]

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by Muaddib
The Guardian of London is reporting that organizations related with terrorism are promoting Michael Moore's film Farenheit 9/11, in the United Arab Emirates.

The terror-war supporting organization Move America Forward released a statement today saying the news about Hezbollah proves a contention it made about terrorist endorsement of Moore's award-winning documentary.

Earlier this week, Move America Forward Vice Chair Melanie Morgan declared: "It would be more appropriate to have this propaganda shown at al-Qaida training camps rather than American movie theaters."

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

The organization later released an apology for Morgan's statement, saying she didn't go far enough in her criticism.

Related News

Theaters wary of Michael Moore film

Move America Forward

Hezbollah supports Michael Moore�s �Fahrenheit 9/11

Most people don�t realize that the organization called �Move America Forward� is actually behind this hoax, they are an organization manufactured by the Republican Party. The Firm Russo, Marsh & Rogers; who received $2,475,223 in payment from Republican politicians and nothing at all from Democrat politicians, was launched in June 2004 claim, quote �to be a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization.� Unquote. They have been involved in over 350 campaigns at local, state and federal levels. quote �At RM&R we think outside the box and don�t stop until you win. There are no simplistic formulas, creativity is essential. With our strategy and skill at implementing the right tactics. RM&R is a proven organization with a solid track record of winning races unquote. The claim that has been used that Hezbollah supports this film was made by an anonymous phone call, gee I wonder who that was? This is the same group who organized the recent campaign to recall California Governor Grey Davis they have launched a campaign to harass the owners of movie theaters that are planning to show Michael Moore�s �Fahrenheit 9/11. Some have reportedly received death threats.

The pro war groups are aided by public relations companies with millions of dollars to work with, they are trying to trick people into not seeing the movie.
Mr. Moore�s movie is the real deal what he reports has been documented, it�s been in world newspapers and in the governments own records. The Administration does not want the American Joe and Joanne public to see or read about it.

There are a lot of companies and organizations out there that want an ongoing war and will stop at nothing to get it and, they don�t want us to have the freedom to see it, they don�t want us to have the freedom to make up our own minds, they don�t want us to have the freedom to choose what we will know, and most of all they don�t want us to know that it was all lies. You don�t have to agree with what is in Mr. Moore�s movie but you must have the right to have that choice.

The DNS registration debacle
The Move America Forward website is available at two internet addresses:
The .com address was first registered using this information [10]:
Russo Marsh & Rogers
770 L Street, #950
Sacramento, CA 95814
Administrative Contact:
Lorenz, Douglas [email protected]
770 L Street, #950
Sacramento, CA 95814
916-441-3734 Fax: 916-441-6057
Technical Contact:
Lorenz, Douglas [email protected]
770 L Street, #950
Sacramento, CA 95814
916-441-3734 Fax: 916-441-6057
Registrar of Record: easyDNS Technologies, Inc.
Record last updated on 18-Nov-2003.
Record expires on 18-Nov-2004.
Record created on 18-Nov-2003.
After the above registration was exposed and discussed on the Internet, on 12 June 2004, the .com registration was changed to the following information, which makes no mention of RM+R and uses a mailbox address:
Move America Forward
P.O. Box 1863
Sacramento, CA 95812
Administrative Contact:
Kaloogian, Howard [email protected]
P.O. Box 1863
Sacramento, CA 95812
916-441-6197 Fax: 916-441-6057
Technical Contact:
Kaloogian, Howard [email protected]
P.O. Box 1863
Sacramento, CA 95812
916-441-6197 Fax: 916-441-6057
Registrar of Record: easyDNS Technologies, Inc.
Record last updated on 13-Jun-2004.
Record expires on 18-Nov-2004.
Record created on 18-Nov-2003.

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 11:37 PM
Wouldn't suprpise me one bit with all the Anti American drivel Moore's been spewing....
What a pig...

Why doesn't he leave America??? Because he wouldn't be able to do the things he does in America in a socialist country thats why..

He can bitch and complain but he can't get the # out..
And he bitches about all the tings he hates about the nation but yet applauds the commies and socialists around the world but can't go there to live...

What a joke...

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by RANT
Off the top of my head, another fat baztid comes to mind now studied in every Film & Media Appreciation class from now until the end of time, Orsen Wells.

You say this all the time and try to make us all smile and believe it.
Yes you may have a point that what he did was historic but that doesnt cement your place in anything until after the fact.

Heres my new statement Im gona drop in every sports conversation from now on and try to make it sound like the holy gospel:

"Fred MgGriff belongs in the hall of fame when he finally hits 500 homers"

Now why is this bs? Well I dont have a vote for the hall of fame nor does doing something historic automatically make you a lasting facet of your genre of expertise.

Quit trying to sound like some uber film educated god who instantly knows who will and wont be in Media classes 20 years from now on.

You can have an apology in 30 years if, IF michael moore is discussed on the same level as Orson Wells.

There have been porn producers who have done historic things with the ammount of people having sex with one person but you dont see them discussed in college media classes.

Take your liberal worship elsewhere and go watch Citzen Kane again, it seems you have forgotten what good cinema is!!

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