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Starvation-Minnesota Starvation Experiment

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posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by Reconer

I'm not sure that I get the point of the thread, OP. I am absolutely grateful to live in this country and I thank the Lord every day for my good fortune in being here. I have said this before and I will probably say it again, and again. Survival=proper location+food storage+proper equipment+proper training (skill sets)+a brain (with a plan). I see people post on lots of sites that say that they want to survive, but they don't seem to be doing anything about it. If you are worried about starvation, how is your food storage program? I moved to a rural location 20 years ago, and no, it's not too late to move. I have over the "easy years" stockpiled food, equipment, developed skill sets, and made plans to not starve. We raise a lot of our own food with vegetable gardens and animal husbandry, and are on schedule to be as self-sufficient as one can be. Off the grid (utilities, not that Freeman BS), 25 acres and a lot of like minded people around us. Sure, I can go out in the woods and survive, if I had too! That's why I made plans to not have to do that! I also have a Plan B. If those fail, then tough, I'll get over it and survive. The question that I have is "if you (the general you, not you, specifically) know it is coming, why don't you make plans for it to not be, as bad as it can be"? I truly do not understand this state of mind. Sure, anything can happen, that's why we buy insurance. I bought survival insurance and thus hope to not starve to death. Anyone can do what I did. Move, you only need an acre or two to raise more food and animals than you can eat. Make a plan and start it out on day one. Every week when you shop, buy an extra can of this, an extra can of that, another bag of that and so on and before you know it, boom, food storage! I don't know when or what is going to happen, but I made a thought out plan and implemented it, so as to give my family and myself the best opportunity to not starve but to survive. Best Regards. 2cents

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by Mythic Chris
The rules of 3 are
three minutes without air, three days without water and three weeks without food.

And there is another one, though I won't assign it an arbitrary number;

People will let them selves starve for want of something they would kill you for if their child was hungry for it. Children change everything.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:50 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

I have to agree with this. Without going into too much detail - there was a man in my life who was violent and I was afraid to put up a fight UNTIL he tried to beat my son! He decided it wasn't worth the retribution. Hell hath no fury like a mother protecting her child, be it danger, starvation, whatever.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by SeenMyShare

When we are put into situations where our offspring are in harms way by a given source...we turn into bigtime warriors. I think its some type of survival-of-the-species mechanism. If we didnt protect our young then there goes our chance at a lineage. Either way...its hard to fight something like hungar...if the food isnt there then whats to fight except suffer and possibly die.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by TripodXL

The point is in any survival situation its not always the gear you have, or the food you store, or how much ammo you have...its the mental implications that arise in a real world "survival" situation which is coming very soon and has already started for numerous persons across the planet.

Using some of this highly documented case-work information you can reassure yourself that your not crazy when you act like some of the people did in this experiment...getting you through toward the next meal for you or your family..thus "surviving."

Les Stroud wrote in his book "Survival"..."the irony to being out in the woods surviving is that once your there all you want to do is get back home to a clean warm house."

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by bettermakings

Saying that someone with a high body fat percentage will die faster than someone with a below-average body fat percentage is just plain untrue.

That goes against the REASON people get fat in the first place, because your body stores excess energy as fat, to be used when there is no food available. Look at bears who fatten up before hibernation. You think the skinny bears would last longer? They won't.

If you are going without food for long periods of time, people with more fat and muscle will last far longer. At first it will be more uncomfortable for them, as they are used to a higher level of food intake, but after a week without food you seriously don't feel hungry anymore. When I was a child we would go a long time without food, after 4 days or so honestly I never felt hungry once.

If someone has a medical condition obviously that changes things, but just because someone has some extra meat on their bones doesn't mean they are horribly unhealthy.

It is a proven fact that people with more fat and muscle can last longer without food than people with less fat and muscle. There really isn't anyone debating this beside you, since as I said, it's the reason people get fat in the first place, that fat is used when you don't have food to eat.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by Mythic Chris
The rules of 3 are
three minutes without air, three days without water and three weeks without food.

I noticed you don't have a signature. I think your above statement is so pertinent to all members of ATS that you should consider adding this as a signature! Excellent info to remember!

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 04:26 PM
OP.. youll find this interesting I think..

Throughout my adult life I have always looked physically fit outwardly.. genetics I guess. When I was younger I stuffed my mouth all the time.. as in constant eating. It was nothing for me at 5'4" and 120 lbs to eat 4 or 5 hamburgers and a large fry at a sitting when my friends had a McDOnalds salad. WHen I was in high school I was undernourished looking and looked like I was about 12 yrs old at 18... but I ate an enormous amount. I was accused of being a purger more than once which made me rage. I was just hungry and couldnt gain weight or grow up! SOmetimes just stomach churning, painful, "make you mean" hungry. Id make an entire mixing bowl of mashed potatoes or mac n cheese and eat it all myself. It was truly a joke in my family and people hide the boxes of ding dongs or twinkies because I honestly would eat the entire box. I never threw up or anything.. no purging! LOL! I was just honestly starving hungry all the time. Im NDN and my grandma was convinced I had a tapeworm because I was an eating fiend.. made me sit in a chair for hours without food and with a glass of warm milk under my nose to draw this mythic tapeworm out. LMAO!! I drank the milk, she got mad and called me the equivalent of an "empty vessel".
I had notoriously bad digestive and intestinal issues that I swear fit the description of IBS... but it wasnt.
If any of you have the symptoms or have this diagnosis... dont trust it completely.

WEll, in my late 30's we switched over to an all natural, free range meats, and whole/live foods diet. Its not to lose weight because if I lost any more Id not be in a healthy state. Amazingly enough, when you actually eat what your body NEEDS and not crap filler food which seems to be the common American diet.... you are satisfied and your body is happy. In specific, your digestive system is happy. I eat one or 2 meals a day with a lot of smaller balanced snack type meals.. my main meal is breakfast and not dinner ( dinner is small and light, most of the time a live food type meal. In the summer I just walk out to the garden and pick my dinner of berries and veg.). If I make a bison roast or whatever for the husband and kids who are not like me in my habits and are of other body types ( he is white) .. I eat the dinner in the morning the next day usually. In total I try to eat the one large meal and 5 or 6 small snack meals.... and I am no longer hungry all the time! When I eat.. I eat good food and my body isnt saying GIMME MORE. My portions are also a lot smaller than I used to eat. Another added benefit was my brain actually "woke up" and functions a hell of a lot better when its being fed properly! Some things I cant get where we live now and I supplement.. fish oils in particular. I use Krill oil. A glass of kyogreen will make your body much more happy than a protein shake... I assure you.

I believe with the empty foods, gmo , franken foods : I was consuming, but starving. Its a wonderful feeling not to have that urgency to eat 24/7! Im really convinced the fat people in the US are malnourished and their organs are starving.. and storing up useless things because they are always in a state of nutritional famine. The idea that the FDA has the ability to come up with a nutritional plan for everyone is ludicrous.. and the odd cultural demands of the US and the meal schedule is doing no one any favors.

The OP has great points and info! Love it, but also look into your ethnicity and see how your (recent) ancestors ate. Ive found that the greatest help to me being actually nutritionally satisfied and being healthy. Obesity on the Rez is horrible as well as the things that can be aided with diet like heart disease... due to adopting an anglo diet and being forced by the great FDA to follow these odd guidelines.

If you cant control anything else.. you can control what food you eat.. but I warn you.. its incredibly expensive to eat like a human should eat. Its by far cheaper to eat McDOnalds every meal... and thats shameful as well as criminal. The up side of this is that the more of a healthy state you are in with the real foods.. the less you really require.. or even want.

Fitting in with the survival issue.. if we ever come to that point,which I believe will be sooner rather than later : the "fat" folks will die quickly.. their fat is not a good fat and their habits will kill them. They have made habits which they will try to maintain and they will starve when they cant find these things they are used to. We dont require anywhere as much food as we buy and consume.. what we require are more REAL foods. Dont be foolish and "stock up" on canned ravioli and junk. You wil never be able to stock up enough to maintain yourself or family when you are consuming large amounts of trash just to stop the hunger pain or desire for more and more food to satisfy. Llisten to your body.. the things we put in it are not what it needs and it will keep crying out with hunger or states of disease. Grow your own and can it. Learn to enjoy live food you pick and eat.Forage, hunt... buy from hunters or order onlline at free range farms. Change your habits.. its fun and youll be surprised how your body thanks you for it by giving you increased energy/stamina, mental clarity, and a sense of wellbeing. I wish Id have figured this out much earlier in my life!

u2u me. I can even tell you how to can or dry your meats.Search ATS.. there is priceless info on here concerning true survival and food.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by James1982
reply to post by bettermakings

Saying that someone with a high body fat percentage will die faster than someone with a below-average body fat percentage is just plain untrue.

Its very true.
There is an old saying, " the skinny rat will bury the fat". There are sound scientific and cultural reasons for it.. that are easy to find if you research it. Unless you buy into the whole FDA scam and explanations/justifications for the American diet producing morbidly obese people at a rate that the rest of the world doesnt
By the commonly parroted explanations for it.. Ethiopians should be pretty "sturdy", given they consume a diet of starches, fats, and etc while in a state of starvation.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 01:22 PM
I just checked this after a while. It reminds me of when the "expert" British were making bets on how fast Gandhi would die when fasting. Their longest bet was 10 days. After 40 or 50 days the skinny little Gandhi survived fine. Hasn't anyone ever read "rational fasting"?

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