reply to post by Red Cloak
I wanted to reply to your findings and state that I feel you are completely accurate in many ways.
While what may be causing it is something I do not claim to know, I have my own suspicions and in that vein I thought, I would add to your posting by
giving you and others some other matters to consider or to perhaps affirm in your own observations about the same subject matter.
I think that for many years now, we have been involved in weather wars with other nations that also possess weather weapons or acquired them over the
past 10 yrs. The use of such secret technology is being used in place of nuclear weapons, or conventional bombs to attack those that we are trying to
coerce or dominate for whatever political reason is being used to justify an attack.
For years now, the world"s weather has been visibly different, but not in a way that appears natural or cyclical. Historical records prove this
point as you and others have found.
In this day and age, I think that secretly funded weather technology is being used to create natural world disasters by altering rain, temperatures,
storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, mudslides, and all the things that can be blamed on for natural causative blame. It is what is called
disaster politics and or disaster corporatism. Greed in the accident and greed in the cleanup. Add in eugenics agendas and it serves as a good
vehicle for many covert agendas.
All the while the weather and disasters distract the public, the politicians play the warming planet card and that could be the staged lie needed to
cover the fact that such weather technology cannot be used without it increasing temperatures on a consistent basis based on use. Since weather wars
have gone full time, the planet has been warmer for it.
This is why if they knew and they did, of that I am certain, the long term impact would be affected, as such, conspiring to alter thermometers would
be needed to prevent proper scientific findings to be considered or discovered. At present, any scientist will tell you that the data does not
support what is going on and in that regard it implies that the weather is being modified by us and or by the list of of those attacking us using such
similar technology.
We attack them, they attack us, and in such a way they can wage wars in silence all the while never having to raise the subject except to comment
about some natural environmental disaster or phenomena which they conveniently blame on global warming due to carbon and then solicit funds to help
with the tragic recovery process.
It's quite an elaborate plan, but the thermometers you find funny are and the deception is real. Just have to think outside that box a little bit
more. Dont know where it will ultimately lead us, but being aware of it is proof that you are more awake than most.
Thanks for the posting. Great subject matter posting. Keep up the observations.