posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 08:05 AM
I will be starting the next writing contest ~2 weeks from today. Of course it's going to concern general horror and mayhem ala the usual vampyres,
witches, Freddie Krugers et al, but what I'm asking of the membership are the following:
1) Should there be a particular theme or will we go just 'generally scary'?
2) What should the
minimum word count be? The last contest was 500 words and we had a brilliant group of submissions.
3) Should there be a
maximum word count? This is mainly for being kind to the judges.
(note: there is a handy
word count program available for self-checking)
For myself (to throw in my $0.02), I'd prefer a higher word count for a contest running 2 full months... say, 1000 words. I'd also not worry about a
maximum word count because sometimes I never want a good thriller to end, but tjhat's just me.
Also, I'm happy to report that a dedicated group of judges has been established for all future contests. No more worries in that regard.
Anyways, let me know what you think. The idea for a particular theme that is most acceptable via the responses in this exploratory thread will be what
I run with when the contest starts September 1.
It will end on midnight of October 31.
(note: this post contains 225 words)