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Is this a Reptoid head?? *WARNING* Decapitated!!

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posted on Mar, 14 2003 @ 04:03 AM
yeah, its an artist. Cant remember his name but I seen this pic and some of his others in a magazine last year. He does set-up photographs of realistic looking little goblin fellas. One of his pics was quite funny, it was a little goblin type thing jumping on a bed between a couple and trying to bang the wife while the husband held him off. Most of his pics look pretty real.

posted on Mar, 14 2003 @ 04:27 AM

What the hell is that!!

I tell you one thing, the entrails, or dreadlocks, that is coming out of its neck are pretty realistic.
I've been to an autopsy, i know what the spinal cord looks like...

Got to go....going to barf my cookies up!!

posted on Mar, 14 2003 @ 06:54 PM

"The possibility that an ancient reptilian-saurian race may exist below the surface of this planet is not an idea which is relatively new. This infernal yet physical race has been refereed to in spiritual and historical records which date back to the beginning of time. Ancient Hebrew history, for instance, records that our human ancestors were not the only intelligent, free will beings who inhabited the ancient world. Genesis chapter 3 refers to the "Serpent", which according to many ancient Hebrew scholars was identified with a hominoid or bi-ped reptilian being. The ancient Hebrew word for "Serpent" is "Nachash" (which according to STRONG'S COMPREHENSIVE and other Biblical concordances contained in itself the meanings: Reptile, Enchantment, Hissing, Whisper, Diligently Observe, Learn by Experience, Incantation, Snake, etc. all of which may be descriptive of the serpent-sauroid race which we have been referring to). The original "Nachash" was not actually a "snake" as most people believe, but actually an extremely intelligent, cunning creature possessed with the ability to speak and reason. It also stood upright as we've said, as did many of it's descendants, the small "saurian" predators which ambled about on two legs. Many of these reptilian creatures retained their bi-pedal form while others mutated via natural selection, adaptation and atrophication into the other "saurian" species.

The Hebrew account stated that the serpent race (at one time uncorrupted) irreparably sold itself out to demonic entities in exchange for occult powers and dominion over the human race, since the Adamic race had been given dominion over the earth and "the beasts" (i.e. all non-human creatures) by Jehovah Himself. The fact that "the Beast" now for a large part rules over man is to some extent mans fault.

These infernally-empowered beings, who once roamed the surface of the planet and preyed on humanity, were later forced to go underground and make their abode in the subterranean networks which honeycomb the sub-crust of the earth. From these nether regions they have for thousands of years been carrying out their ancient and secret warfare against God and the souls of men, whom they hate intensely. "


posted on Mar, 14 2003 @ 07:06 PM
interesting link, but inclined to agree with Lexus on the picture. Sure does look like a dead dog

posted on Mar, 15 2003 @ 03:09 AM

explanation of Charlie Whites work,

posted on Mar, 15 2003 @ 09:50 AM
To me it looks to reptile like to be a dog's head. Besides if it was a dog's head why would the flesh be green? Now is there any proof that this was that arist's work, because it looks pretty real to me.

posted on Mar, 15 2003 @ 10:11 AM
I have to say, it looks real.

After hunting for 25+ years, and shooting, skinning, and otherwise inspecting some rather dangerous animals, including javalina, a wolverine many years ago (in self defence, these are very agressive animals, a bear will back away from one), a bobcat, a cougar (again in self defence), and wild feral dogs (please note, I will NOT shoot domesticated dogs, being a dog lover, I could not live with myself if I did so. However, wild dogs who present a threat to human health and safety, as well as property and other animals, there isnt much choice) I know what most animal internal structures look like.

The jaw and tooth structure looks totally wrong for any kind of omnivore, and even for a straight carnivore, the canines would be more pronounced, the incisors would be more flattened... This tooth structure reminds me of the jaws of some predatory fish found at extreme depths in the ocean quite honestly.

I agree with Raven, the entrails and spinal cord do look too real to be a kind of fake. It looks real, but is likely something we are not supposed to find...

posted on Mar, 15 2003 @ 12:22 PM
On AllSeeingEye's post, coudnt it be possible that a smaller, more intelligent dinosaur went underground to escape the comet? they had millions of years to evolve, so whats to say that they werent there, to see a comet coming. They went underground and realised that it was better for them and they would have stayed there.


posted on Mar, 15 2003 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by cassini

explanation of Charlie Whites work,

so it was charlie white then, he makes some nice pictures pretty freaky stuff

posted on Mar, 16 2003 @ 10:01 AM
On AllSeeingEye's post, coudnt it be possible that a smaller, more intelligent dinosaur went underground to escape the comet? they had millions of years to evolve, so whats to say that they werent there, to see a comet coming. They went underground and realised that it was better for them and they would have stayed there. Posted by Xaos

An interesting thought there. If you mean to say did the more intelligent dinosaur somehow know that an asteroid was on its way and took shelter to survive it, that would infer not just a slightly more advanced reptilian, but one with very advanced intelligence.

To make such a scenario happen, you would have to infer that these dinosaurs first had a very advanced form of astronomy (not just naked eye observations, by the time dino-killer would have been visible to the naked eye, would have been too late.) including the development of observational tools: telescopes (at least as advanced as our modern ones, if not more so in order to see something coming early enough to make preparations).

It would also infer a highly advanced mathematical ability in order to calculate orbits. Without such abilities, all the observations would simply be moving lights in the sky.

Lastly, it would also infer a highly advanced societal structure for the species in question. This would be needed if an entire species were to plan, research survival options, find appropriate evacuation points, and relocate an entire population to them before impact. Considering that the dino-killer caused such a long (50-200) years nuclear winter, they would have had to do some very long range planning to supply themselves adequately to survive this.

The really interesting part of your theory is that if such a species did survive underground they would have had a 65 million year jumpstart on evolution over us humans (best estimate is that we have been around for about 5 million years). If this were true, they would be FAR advanced over us, and would likely be running the entire planet
More likely, if such a scenario were to take place, they would have emerged a long time ago after the nuclear winter, reestablished themselves as the dominant lifeform, and we mammals would never have gotten any higher on the evolutionary ladder than rats running around in the woodpile.


posted on Mar, 16 2003 @ 10:05 AM
help! I'm trapped in a Harry Harrison novel!

Anyone read East of Eden?

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