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What happened to the ATS Smoking Gun Evidence?

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posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 01:04 AM
I remember roughly 6 months ago that ATS announced they had uncovered a piece of smoking gun evidence as the result of some panel discussion. Apparently, we were all supposed to wait for the results or disclosure of this evidence. What ever happened to it? I can't find the thread anymore so maybe someone can refresh my memory or give me an update?

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 01:55 AM
S & F
Good memory.

I recall something I read within that time frame that some "jaw dropping evidence" regarding a topic (maybe the one you cite here) that I noticed while browsing. What was the topic? Do you recall that?

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 02:11 AM
It was the Mustang Conspiracy, wasn't it?

Though the timeframe doesn't suit, it was put forward as a 'smoking gun'. Perhaps it was promoted a few months before it was released?

Edit: Just saw which forum your thread is in. I don't remember anything about smoking gun evidence to do with 911.

[edit on 10/8/10 by GobbledokTChipeater]

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 07:40 AM
I remember exactly what you're referring to. Someone looked at the footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon and imagined he saw something that noone else noticed. It was something blatantly ridiculous and noone bought into it, not even the truthers, so the thread died.

Every time someone announces they've found some smoking gun evidence, and I do mean EVERY time, it turns out to be some really stupid thing they're interpreting to be smoking gun on their own. The reason is obvious- the truthers had nine years looking through garbage cans and sniffing under rocks looking for the evidence of conspiracy they're "so sure" had to be there and they haven't found even a microbe of any real proof, so the truthers have to resort to manufacturing their own.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 04:16 PM
I could have sworn it was 9/11 evidence, not the mustang ranch thing, and it was an actual piece of evidence that nobody had seen before. The evidence was apparently uncovered in an ATS sponsored think-tank type event. I could have sworn the thread was from a moderator saying the best and brightest minds on ATS found this smoking gun.

I have no idea what the thread was named...I've looked and cannot find it. I am hoping someone that participated in finding this evidence would be so kind as to direct me to the announcement thread again.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

It wasn't anything ridiculous as they would not disclose what it was. People were pissed that they wouldn't say what it was, but they said that was because it would blow the lid off the whole 9/11 OS and needed to be requested through someone unknown.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by ExPostFacto
It wasn't anything ridiculous as they would not disclose what it was. People were pissed that they wouldn't say what it was, but they said that was because it would blow the lid off the whole 9/11 OS and needed to be requested through someone unknown.

...then there must have been an additional person here claiming he had evidence that would, "blow the lid off the 9/11 event", becuase the person I'm referring said literally the exact same thing. He interpreted something innoculous in the Pentagon footage as somethign sinister- I think it was that he thought the trees in the background was a missile launch off the plane, I forget - but regardless, even the truthers here didn't accept his findings so it wasn't the ground breaking event he advertised it was.

Here's a thought for you- just how much "inside information" could any of these conspiracy people here actually have? This is ATS, not the CIA.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 09:31 AM
Why do people need smoking gun evidence? Isn’t it obvious that there will never be any sort of evidence available in that way. Do you remember ever hearing who was responsible for the Kennedy assassination, or if Roswell events in New Mexico really gave the human race its first meeting with another race of humanoid beings?

No… no smoking gun evidence will ever be produced, as long as fear of losing everything, is on our minds. Those with the power to change things prefer to keep things a secret. Political leverage as they say. That’s why even though wiki leaks might have everything we need to cause a revolution; they will not produce anything that pushed the envelope. You will always need to read between the lines ATS. But I believe that this is why you are here. You are all intelligent enough to notice that things are said between the lines. And you need to look closely to find things.

And for all of you searching the smoking gun, I say be the one to produce the smoking gun!! And have fun most of all....


posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 02:01 PM
No such announcement was ever made or implied to my knowledge.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Yes Dave! That was the one. Thank you.

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