posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 08:46 PM
I can assure you all that all these "exercizes' are the s-l-o-w build up to WW3 that Fidel Castro predicted in June.
You will find casual announcements from the MOD/DOD in each country that's involved in the coming attack on Iran, so that "concerned citizens" will
not be alarmed by airforce/military/naval activities that are being beefed up now.
The war has in fact already been started by the tactical HAARP attacks on Russia, Pakistan and China/N. Korea, to "modify" their atmospheres to
produce large scale devastation on their countries, in order to hobble them should they have attempted to go to the defence of Iran. That was a likely
scenario and so the true Axis of Evil, US/UK/ISRAEL/India, that has launched this war of world domination by force, decided to use SCALAR wave
technology to disarm these three countries that could have counterattacked.
These lethal acts of terrorism done on other countries that have nuclear arsenals, especially the dangerous act that has put the entire country of
Russia in great danger to its people and has destroyed its naval bases and nuclear facilities, is nothing short of criminal.
Oh, and I wouldn't put it beyond the possibility that the various oil spills, perpetrated in 'strategic' areas across from "enemy" countries,
Venezuela (from Gulf of Mex), from China Sea (China/N.Korea), and now Pakistan (from Mumbai-India). I don't know what the purpose of oily seas would
be for the war efforts, but I'm sure that will become clear soon.
This will not be a conventional war by any means. It is utilizing electromagnetic Tesla technologies that have never been used before.
All tactical war preparations will unfold very s-l-o-w-l-y, so that it escapes the notice of the masses.
This war was planned by the Bilderburg Group a long time ago.
The Tribe has spoken!
If anyone sees fit to bump this post into a New Thread, if you find it relevant, please do so; I'm not yet elligible to do so.
You may even hijack it from me! I would title it "Has WW3 started?"