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Stephen Hawking Predicts the End of Humanity, Again

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posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 11:11 AM
I couldnt agree more with what he says. He is RIGHT ON. If you listen to his words you just can not disagree.

We are at a critical point on planet earth, the next hundred years will either make us or break us.

The only problem with his speech is that the very same institutions, corporations and delegates of interstellar space travel will be the very same that have brought our planet and all its species to this point of no return.

People seem to want to turn their heads each time a new Nuclear reactor is built, but they do not want to open their eyes to the effects on the environment and all living species who will have to live with the debris of the plants once built.

We are still in danger of them over heating from solar flares, from devastating tornadoes and earth quakes.

At the rate we are going the entire planet could eventually become a Chernobyl.

When celebrities stars are given more aclemades than a poet or philosopher or artist we have not learned from our mistakes as a juvenile race of greedmongers and voyeurism.

Each time a being becomes enlightened and attempts to help others to also raise their vibrational frequency, the politicos have them murdered one way or another.

It becomes almost illegal to associate with an enlightened being, society is not going to allow it. Consciousness goes diametrically opposite to societies rules of engagement.

Until Science meets the New Man this one of the most beautiful and life sustaining planets in the Galaxy will continue to crumble into the ruins of our future existence.

Until Politics and religion as it is end and a new way of living springs forth from its ashes we will continue to be a destructive race destined for utter doom.

Dr. Hawking knows this, he knows that if we send delegates out into space again the human race will carry with it the insurmountable challenges and sorrow it carries today.

But will man eventually grow and learn from his past mistakes or continue to seed each habitable planet within reach and create a continuity of destruction and abandoned planets in its wake?

Dr. Hawking knows that there are visitors to this planet today that have a direct connection to this evolutionary process, the same ones who have seen the loss of untold civilizations in the post and that continue to steer the ship of humanity to its very end.

So with this known is it worth the risk to save a species or should we just allow the human race to become dust in the dark starry night sky of infinite possibility?

[edit on 9-8-2010 by antar]

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Yissachar1

if one looks at the world theatre as a whole its simply common sense to say we are all doomed war is no longer rocks and sticks our science is so dangerous our hunt for knowledge alone could destroy us HARRP cern ect..

its only a matter of time look at the oil spill we almost destroyed the source of our oxygen things are getting worse everywhere s america is on the verge of a famine provoked by the economy most are a paycheck away from going hungry and thats the stuff the government lets us know about it could be much much worse and they dont want us to know............

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 11:14 AM
I find it infinitely amusing that controversy can come from a man simply stating the logical fact that two gene pools have a greater chance of surviving in a hostile and unpredictable environment than just one.

Nothing here that cave painting folk probably hadn't figured out about fifty thousand years ago.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 11:23 AM
Here's the problem:
Two planets...twice the wars
If we leave here before we grow up...
or jail ALL the COMMIEfascistPSYCHOsocioBANKtards
and remove their DNA fron the collective Human Gene pool,

[edit on 9-8-2010 by Danbones]

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 11:24 AM
What with all the wars going on and our past history of war and greed, two hundred years just isn't long enough for humanity to have reached such a level of spirituality that more advanced, peace loving worlds would permit us to spread out to other parts of our galaxy and ultimately the universe. Right now we are nothing more than a dangerous virus that is being kept locked away in safe storeage somewhere, and if permitted to escape would soon become a deadly plague amongst all the other inhabited, peaceful planets out there. It's my belief that we are being kept under careful scrutiny, and any manned craft attempting to leave the solar system, will meet with failure.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 11:27 AM
This thread reminded me of a video I saw some time ago:

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 11:53 AM
I know the purpose behind this, its not good either. They want to declare the senseless eaters/consumers the reason for the earth's sad state, not their corporate hell and greed, and burying of technology, and poisoning the earth. And dump the karma on humanity, and plan on building very ugly citified slave camps for us, and they get earth. They are what is working with teh leaders, in underground bases, primarily.

To anyone following project camelot interviews, the overall theme that we are too warring and primitive and have destroyed our planet and will be lucky to inherit the moon, after disclosure. That kind of perpetual message you hear, it has an agenda behind it.

[edit on 9-8-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by EFGuy

Stephen Hawking Predicts the End of Humanity, Again

Stephen Hawking, brilliant astrophysicist and nefarious alien doomsday prophet, is again atop his soapbox preaching the end of humanity should we not board spaceships and colonize the solar system and beyond.

(visit the link for the full news article)

I have a conspiracy.

What if Stephen hawking cannot actually control his machine and that the machine is being remotely controlled to cause mass fear about benevolent extraterrestrial entities.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by Chamberf=6
reply to post by EFGuy

So you know the guy you are criticizing is named Hawking, NOT Hawkins right????

Give him at least enough respect to spell his name correctly while you cut him down.

And saying he made "prophesies" is just silly. He is speculating and theorizing, not "prophesying".

[edit on 9/8/2010 by Chamberf=6]

Now if you are gonna nitpick and point over spelling error, may I suggest you could at least use proper punctuation? Using capital words like "NOT" and four "????" questions marks when one single would have done the job would have made you sound less hysterical. Don't go on nitpicking errors like spelling etc least of all on interwebs.

I don't claim to be a language or literary master. The least you can do is discuss the subject at hand if it's not to hard for a english language professor like yourself.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by EFGuy

LOL Good defense of your position. (sarcasm)
Surely you can see how repeatedly misspelling the man's name you are criticizing makes your entire argument look uninformed.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 12:25 PM
Danbones and Antar are both right IMO-we have to grow as a species to be worthy to travel to the stars.
But heres a kind of catch 22 idea for you:

What if, in order to grow out of our territorial,tribal, material ways we have to be far away from home,in deep space..?

Maybe that would be the situation which caused a total rethink compared to how we behave towards one another today on Earth,the new humans-the ones on the giant deep space vessels may come to evolve/progress in ways which are impossible for us to do from our earthly perspective.

That could be the point,or our destiny.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by 11118

Originally posted by EFGuy

Stephen Hawking Predicts the End of Humanity, Again

Stephen Hawking, brilliant astrophysicist and nefarious alien doomsday prophet, is again atop his soapbox preaching the end of humanity should we not board spaceships and colonize the solar system and beyond.

(visit the link for the full news article)

I have a conspiracy.

What if Stephen hawking cannot actually control his machine and that the machine is being remotely controlled to cause mass fear about benevolent extraterrestrial entities.

That is no conspiracy my friend, you would be surprised at how long the arm is.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 01:01 PM
Being worthy has nothing to do with it. Do we want to be extinct or not?

To anyone who answered yes to extinction, please remove yourself from the gene pool in a quiet eco friendly way...all gone...ok.

If not, we need to be developing control of the solar system and spreading ourselves outward.

We live in a cosmic shooting gallery and one day out of the black our luck will run out. We could colonise mars now if we wanted. All thats missing is money.

Its sad but we may well die off due to sheer apathy.

It needs a campaign, somebody should set up a pressure group called:


posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 01:14 PM
I feel I should use an analogy to represent my previous post,

Imagine us earth bound humans as a form of sentient tadpoles,or larvae who are only semi aware of what exists beyond our view of life "underwater."(on Earth)

As our technology develops,and our knowledge increases we soon will be able to pop through the surface and emerge into a sort of higher level of existence so to speak,once we develop the ability to journey beyond our own solar system.

That could be our required path to our destiny,our evolution,our enlightenment-and maybe all three.
I just love that idea,as a possibility.

Isn't it great how we insignificant specks in the universe can discuss such matters?
We are lucky folks,to even exist in our universe,let alone communicate freely over great distances.

These my friends could very well turn out to be those "good old days" that we hear so much of.

SS over and out.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by Silcone Synapse

I misread the intent of your earlier post....sorry.

I need to chill. Go from zero to grumpy in less than 5s these days. :-(

I get frustrated that we cant bend our collective will and ability to anything worthwhile.

[edit on 9-8-2010 by justwokeup]

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by EFGuy

Yea he said 2 centuries but I think the take home message is colonize the solar system.
It really makes sense.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 01:56 PM
This isn't a technology problem, its more of a money and time problem, We can colonize Mars by 2015 if we felt like, We have the technology, we know the science.

We can do it.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by justwokeup

No problemo buddy,happens to me a whole lot

My own fault I think


We probably should not have a thread such as this without mentioning such names as Dr Michio Kaku and Dr Brain Cox.

Those guys,Prof Hawking,Bill Stone,and massive corporate donations/sponsorship.

That is how we ATS folks,and ultimatley al of us could get into space within a 15years IMO.

We Humans are explorers and innovators at heart,although we do make mighty cock ups along the way.

WE will travel to the stars and beyond,maybe not in this generation but our childrens children will be on the verge of intergalactic travel IMO.

That to me makes our place in time very important indeed,for we are the grandfathers and grandmothers of the children of the stars.


posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 02:23 PM
I'd add to that list, Robert Zubrin. He's not so famous but his book 'The Case for Mars' really makes the point of how achievable a mars settlement is.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by hippomchippo

I don't want it to be destroyed just merely pointing out that it can be destoyed at any given time.

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