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Jane Burgermeister to go to jail for exposing swine flu!

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posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by Whyhi

I did.

I think shes BS. Youtube videos prove nothing..

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 12:38 PM
As you can see from my post history that I was deeply involved in the swine flu much so that several of us left ATS due to the disinfo posters wrecking threads that were bringing information to the front lines...........

I recently started posting here on ATS again mainly due to the Gulf event.......

I wanted to just inform everyone since this thread is bringing back up the swine flu issue.........

The biggest issue this time last year was the threat of a mandatory vaccine for the swine flu. Now that the dust has settled and everyone is more focused on other issues, the swine flu vaccine is being slipped right under our noises for this fall...........

First of all, the swine flu vaccine will be mixed with the seasonal flu 2010/11 vaccine.

About two months ago, the advisory panel for the CDC has recommended that all US citizens be vaccinated without exceptions to the seasonal flu vaccine.

The CDC in its history has never gone against the advisory panel’s recommendations.

So here you have it………..the swine flu vaccine hidden inside the seasonal flu vaccine……and the potential for it being mandatory………..

I hope someone here does some research on this issue and bring it forward…

[edit on 9-8-2010 by Cloudsinthesky]

[edit on 9-8-2010 by Cloudsinthesky]

[edit on 9-8-2010 by Cloudsinthesky]

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by Cloudsinthesky

About two months ago, the advisory panel for the CDC has recommended that all US citizens be vaccinated without exceptions to the seasonal flu vaccine.

The CDC in its history has never gone against the advisory panel’s recommendations.

So here you have it………..the swine flu vaccine hidden inside the seasonal flu vaccine……and the potential for it being mandatory………..

Wouldn't it be more appropriate for you to link your sources (legitimate sources specifically) that prove your statements?

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by Cloudsinthesky

You're just stating the obvious.

When have they ever not recommended vaccination?

They routinely mix several types of flu as well. Those seasonal vaccines? They contain several strands of influenza. It only makes sense they would place swine flu into that as well.

They would of done it last fall if they had the technology and time available.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by Whyhi

I get so sick of those like you........get off you d%$#$ a** and google something for has been all over the news.................First google hit below......... %2Ffront+(

There are several articles about making it manditory.......just google
[edit on 9-8-2010 by Cloudsinthesky]

[edit on 9-8-2010 by Cloudsinthesky]

[edit on 9-8-2010 by Cloudsinthesky]

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by Whyhi
reply to post by Cloudsinthesky

About two months ago, the advisory panel for the CDC has recommended that all US citizens be vaccinated without exceptions to the seasonal flu vaccine.

The CDC in its history has never gone against the advisory panel’s recommendations.

So here you have it………..the swine flu vaccine hidden inside the seasonal flu vaccine……and the potential for it being mandatory………..

Wouldn't it be more appropriate for you to link your sources (legitimate sources specifically) that prove your statements?

I will see if I can find the emails / directives I received when I worked public safety for a Hospital. Front line workers were ordered to be vaccinated, and refusal meant loss of your job. There are reports of RNs in New York who refused and were fired.

What scared me the most was in the ER people were asked about their symptons speciffcaly to screen for swine flu, but the tests that they run specifcally for it were not used. The just lumped them together with regular flu procedures.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 01:36 PM
Looks like Info Wars picked up the story.

As did Opednews.

A lot of information came out regarding the Swine Flu but the most
telling for me was the fact that the German government was
giving different shots to the elite, the police, and the military.

2 articles, one in country, one in US.

There has been a lot of bad things going on with treatments
over the years and some of it has even been proven intentional.

They knew factor 8 had AIDS in it and shipped it anyways.

For all those who died due to this I think the ppl making the
choice to ship it should be tried for premeditated murder.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by Miraj
reply to post by Cloudsinthesky

You're just stating the obvious.

When have they ever not recommended vaccination?

They routinely mix several types of flu as well. Those seasonal vaccines? They contain several strands of influenza. It only makes sense they would place swine flu into that as well.

They would of done it last fall if they had the technology and time available.

Vaccinations have always been suggested, but never required by a UN order.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 02:14 PM
The scientists' biggest fears about this is the possibility of genetic recombination. Big Pharma makes vaccines. In order to do that, they need to support quantities of the healthy pathogens themselves. In the case of the latest flu vaccine, it is loaded with not just swine flu, but avain flu including the super deadly ultra-fast mutating H1N1. The goal is to produce one vaccine capable of protecting someone from any one of these super deadly strains. In theory, that is.

Now enter Mother Nature. Living things have a tendency to heal themselves and go on living. Including the flu. Influenza virus is an extremely successful organism that claims over a million lives a year worldwide. It keeps on infecting people year after year because it adapts extremely fast. It figures out how to attack new hosts and shrug off powerful antibiotics. All within a few generations of its reproductive cycle.

How can it do this? It's called genetic recombination. On a genetic level, the virus attacks a host and inserts a part of its DNA into a cell causing it to turn itself into a virus factory. The process causes the virus to learn and adapt to its current environment, increasing its chances of success. The thing is, influenza is capable of also learning/adapting from other influenza attacking the same host cell. They share genetic information taking on the successful traits of the other while the two transform the victim cell into a new influenza factory. The chances of this happening are almost a certainty.

Now enter Big Pharma. Didn't anyone ever tell you that profit and medicine work against the goals of the other? Of course not. That's why with all the exceptional technologies and Billions of dollars put into this industry, we still don't have cures for cancer, AIDS, Ebola, etc. There's no profit in cures. But there's windfall profits in vaccinations - especially when its deemed necessary to vaccinate everyone. Never mind that preservatives containing mercury (read poison) and other harmful substances are used in these vaccines, often in excessive quantities.

Fact: Influenza can lay dormant inside someone for an amount of time. Sometimes for weeks if not months or longer.

Fact: The new H1N1 vaccine contains swine, avian and H1N1 as well as more common flu strains.

Fact: Genetic recombination happens and is the most successful trait of deadly viruses.

Fact: People are having extreme reactions to the H1N1 flu vaccine. Just look it up on Youtube. Some people's lives have been ruined by taking a vaccine that they don't know what exactly is in it and not by choice.

If there really is a depopulation agenda, this seems to be the most profitable way to do it. All under the guise of saving lives. And these are the same mega corporations forwarding nanotechnologies. What is next? If suddenly 80% of the human population disappears, all that money won't be worth a squat.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 02:15 PM
This may sound the wrong way but I'm not surprised at all. What I am surprised at is that she still breaths. She took her life in her hands to give us more time till the next go around.

After what transprired last summer, the TPTB certainly have a lot less of the innocect trust they may have once had. I imagine Rummy is still fuming.

God bless you Jane. Keep the onions on hand people.

What should Americans do?

Burn Washington for starters. Burn it right the frick down..

[edit on 9-8-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 02:31 PM
There's more going on than we know.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by TheLoony

you are absolutely right. None of it does make sense. It is a sick world right now and it makes it hard for people like me...a parent to decide what to do for our children. This past winter we decided against the flu vaccine and we were all fine. If my fiance had it his way, our children would have no vaccinations whatsoever. I'm not sure where I stand. I don't wanna believe that they would intentionally put things in vaccines to hurt people.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 02:40 PM
Ok, because some woman i have never heard of has a video on youtube saying this and that about the swine flu vaccine, I have just to believe her without question?

ok, if thats the case, why not every single vaccination we get from birth? Measles jags, polio shot, everything. Why, if they are killing us, do it from the vaccines we all get as kids no matter what. But wait, theres more. Since we started getting these shots, guess what really happened? No one gets measles polio, mumps, and all the other nasty things we used to get, and as a whole we have a much healthier population instead of a reduced one.

Why, honestly why, would they give us a flu shot that would kill us? would it not be easier to poison the water? Oh wait they do dont they, all that flouride. Except where i live it isn't added to the water. And guess what, my grandfather lived in an area that did get it and he lived till he was 84.

I have a better idea, ask this nut job, see what he says about it

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by stephanies-chase

you are absolutely right. None of it does make sense. It is a sick world right now and it makes it hard for people like me...a parent to decide what to do for our children. This past winter we decided against the flu vaccine and we were all fine. If my fiance had it his way, our children would have no vaccinations whatsoever. I'm not sure where I stand. I don't wanna believe that they would intentionally put things in vaccines to hurt people.

I imagine a very sweet lady. My Mom and Dad use to tell me when I was little. "There were no such thing as monsters". Sadly they believed what they were telling me. They were so wrong.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 03:54 PM
Her in New Zealand (in our winter) we appear in the midst of a flu epidemic, called "swine flu" by the authorities and so far 2 people have supposedly died. Of interest is that after last year's publicity about flu vaccines, this winter there is virtually no public health publicity.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 03:58 PM


posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by IntastellaBurstI don't think it's fair to ask for defense funds while not disclosing what she's defending herself from.

I spent a lot of time researching Jane Burgermeister the first time she was in the news. It is my understanding that the legal team she claimed to have turned out to be one person who is not an attorney. That person accepted $6000 from someone by the name of Elizabeth Book for whatever it was he filed. On July 24 of last year, Jane put out an appeal to Americans to actively intervene during NLE '09 (National Level Exercise) of FEMA and Homeland Security units if people saw any signs of their following orders from the UN/WHO to begin mass vaccinations and detentions. I think this was inappropriate advice from her. Also, Joanne Cremer, who actively supported Jane by leading a Facebook group, was asked to solicit money from the group members, which had become international and numbered 7,000 people. During a radio interview, Joanne shared her very bad experience dealing with Jane about this request. Jane had resisted answering inquiries from Joanne concerning the details of how any funds raised would be utilized. Also, Jane issued 5 or 6 emails to Joanne regarding the use of "gorilla warfare." After Joanne realized she had to terminate her support for Jane and announced this, Jane accused her of association with mass murderers, pedophiles, satanists, etc.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 04:26 PM
For those of you that don't know,last year live avian flu was mixed in with regular flu vaccines and shipped all over. One scientist or doctor used an old method of injecting ferrets with the shots and they died. You are not advised to use this method any longer. The ferrets that died contacted avian flu.
Avian flu or any other thing doesn't get in those vaccines by it self and for someone to sneak it in there is nearly impossible. This was premeditated.

The cases in the Ukraine were virtually blocked in the media in the U.S.A.
They posted the news and deleted them in all of the media a few hours later in ALL of the main stream media, all that was left was the news on blogs and forums.
We were warned about what was going to happen in the Ukraine by Joseph Moshe and now he is locked up. Even though it got leaked out, they still went ahead and did it, exactly as he said, same location same disease. Days after there were weird people asking in blogs and youtube videos "Do you know who Joseph Moshe is? send me a private message if you do", that freaked me out and I decided not to type his name anywhere.
There supposedly was an investigation going on about the WHO pushing the vaccines just to make money for the drug companies.
There is even a recording on how they were going to push the vaccines by saying that there weren't enough vaccines for everyone and that is exactly what they did.

Now I remember why some on this thread are in my ignore list.
RESEARCH this information and look at the facts and evidence, don't just talk without knowing anything about what happened..
And NO!!!!, I'm not going to provide you with evidence, if you care at all look for it yourself!!!

Edit: Also, if you had the flu, you were not tested for swine flu, you automatically had the swine flu, this was to push the numbers up for swine flu and make it the pandemic that they wanted.
We were also warned (to me it sounded more like threatened) by the woman that is the head of the WHO that the swine flu would come back and stronger.

[edit on 9-8-2010 by Elieser]

[edit on 9-8-2010 by Elieser]

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by KilIuminati

I thought OJ was a great football player but I wouldn't of donated to his legal team either.

This lady didn't save my life, ,... I don't know much about her, but I certainly would like to know what she's accused of before I blindly throw money at her.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 05:02 PM
This woman saved a lot of lives and brought this to the public view. This event pushes me firmly into a position of resistance. No longer can I believe in what is told. But then i stopped that over a year ago, better late than never.

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