posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 12:10 AM
I worked for a warehouse company about 8 years ago, and one of the warehouses they owned was reputed to be haunted. A few people claimed someone died
there, but as far as I know that is not true.
While working there, I had two unusual experiences that I have no rational explanation for.
The first one, I was sorting through some boxes, and I heard a voice call my name. I looked around, and while there were people in the vicinity,
nobody was paying the slightest attention to me, and nobody was close enough for me to have heard them, because anyone speaking with the low volume I
heard in the voice could not possibly have been heard from as far away as my coworkers were. I heard the voice call my name again, I think maybe 2 or
3 times; same thing. I simply shrugged it off as having imagined it, and thought nothing of it for a few weeks.
At that time I had no idea that the warehouse was supposed to be haunted. Later, when a coworker told me about the ghost that supposedly lived there,
she said that one of the things it did was to call out people's names to them. I told her about that, and she seemed almost jealous, beacuse
she'd never seen anything weird happen there :p
The second one, I was cleaning up for the day in my area and went to turn off the radio. I flipped the 'off' switch. It kept playing. Puzzled, I
unplugged it. It kept playing. I checked for batteries; there were none inside. I turned the volume down to zero and tried changing the station;
there was no change. I knew about the ghost at this point, and figured that if something paranormal really were responsible, I'd just leave it on
and not mess with it :p I left the area and came back a few minutes later, and the radio was off. Since I not only know how to use a radio, but
could build one (I studied electrical engineering, though I'd done only 1 year at this point) I know there was no way that radio should have still
been playing after all that. I figured maybe the ghost just liked whatever song was on and wanted it to finish playing :p
There was also one employee who (before I ever worked there) described once seeing something that perfectly matches the description of a 'shadow
person'. Another employee was almost killed when a loading bay door's chain inexplicably came off and the door fell; only the guy's quick reflexes
saved him. (I wasn't there for that one, either) The people who were there at the time thought he'd pissed the ghost off somehow.
(if any of this sounds familiar, it's because I've posted this story on ATS at least once before a few years ago)