posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 07:31 PM
I'm not sure if RV is real, although I leave the door open.
What I'd like to know is if there are any more or less "scientific" proposals out there for exactly how it could be working, or in other words,
what is postulated as the mechanism behind it?
And I don't exactly get warm fuzzy feelings when answers smack of too much New Age cool-aid. Sure, "ESP", why not? Or how about, "Our vast
untapped potential!" OK, yeah, but anyone really trying to think about what is taking place?
I have a personal curiosity because this is a phenomenon that some of us experience in our family "history" you might say.
My grandmother for example was an immigrant, with little formal education, and in her "ignorance" apparently practiced something like RV, according
to family stories. No, it wasn't called "remote viewing", but everyone knew that my grandmother was very good at a "game" they would play, where
the kids would hide something from her, and then she would have to find it.
She would always find it, rather quickly. She simply explained that she could close her eyes and "see" where the object was hidden, and the only
time it might perplex her, was if the image didn't contain enough info she recognized, for example, if it was under the bed, she knew automatically.
But if they were in a park, she might only be able to say, something like "underneath whatever, by a bush with white flowers on it", etc.
When I first heard these stories as a teenager, I sort of wanted to write them off as just a grown-up playing tricks on kids, you know, she was really
watching when they hid the thing, etc. But apparently, other "grown-ups" would sometimes play too, and the consensus was that she somehow could do
AND THEN, Grandma came to live with us after her mother passed away, and things got really weird, because now it wasn't just a "story". I was a
teenage kid who perhaps occasionally wanted to have a "dirty magazine" to look at now and again (no computers back then). I wasn't a total idiot,
I didn't just cram it under my mattress, my folks were pretty conservative, and such contraband wasn't looked upon too lightly.
Well, how long do you think it took Grandma to find it? I was pretty sure that a mag, under a rug, that a big heavy dresser stood upon, was going to
be OK for a bit. Nope. I wish I could have satisfied myself with my precocious rationalism, that somehow she tore the house apart to finally find
what she did, but somehow I was beginning to suspect there might be something to her "powers".
It only got weirder, and I began hearing more "stories", since at that point, she lived with us. Long story short, goodbye girlie mags at home!
She lived for a long time, has been dead for a quarter-century now, but I still wonder, because I "maybe" have a touch of this thing too, and one of
my adult sons has done "scary" things that seem rather improbable. No, I don't think we've got "ESP" or anything, but there are times when I
think "something" is going on that needs better explanation.
Here's an example of something that happened some years ago with one of my sons. He was still living with us, and had bought himself a cellphone,
and it had a camera (still kind-of new at that time). One day the wife finds his phone, and finds shall we say "private" photos of him and a young
lady, taken in our RV (as in recreational vehicle). Well, my conservative wife certainly doesn't want "any of that" going on under our noses, but
I persuade her to hold off, until the following day, because we have a counseling session scheduled, and maybe let it out then.
Here's where it get's "weird". The wife and I decide to simply "hide" the kids damn phone for the 24 hours, let him think he misplaced it,
whatever. We had an office at the time, with multiple levels of long shelves going around the walls, with tons of stuff, boxes, stacked on boxes,
etc. At the very top of one area of the highest level shelf, an area that gets little "traffic", I stick his phone (turned off of course) in a box,
under stuff in the box, with the lid back on after it's hidden. I know, sounds silly, but all we wanted to do was avoid a volatile family situation,
the kid was going through a rough patch at the time.
The next morning, I'm away, and my wife relates what happened. He comes into this room, and asks his mother if she knows where his phone is. She
says "no", and thinks it's "fine", and then, out of the blue, he reaches up and puts his hand directly into this one box (out of perhaps fifty
other possibles), and immediately pulls out his damn phone! This is an office that is locked at night, and it is highly unlikely he could have had
opportunity to somehow "search" it. My wife tells me about it when I get back, and says it was "spooky" to watch the kid, the sudden look on his
face, whatever.
I don't know, I wasn't there, but since I have done similar things myself, without "thinking" about it, I again wonder if there is more to this
Anyone else out there with anything similar? I know, too much personal here, the debunkers are going to want to have their fun, but I'm not saying
any of this is real remote viewing, it just seems strange, and sort of related. Plus, I'd like to know we're not the only ones that this stuff
happens to, and maybe it would also be nice if others had spooky old grandmother stories too.