posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 10:56 PM
Its kind of starter level.
I wouldn't recommend buying it when it can be seen for free
Since info wars supplies a much broader coverage of the story for free, and covers important things that are totally left out of this film like the
amount of oil and gas capped in the US alone, and the controlling powers that control the neocons described in this film, I would include it on a list
of references, but only as one of many.
It is good in what it covers, the problem is that the subject is huge.
If you are experienced it has little if anything new regarding content, and without explaining capped oil, opium, or the fed, then it could be
construed as actually being misleading, and while exposing the birdcage liner, it does little to expose the bird.
Again the problem is mainly that the subject matter has become almost a university level field of study in itself and can't be covered in a single
concise package.
Thanks for posting it, I hope some will see it and perhaps embark on a dedicated study of the whole situation.