posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 11:10 AM
Hi bro,
You already know that we have discovered the power of collective, focused intent.
I know it as well,
So I will be sending as much +energy and loving/healing vibes that I can manage, to Constantine. [Great name!]
Im sorry he has been given such a hurdle to get over,
but it was clearly needed, for one reason or another.
I am not holy, or religious in any way,
but I do know that "miracles" and 'Divine intervention" are very real things.
I do 'pray' in my own ways...
not in the 'traditional' sense, but it is effective.
I am close with a group of energy healers / Qi Gong practitioners in Kansas ( check out some of the medical findings for Qi Gong),
and I will also ask them for their guidance/help.
You know this is where we've been heading for a long time..
Love and Blessings to you and yours, bro.