posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 03:27 AM
The problem is that Wikipedia is partly taken over by private companies that pay people to write for wikipedia, so that THEY can control content and
also many articles have become peoples private babies. I was adding to an article about conspiracy theories and noticed that the paranormal section
only had alien conspiracies listed and so listed a demonic conspiracy theory: any theory which people think the satanists, or Satan or the Devil is
taking or has power on this world: I found it was removed and still cannot work out a good reason why because the article is now back to its old
incomplete form.
Wikipedia is full of people who feel they have stakes their claim to control over part of wikipedia, and so it is there opinion frequently misguided
which rules. But don't think well I will just stake out my claim because all areas fall under some of these peoples control. As for John Lear not
having a wikipedia page there is also a strong American bias and any appearances on American Tv is worth more than any other achievements: so in fact
he had a better chance than many others. In fact I am a professional author of many books on the occult having been traditionally published many
times, I am a member of a research society for the paranormal: the worlds oldest in fact: and I have much worse chance of getting a wikipedia page as
any guest on Jerry Springer.
In reality these people are destroying wikipedia to such a level that I feel that eventually another free open source encyclopedia will pop up which
displaces it because wikipedia has been set up in a flawed way which allowed some people to take charge of it and therefore destroyed the open source
nature. Wikipedia isn't Open source anymore and if you don't believe me try adding ten well thought out changes and see how many are there a week