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I have a proposition for you all...

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posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 09:31 PM
Hello all my ATS searchers of the truth.

I have a proposition. What if we all did one thing at a time? What if we decided that fluoride is unacceptable, and bought a water filter?

What if we cut down from 4 meals a week at McDonald's to 3?

What if we choose getting a thermos instead of bottled water?

What if we used homeopathy instead of over the counter drugs?

What if we called someone and reminded them we loved them today?

There are about a billion things that we can all do. It doesn't have to be a major overhaul of your life, but something simple, something that you CAN do, to make even a small dent in what you feel is better for yourself and others.

If even half of us put in our minds that we are going to make a difference, one of us might not make a dent but 1,000 of us can change allot. We can collectively change the way things are done, if we take the "one man cannot make a difference", to "1000 men can make a hell of a difference".

Here are some more suggestions, and you can either post a suggestion, or tell us what you will do that can make a difference. Mind you this is a collective effort, we can all do. Thanks in Advance.

Look out for signs of PVC products and don't buy them. The symbols for PVC in plastic is a triangle with the number 3 in the middle.

When going grocery shopping, buy one extra can of food and donate it to you supermarket.

If you eat out allot, try to buy your home food from a local store.

Go to a local flea market, or thrift store, there are great finds there, and your contributing to a local store.

Ask for a gift for the holidays to have a spending limit. As to lower the weight on some to buy expensive presents you don't really need.

If you live by an elderly person that lives alone, ask them if they need anything from the store if your already going.

If you have to scold an unruly child, make sure you throw an I LOVE YOU in there, you will both feel better.

If you make lunch at home, try to bring an extra sandwich or soda for a co-worker.

Before you go to bed try to think of at least one good thing that has happened today, and always know there is someone worse off then you, so be thankful for what you have. Have peace and love in your heart.

Peace to you all...

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 09:37 PM
Great post!

I already try to do a few of the things you suggested, but this is more food for thought.

Wish I could live up to your name.

Peace and Blessings and what the hay a flag too.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 09:40 PM
A journey cannot begin before the first step is taken.
Good post.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 09:47 PM
Good post and I do some of the things you listed. I shop at flea markets, tell my family and friends I love them, don't eat at McDonalds or other fast food places, etc. Its that darn PVC that's driving me crazy, its everywhere!

Add to the list:

Ride a bicycle or walk sometimes instead of driving the car.

Feed the birds and critters in the winter.

Adopt a dog or cat from a shelter.

Mow an elderly persons lawn.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Water filter, Check. Fast food has been gone. Well, water is provided already. Drugs are placebos. I Love You. Triangle 3? I'll look into that. I will not donate to my local supermarket. I only buy what I need. I don't get gifts, and telling someone to spend less makes them spend more. i always help people, elderly or not. I often use trickery to scold an unruly child, scolding lets them know they won. My co-workers are rather racist, I'll pass.

I enjoyed that. Hope you don't take offense. i love your attitude and exhuberance. People are selfish and close-minded. nothing will get through to the unconscious, so your advice is only more warranted!

crazydaisy - but I love my car.

[edit on 7-8-2010 by Myendica]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 09:51 PM
Does a filter really get rid of fluoride?

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by Jezus
Does a filter really get rid of fluoride?

I was actually thinking of this before i would like to know this as well so anyone who knows please fess up and answer thanks .

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:02 PM
Here is some info about what type of filter you need for fluoride.

Question: What kinds of water filters remove fluoride from tap water?

Answer: Only those filters that use reverse osmosis or activated alumina are effective at removing fluoride from tap water. “Brita” filters do not remove fluoride.

There is lots of info on this site pertaining to this and other hazards.

BTW, these types of filters can be found at either Lowe's or Ace Hardware, or you can check at your local water supplier.

Peace to you.

edit to add that the only bottled water type that I know of the has reverse osmosis is the Nestle brand of water.

[edit on 7-8-2010 by NoRegretsEver]

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 10:26 AM
Nice post.

I would add as a basic step. Start reading all the content labels on the food you buy. Its a geeky but eye opening experience.

Most of what we lift off the shelves is sold under false pretences.

A simple example:

In the UK we have a brand of cereal called special K. Its made by Kellogs, who make Cornflakes. Now special K is marketed as a special health weight loss cereal with a big (20% less fat) on the front. They charge more for this. By the contents of both products side by side its evident that they are identical in calorific and fat content. Cornflakes have 0.1% more salt. So really the diet product thing is a total fabrication of the marketing dept.

Thats a benign example.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 10:45 AM
The topic was going good until you put in:

What if we used homeopathy instead of over the counter drugs?

And the fluoride statement that you took out.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 10:52 AM
Nice post. I think that many smart people already practice most of what you highlighted. It's called being broke!

Many people can't afford to eat out so no fast food, flea markets and yard sales are a great way to buy items, etc. A good number of people have to live this way just to meet their budgets.

Now if we could just get them to believe the the truth about Fluoride.

Edit: add text

[edit on 8-8-2010 by sheepslayer247]

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 11:10 AM
I am i the only person who finds this thread incredibly patronising, it comes very close to saying “this is how you should live your life”. It assumes that I don’t ask my elderly neighbour if she need anything for the shops, it assumes I have a unhealthily lifestyle, it assumes I would want use homeopathy over the over the counter drugs that my doctor prescribes to me that I know work and it also assumes I don’t use the words “I love you” enough. Strongly it also assumes that I am going to change my life to benefit the collective by thanking me for this in advance. I don’t see any need for me to change my life based on your conspiracy theory about fluoride in the water.

Why would i bother donating food to my supermarket, am i missing something because it seems to me like they have lots of them. I really got annoyed when you started about when a parent should tell a child that they love that child, was starting to sound like you were telling people how to raise their children.

It’s a bit like you want everybody to be all nice and lovey dovey with each other, live doesn’t work like that. Really nice idea, unfortunately it doesn’t work in practice it’s a very naive idea that this is possible.

Sorry i hate this thread, and i am not going to change my life in any way as a result of it.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 11:27 AM
I think a lot of us here already are doing a majority of this. Unfortunatley those who just sit back eating there chemical tv dinners staring at fox news and flippin over to cnn will for some reason not accept the reality of this horendous situation. I say inform when you can and keep your families safe.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 12:01 PM
Nice thread.

Thanks OP.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 12:03 PM
This is a very important issue and it ties in a lot with this thread i wrote recently:

Together with both these threads we all could make a big difference.


posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

I already do some of these things you are talking about. I am with you. Thank you for this thread. Star and Flag!!!!

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
What if we used homeopathy instead of over the counter drugs?

While i agree with much of what you say i had to stop and get annoyed about this one.

Homeopathy has no proof, zip, zilch, zero and all of the other negative z words. If we stopped using over the counter medicine and used homeopathy then people would die, it's that simple.

But yes the rest of your message i find agreeable.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 02:23 PM

If you make lunch at home, try to bring an extra sandwich or soda for a co-worker.

That one is just wrong. Wrong wrong wrong.

I've thought 'wrong' so many times that the word has no meaning to me..

If someone at your work comes up to you with a homemade sandwiitch...are you really going to eat it?
I don't know who you work with, but I work with some really twisted people.. that special salty sauce.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by kevinunknown

Well the fact that you hate this thread is your really your own personal choice, I would never try to patronize anyone. Sometimes we get caught up in the doom and gloom and may lose sight of things are so out of control what could one person do.

This was a thread to make sure that we never lose sight, though things may not always be going in our direction doesn't mean we cant make a difference.

So considering you didn't like the thread but decided to share your feeling of anger with us, then I am sure that you've got it all under control, so good for you.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 02:59 PM
Not sure if i find the thread patronizing as much as i find it ignorantly nieve and the OPs life sees to be being looked at through glasses with rose tint, so to say..
Personaly most of the things mentioned in the OP i have been doing already for some time now..
hopefully more that might not otherwise get the idea though, will..

Originally posted by kevinunknown
I am i the only person who finds this thread incredibly patronising, it comes very close to saying “this is how you should live your life”. It assumes that I don’t ask my elderly neighbour if she need anything for the shops, it assumes I have a unhealthily lifestyle, it assumes I would want use homeopathy over the over the counter drugs that my doctor prescribes to me that I know work and it also assumes I don’t use the words “I love you” enough. Strongly it also assumes that I am going to change my life to benefit the collective by thanking me for this in advance. I don’t see any need for me to change my life based on your conspiracy theory about fluoride in the water.

Why would i bother donating food to my supermarket, am i missing something because it seems to me like they have lots of them. I really got annoyed when you started about when a parent should tell a child that they love that child, was starting to sound like you were telling people how to raise their children.

It’s a bit like you want everybody to be all nice and lovey dovey with each other, live doesn’t work like that. Really nice idea, unfortunately it doesn’t work in practice it’s a very naive idea that this is possible.

Sorry i hate this thread, and i am not going to change my life in any way as a result of it.

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