posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 02:56 AM
I don't have a link as this hasn't been reported (as far as I know) but tonight at approx. 10:00-10:45PM [8/6/2010] I was walking out to the car
with a friend and we heard explosions.
At first I thought it was thunder but more sounding like fireworks very close.
Over the treeline I see explosions on the ground (maybe 15-20 miles away) and they looked like bombs. They were definitely not fireworks or
Nor was it dynamite (I've messed with quarter and half sticks when I was younger).
Callowhill Rd, Perkasie
That's the link to the area it occurred at (as I said approx. 15-20 miles from there).
If that doesn't work here's what you can put in googlemaps to see the area I'm speaking about:
Callowhill Road, Perkasie, PA"
I live right outside of Philadelphia, I know stuff happens all the time in this/these areas, but this was nothing like I've ever seen or heard before
in my life. Feel free to try and debunk this, I will answer all questions.
Did anyone else happens to see or hear these explosions? They were almost positively small bombs hitting the ground.
Oh, and those who think it may have been some sort of space junk or something of the like - there was nothing coming down from the sky - everything
was coming from ground level up.
I've lived in this area for my entire life, and never experienced this before.
Mods, if this is in the wrong section please move - I didn't know where to put this as I do not have any pictures or video since it happend on my way
out the door.