posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 01:18 AM
Do you believe in the afterlife? What do you think it will be like? Will it be a field or plain, perfect weather, sunny sky, warm comfortable breezes
surrounded by a lush forest? Will it be dull, dark, gritty? Will it be nothing, just eternal blackness. Or, is this the ONLY LIFE we will have? Does
life cease after we cease to live here?
My personal belief is a mix of a few things: Once you die here, you have the option of hanging around, look in on others til you decide to move on,
then you get your own 'Piece of Heaven', where you create your semireality, you can relive your favorite memories over and over, or you can chose to
interact with other people that have passed on. If you have seen movies such as What Dreams May Come, or The Lovely Bones, I feel it might be a fair
mix of the two.
Thoughts? opinions?
**DISCLAIMER** This isnt a thread to debate the religious aspects of the subject, bot of your own personal opinion.