posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 01:03 PM
There is a very simple and logical explanation for this.. No need to over analyze...
Straight men are attracted to Women.
So when an object of their attraction has relations with another object of their attraction there is no choice but to find it attractive.
here is where the double standard comes in.
Most people aren't fond of the idea of sodomy. That's why people are so disgusted with the idea of 2 men having relations.
A lot of the problem stems from how we are conditioned as children. If another kid calls you gay, or homo, or fag you are insulted. Then you have to
say no I'm not and then they taunt you with it for a while.
This conditions you to hate homosexual men. It conditions you to fear them because the very idea has been an insult since the very first moment you
knew what it was.
I'm sure that makes sense.
[edit on 12-8-2010 by DaMod]