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The Grey Alien Species

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posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by stealthyaroura

People say the "saucer" and "beam" come from hollywood. . . . there is a painting by Aert De Gelder he painted it in 1710, as far as I was told, there was no hollywood then. . . . . . .


edit on 18-4-2011 by santjime because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 03:06 PM
Misunderstood holy symbolism. The golden disc represents the Holy Ghost, with the beams representing the light of God. (you may recognize the symbol more, when it's turned up and placed behind the head of a saint as a halo, showing God's favor).

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

Hmmm, interesting, thank you for the input. Do you have any thoughts on these photos? Curious.




thankyou for your insight!

edit on 18-4-2011 by santjime because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by DarkSide
I believe greys are demons (more precisely fallen angels) who deceive poeple by making them believe in grey aliens from outer space instead of Jesus.

The devil has many ways to deceive,this is one of them

do you think Satan put dinosaur bones there to deceive us into thinking the world is more than 6,000 years old?

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 05:52 PM
Here is a page from my website that examines where the greys may have come from.
I would really like you to read it so you can ponder stuff like why they are hairless:

No Hair: Initial observation would reveal indications of extreme baldness which suggests they are carriers of the gene responsible for male pattern baldness, hence bald men are deceptors and people should be wary of men with thinning or lack of hair as they may be alien spies due to their genetic similarity to aliens. Seriously though ;-) . The only (or at least mostly) hairless animals that live in a temperate climate are reptiles and worms. Are the aliens (greys) from a warm climate? Or are they cold blooded like a reptile? I'll go with the mammals here and assume it is a warm climate they are from. But, suppose they have evolved on motherships, who's to say that multiple generations of these creatures didn't live and die, living only on a mothership? Is it not feasable to think that? That they are celestial wanderers with no home but the one they tote, like a galactic RV, like the greys here on earth, invading mall parking lots near you?

So yeah, that's just a snippit and a shameless crack at self promotion.

PS, next week after some skeptical perusing, I may have a UFO pic that I took Friday night, depending on wether or not I can debunk my evidence.
Thanks again.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by santjime

I agree the pictures speak for themselves IMO and i see alien ships and high technology
at work.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:53 PM
Here is a question for you;

If you as a people found out that your species was infact created by beings not native to this world, what would you call them? For example, your gods?

Afterall god was indeed a term created to describe your creator(s).

Getting back on topic, the grey aliens you speak of are nothing more than, how can I put this, "tools" they have specific purposes for interacting where others cannot. This is why they do not require advanced biology and seem "basic" humanoids (no hair, no speech, plain eyes etc.). There was simply no need for them to have complex and varying genetic structures. Think of it this way; in your society you have 'economy' versions and 'premium' versions of similar things, the grey aliens just happen to fall in what you could consider the 'economy' range. They are fit for purpose but just do not have all the fancy extra trimmings to go with them.

Its another reason they do not respond to the countless communication requests your people have made to them throughout the years, they simply have no need to communicate with you, that is outside of their purpose.

I hope this has been of some help to you all.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 11:41 PM
From everything ive read etc, Greys strike me as robotic drones of some sort.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 11:49 PM
Interesting old thread.
As I dont believe in supernatural myths of Middle Eastern Desert Tribes, I dont believe in Demons.

Ok, Genuine feeling of hatred from occupants of UFO..?.... Understandable but not attributed only to Demons.

Tell me truthfully, what is the natural feeling of 90% of humans, when they see a big Spider, a black widow or something?
Thats right, disgust, hatred, kill, kill, kill and grab the first shoe or insecticide to zap it!!.
So how do you think the spider feels about humans? holy Ship!! a Demon!! a Monster is going to squash me...where did they come from mummy (says the baby spider, I love u mommy , wack!!)
Are we not aliens to Insects?, Fish?, Birds?, Reptiles?

According to the Nurse Mcelroy letters. .... No not my imagination, google it.
Her interview with "Avril"? at Roswell, told her that the Greys are a portal, a Doll (Android if you like), that is a physical entity to be used by an "ISBE", Which is a "being/soul creature" The Grey are, Apparently, not biological creatures as known by humans, but genetically engineered to perform in space craft, operate in hostile environments, dont eat (they absorb nourishment thru skin) dont poop etc.
They are not Life Forms as such, they are an Instrument/Doll/Robot/ etc etc of the ISBE Soul.

Which is sort of like saying that our human body is just an organic portale for our soul. (you dont have to be religious to believe in Soul/Life Force etc).

Avril told the Nurse not to worry when the "Grey" doll dies, an ISBE will just get another one.

The letters are quite involved, goes on to say that Earth is a Hell like prison, where ISBE's are trapped (presumably in Humans) and cant escape...closed minds, conditioned, etc etc you all know the drift.

Anyone who thinks making a grey Doll is fantasy, dont forget humans have been cloning for 20 years, we already GM plants and that US Biologist/Millionaire business man (cant remember name) only recently CREATED synthetic DNA...a new strain of life!!!

Anyway old question, the answer is probably locked in our brain somewhere.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by Vrill
From everything ive read etc, Greys strike me as robotic drones of some sort.

If you had happened to have read my post above yours, you would know you were right in a way.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 01:19 AM
Have anybody really experienced it...

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 04:03 AM
How about the Reptoids, Insectoids, Pledeians and Nordics? Some detailed statistics on those would be neat also.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by Vrill
How about the Reptoids, Insectoids, Pledeians and Nordics? Some detailed statistics on those would be neat also.

There may well be an infinite number of other non-earthly humanoids, it does not mean they have all been here, i am aware of the serpent men if you have ever witnessed or heard whispers of those. however i am afraid that most of the 'names' you just gave do not exist and are completely fantastical. Grey aliens on the other hand are indeed very real, they do visit, some stay, others orbit.

I do not discount the fact that there may well be a species resembling any of the ones you mentioned, but they have not been encountered by me or any of the others who were nascent with me. Ra does however believe that there is a race that exists outside of our phase naturally, and that may well have been Nascent with me and the others. He believes they interact mentally and have no physical imprint on this side, he believes they have been behind many of the human uprising's against the gods, implanting ideas and thoughts into the backs of human minds. Even we have not been able to prove or disprove their existence however.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 10:31 PM
Does anyone have any real evidence that the "Gray Aliens" exist? If not, then we are merely engaging in a fictional fantasy building exercise (as usual)

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by Turiddu
Does anyone have any real evidence that the "Gray Aliens" exist? If not, then we are merely engaging in a fictional fantasy building exercise (as usual)

You are a foolish boy, I hope you have fun next February, I will now take great pleasure in what will happen to you then.
And what 'evidence' would you like? Photo or video, so you can then instantly just say 'fake' and expect your opinion on something that was taken when not in your presence to suddenly & decisively be true.
Or perhaps government memo's, which you would then also instantly just reply with 'fake'
Or perhaps even for the beings to be shown live on television for you to simply reply 'fake' again to.
See its humans like you who hold your own population back, in the early days of humanity if you did not contribute to the society you dwelled in then you would have been killed or exiled. Its what made humanity become great, only to fall into this hole where insignificants can have a meaningless existence contributing zero to the human wealth.
Soon over population will begin to cripple all of your modern civilisations and this is when those in power and those who contribute to humanity will begin to look at those like you and not have to think twice about who to cull.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by AmmonSeth

So... in other words you have no evidence at all.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by Turiddu
reply to post by AmmonSeth

So... in other words you have no evidence at all.

You should just accept gifts and not question where they came from,
With every word you speak I look more and more forward to the pain you will suffer next february, how does it feel to know your own expiry date?

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by AmmonSeth

Your vague "threat" doesn't worry me but proves that you have no evidence for the "grays". Now go back to discussing fake aliens.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by AmmonSeth

I apologise, but this empty catastrophic goobledegook gets irritating after a while. Stop roleplaying and try a serious discussion.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:20 PM
i wonder if they go any smaller. 3.5 is small, but what if they are even smaller than that. Or is our planet housing more than one specie of alien. That would be very interesting.

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