posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 01:09 PM
"Cameron studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford, gaining a first class honours degree. He then joined the Conservative Research
Department and became Special Adviser to Norman Lamont, and then to Michael Howard. He was Director of Corporate Affairs at Carlton Communications for
seven years.
A first candidacy for Parliament at Stafford in 1997 ended in defeat, but Cameron was elected in 2001 as the Member of Parliament for the Oxfordshire
constituency of Witney. He was promoted to the Opposition front bench two years later, and rose rapidly to become head of policy co-ordination during
the 2005 general election campaign. With a public image of a young, moderate candidate who would appeal to young voters, he won the Conservative
leadership election in 2005."
This guy is as intelligent as they come! Tony dumb Balir and Gordy Brown Stain were idiots in comparison!
He did not make a mistake in his statements, we was telling us what is really going on!
If you knew Iran had bombs either self made or purchased from Pakistan you can not simply go in there and destroy the country as they SCREWED up big
time with Iraq when they claimed WMD's
Maybe the Flase Flag 9/11 was to give us an excuse to attack the mid east again with an agenda of destroying something that TPTB are not able to tell
us about!
In all probability though TPTB are just insane and want more control and this is all part of their plan of dis-information!