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Are there ETs walking among us?

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posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by Wolfenz

We genetically engineered Dogs. Genetic engineering began once we evolved.

50% comparability is not a lot. You need at least 1% or less.

Also, we know the chromosomes were joined genetically.

We did not lose 2. We had fusions.

This is also a failure of evolution. The number of chromosomes has no relationship to intelligence.

Again, why did it take 150,000 years after we evolved the human body to evolve the human brain?

This man is just absolutely distorting science.

5 million years is enough time to evolve humans.

Not to mention we are all inbreds. 1,000 humans existed when we evolved. That causes mutations.

I'm sorry, but these videos prove nothing.

If aliens existed, they would not need our genes. They would take their own and make a slave. Or they'd take whatever other species.

Why would you create a slave with free will and all that we have?

Why not just put the crow brain into a human body? And endless other questions.

The human brain is 50,000 years old. The human body is 200,000 years old.

Unless aliens are retarded, then they really screwed up.

We have 20,000 genes that make us human. The rest of the some million or more are totally useless or have viral immunity, etc etc.

20,000 genes. That's all you need.

Why leave in the other genes if they have no purpose other than immunity?

And of course.

Why not just make robots and screw slaves all together?

You can continue this in PM. Because it is off topic.

[edit on 11-8-2010 by Gorman91]

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

your right

in every culture and every religion tells about the Tree of Life & Knowledge
in every race and culture just like the Twisting Snake that sort of look like the DNA Chromosome is the Branches of Life Like the DNA Sequence Evolution Creation ?

The 2 Trees is another WHY question

Heres is a Site to Look at

Oneism (a Conspiracy site ) God Pic Tho

a few Tree of Life of the Ancients

Tree Of Life

Aztec tree of Life

Norse tree of life

Sumerian tree of Life

Good Topic
Sumarian Gods Tree of Life & DNA Angels Etc..

Ohh Look A Sumerian Unicorn

[edit on 11-8-2010 by Wolfenz]

[edit on 11-8-2010 by Wolfenz]

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by Wolfenz

I interpret the tree of life as the POTENTIAL to saying that maybe we were off the planet for a few years. But I do not believe any engineering was done for us.

Put yourself into "their" perspective. If you need slaves, you are desperate. Humans are violent and war-like by nature. Far more likely we were soldiers than slaves.

Think about it. Anything smart enough to fly through the stars needs no slaves nor resources. machine has replaced that.

You have to imagine it as a truly desperate move by a dieing empire.

I will get an example in a little while.

But mostly, if aliens did need us, it was for war, and it was because they were running out of soldiers. They found a species that was smart, intelligent, and good at fighting. So they packed us up, gave us guns, and told us to fight.

Literally every religion except Abrahamic ones tell of these great battles between men and gods, and man always wins.

My beliefs is that The God of the Abraham religions is true and is God and that somehow he lead us back to our home world after this war. IF it happened.


Here. Listen to the part about Krogans. Tell me. Does this not sound plausible for humans? I know I use video games a lot for examples. But these works of art truly are art and valuable.

[edit on 11-8-2010 by Gorman91]

[edit on 11-8-2010 by Gorman91]

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 04:03 AM
Some common sense:

The "missing link": implications of humankind not having originated on this planet. There is no evidence that humans evolved here; it makes sense we were transplanted on Earth from other planets.

There are many types of aliens, some of whom are essentially "human."

In a galactic sense, there are really no "aliens," just neighbors. Those with intergalactic travel ability perhaps travel between human-inhabited planets as easily as people with cars drive from one province/state to another.

Brother Bhaktananda of my church (Self-Realization Fellowship--we are believers in reincarnation as were the early Jews, early Christians, and present-day Hindus and Buddhists) was once asked where all the souls are coming from to create the largest population in history; were the souls being reincarnated from animals (such humans would be primitive until evolved). No, he said the massive number of "human" souls being born on Earth where from other planets.

Sound whacky and crazy? Not to me. Conventional knowledge is so limited.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by Bryon777

There is no missing link.

The evolution of man is quite clear for the last 5 million years. Beginning with a tree dweller and ending with man.

The idea of a missing link is not a only amongst creationist forms. There is none.

If one could be said to exist, it would be homo erectus.

Do tell. The evolution of man took 5 million years, and there is nothing missing. Even more interesting, the body of humanity evolved 200,000 years ago. But out brains evolved 50,000 years ago. That means that for 150,000 years, we lived in human bodies but without a human brain. Because the brain took longer to evolve.

Did aliens just pop about every few thousand years to engineer us? Why would we be that special?

The fact is aliens would not look like us. The only creatures with the very small likelihood of looking like us would exist in the galactic green zone of our species.

Did you know that if you leave this ring around the galaxy, you no longer have planets like Earth? Planets begin being made of different elements altogether.

You are dealing with infinite pressures, infinite gravities, infinite atmospheres. And on those worlds, creatures cannot interact. Methane based life explodes on Earth pressure. Human based life freezes of bursts into flames on their worlds.

I did a calculation with some people once. We got a total of some 27,000 planets with the potential to evolve human beings. But seeing as we nearly exterminate ourselves every few hundred years, that number falls fast. Very fast. Until all that's left is us.

So, if aliens are visiting, they are either using probes, robots, or brain scanners. And never ever even touching the surface in person.

[edit on 12-8-2010 by Gorman91]

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 09:24 AM
Getting back to the original question posted to all of us.
Yes Ets are walking among us you and me.

To take it a a step further I believe that we are here to have a Human experience to remember that we come from somewhere else meaning Dimension,Universe,Solar System,Galaxy etc.

Many come into this Human experience forgetting that we come from the Stars not from Earth.

I look at this Planet as a School to learn and grow.

Hopefully in this experience we remember who we truly are and stop playing the game of limitations .

Men who knew Ets among us were people like the late Dr Frank E Stranges and his contact regularly with Valiant Thor from Venus as an example of this question posed.

There are others cases such as Omnec Onec who lives on Earth and has a
fantastic story about how she came to Earth from Venus in a different dimension years ago .

You can find a number of stories and cases of people who met People or Ets from other Planets who came lived among us and would go when they needed to depart .

I believe Ets are in all levels of our Society and blend in so well as not to be detected unless they want to be.

I also believe once we near 2012 many of these people will eventually come out in the open and will be surprised at who they are .

Maybe someone living in your apartment complex ,a family in your neighborhood with a house .

Someone working in your company etc .

At some point this will be known when the time is right .

So yes Ets are walking among us every day and some of you might be Ets and not yet realize it .

Interesting times we are living in.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by wesufmcosmic

But there is a simple question to that.

Why are we that important when we know the universe is filled with Earths? Earth is a miserable place dieing more and more everyday.

Yes I believe they are here observing. But I doubt they are in person. We are an interesting observation. Can we make it? They want to record us. Learn the story of our people.

To say that the world is filled with aliens is fool hearty, for no sane being would dear walk with the wild animals. Only a very few trained professionals can.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

I likes what you say about them being professional .

My understanding it this that fitting in on Earth is not a problem and if Ets from other places live here and can come and go without detection verses those born here who cannot .

They can and do avoid hostle people and places because they are advanced enough to do .

Also because Earth is having problems would make it even more important that they are here now.

I agree many Earth type Planets exist so why are we important the reason is bacause this Earth is a Intergactic School to awakened back to whom we truly are .They are us in the advanced spiritual state and we are them now awakened to be with them as equals .

So walking among us makes sense because we are really cosmic family .

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by wesufmcosmic

But there's really no proof to that. I have no doubt that they probably have android like machines here right now. But to be here in form? In person? Why risk it?

A calculation I once did with some friends said that there would be 27,000 worlds with the potential to be like Earth and human-like species.

No joke, that number literally drops more and more every couple of years as so many blow themselves up or die or elsewise.

One has to ask. Why do we not see anything showing intelligence in the skies? We are in the middle of a galactic arm surrounded by Earths.

There are only 2 possible answers. Either we are in a galactic dark age, or they are no more advanced than us.

I really believe that we are in a galactic dark age. That long ago maybe what you said is true, but they are dead or gone now. That we are alone for the time being. That yes, there are still probes left observing us, but that the masters are now skeletons now.

To say this world is some kind of school makes no sense.

consider this. There is few if any proof of time travelers. In reality we should have at least by now had a legit time traveler who got a bunch of stuff right. Closest guy to that is HG Wells. So what we are looking at is the fact that time machines should be invented sometime within this century or the next. But no time travelers. So something IS going to end us as we are now within that time period. What that is is your choice to think of. Personally, being Christian, I see ascension.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by Gorman91

Or maybe the reason we dont see these 'aliens' in our skies or have open communication is because we really are some kind of huge farm or experiment. Maybe progression of life is once there is death we progress, or take a step back? This kind of stuff really makes you think.

[edit on 13-8-2010 by ziggyproductions05]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by ziggyproductions05

We would see it in the skies.

War, for instance. A war in space is like a global thermo nuclear war stretched across many solar systems/ Because the gaps of space between the galactic arms arms the only natural borders, it would be where to look for signatures of ancient wars. We see nothing. Not even a peep of EM signatures.

This means there is nobody there or they are gone. It's theorized that really aliens can only advance so far until they fall or "leave", whatever that means. Looking at the skies, one has to wonder. Why is it so quite?

At the very minimum, we should see intelligence from pulsar stars. Conversion of them into basically communication lines. But nothing at all.

Even some sort of ftl would leave behind evidence. Think of all the molecules you pick up while going at ftl speeds. They should be collecting massive numbers of molecules and debris in the warp field and then releasing them when exiting warp. Where are these micro-bursts of matter and energy?

There can only be a galactic dark age. A once mighty nation fell and what's left over is just doing what it was told to do. You'd have to realize that at this technological scale it would all be automated. Million year projects would be going on wards without crews.

I actually like an example from stargate universe. A million year old self automated scout ship.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by Gorman91

I guess i can understand what you are saying. BUt what you are expecting, juat may not be true. There may not have been wars in space? What if these aliens and UFOs arent really from our density? This could easily mean space travel is accomplised thru different dimensions and worm holes. We may be looking at the wrong things when trying to understand ancient pasts and civilizations.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by ziggyproductions05

We would see it in the skies.

War, for instance. A war in space is like a global thermo nuclear war stretched across many solar systems/ Because the gaps of space between the galactic arms arms the only natural borders, it would be where to look for signatures of ancient wars. We see nothing. Not even a peep of EM signatures.

Not neccessarily. A war could be fought using highly directional, directed energy weapons, Earth wouldn't even notice unless part of the beam hit a sensor on Earth. Then there is the issue of what kind of energy. It doesn't have to be EM. Further, would a Human even know what to look for to find such a signiture?

This means there is nobody there or they are gone. It's theorized that really aliens can only advance so far until they fall or "leave", whatever that means. Looking at the skies, one has to wonder. Why is it so quite?

At the very minimum, we should see intelligence from pulsar stars. Conversion of them into basically communication lines. But nothing at all.

Just like the weapons above, you are making assumptions based solely on Terrestrial technologies, and knowledge. ET doesn't have those constraints.

The whole idea of using Pulsars for communication is interesting. Just how would One go about modulating a Pulsar?

Even some sort of ftl would leave behind evidence. Think of all the molecules you pick up while going at ftl speeds. They should be collecting massive numbers of molecules and debris in the warp field and then releasing them when exiting warp. Where are these micro-bursts of matter and energy?

Why would a warp field collect stuff while in use? Again, you know nothing of the technology you might think to look for, and knowing nothing, how can you expect to find it? And even if the turning on or off of a warp field did give off some tell-tale signiture that could be detected with Terrestrial technology, who on your planet would know what it was, or what to look for? It could easily be that these "micro-bursts of matter and energy" are all around you, and you simply don't recognize them.

Also, there are reasons to not send out automation to explore. First and foremost; no machine is better than a set of biological eyes, and the brain the is attached. Technology, even the best, breaks down, and either becomes usless or requires repair.

Now, I am very sure that the first, perhaps even more wave(s) of exploration is done with technology, but, there comes a point when someone at the spot is a better solution.

Etharzi od Oma

[edit on 13-8-2010 by AnthraAndromda]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

When energy hits matter, it flashes. The photons travel in all directions.

The only weapon that would not be visible would be a graviton bomb. In which case, we would see the opposite. Black flashes.

Energy can come in many variants. Neutrino sensitive materials can funnel them into highly compressed bursts of energy. Yes. That's zero point energy stuff. But you still see ripples in space time. A sudden disturbance in neutrino detection. Anything.

Pulsars can be altered into signal transmitters by stationing a graviton powered tachyon converted. Such a device runs on the interaction of its gravitons and the star's and uses a material sensitive to this energy. Such a material would absorb the energy of the interaction and eject a photon from the energy, pumping the photons into electrons for used in useful work energy.

Then there are two ways. it can either take a photon and blast it down a rotary of gravity, such as the pulsar itself, and the photon is converted into a tachyon. This then blasts out to wherever. Or it just uses the graviton to photon converter for the same.

One would detect such technology in the loss of gravity compared to its bending of space time. A photon from a star behind it would bend more differently than the observed density.

You forget that humans have pretty much discovered the workings of the universe. We just have not learned how to use it.

To say simply, out reach exceeds our grasp.

Humanity knows how to make warp ships and pretty much everything involved with it. We just don't have the money.

In fact it's safe to say space is filled with communists because the nation that throws away wealth first would be the first into space.

The warp drive would collect matter along the ergosphere-event horizon border of an inverted black hole that would power the warp drive. space is filled with something like 3 or 5 molecules every foot. I'm probably wrong, but that's a rough estimate. As the front of the ship travels through space it collects this matter. And it would not be small bursts. Coming out of a warp field would be like a small nuclear explosion or solar flare. Matter collected from in front of you. In fact if you warped through a planet, you would collect a needle's diameter of a tube of the planet's mass. Your observed mass is reduced when in warp because space is collapsing onto you.

It's best compared to being on one of those airport transport walkways. Like a flat escalator. Imagine litter on it. And imagine you are running though it. Your shoes are sticky. You pick up a lot of mass.

In addition to t his you are wrong about machines. In fact, a home computer will exceed the entire human population's capacity for thought by 2050. IE, an AI would be more smart than a 3 year old. Are you going to tell me that a 60 million year old civilization still has not made it more powerful?

The human brain can hold a few terrabytes of space. A single 150 carbon molecule piece of technology has managed to hold 100 gigabytes.

IE, A computer as large as the human brain with the best of technology would exceed anything biological.

In addition, stainless steel lasts for thousands of years. Biological bodies die.

In fact, the only way to extend biological life is to utilize nanobots to repair damage done by free radicals. these machines use EM forces to absorb these little pouches of energy so they do not damage dna.

The fact is that a computer from 1970 has not aged. A body from 1970 has.

Here's the deal. A single antimatter powered probe with a carbon nanotube and liquid diamond poured into the tubes for armor could stay above Earth for over 10,000 years and scan people's brains, hear their thoughts, and do 100 fold more research than a biological person.

The video I showed was the wrong one. here's a better example.

Oh Yea, and the sun powered part is not solar power. Although not explained, a colleague and I designed carbon naontubes within a magnetic chamber, so that the photons knock the electrons out of the tubes and into the ship and the tubes literally suck the electrons out of the sun.

How do I know all this? I just do. I learn fast. I absorb knowledge. More importantly, I know how to use what I've learned. I am the world's worst nightmare of brains. Like Tesla, Da Vinchi, and Thomas Jefferson, I have a "Renaissance man" personality and brain. We are rare on this world. But we are good at what we do.

reply to post by ziggyproductions05

Wormholes are no different. Remember, wormholes absorb every photon from 180 degrees of the mouth, and spit them out at a one way direction. A wormhole would flash light a lot. In fact, because velocity is involved, whereas warp drive does not have velocity, you cannot avoid showing your exit point for a wormhole. Not to mention relativity is a b&%* with wormholes.

[edit on 13-8-2010 by Gorman91]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

The only weapon that would not be visible would be a graviton bomb. In which case, we would see the opposite. Black flashes.

Energy can come in many variants. Neutrino sensitive materials can funnel them into highly compressed bursts of energy. Yes. That's zero point energy stuff. But you still see ripples in space time. A sudden disturbance in neutrino detection. Anything.

Wow ... I almost don't know where to begin. But, I think you are about to miss your calling; you shouldn't be an architect, you should write science fiction. You inaginary technologies are fantastic.

Do you know of any Neutrino sensitive materials? Do you know the lengths Human science has gone to to detect Neutrinos? And, you do know that Neutrinos pass through most matter with out effect (to either the matter or the Neutrino).

Pulsars can be altered into signal transmitters by stationing a graviton powered tachyon converted. Such a device runs on the interaction of its gravitons and the star's and uses a material sensitive to this energy. Such a material would absorb the energy of the interaction and eject a photon from the energy, pumping the photons into electrons for used in useful work energy.

A "graviton powered tachyon converted" what? Again, do you know of such materials?

How, prey tell, does one go about pumping photons into electrons? Then there is a problem of signal loss. Plusars output a rather large amount of energy, most of it directional. It seems to me that, even if your technology could work, that there would be an issue with signal strength. It would seem that any useful information impressed onto the pulsar's output would be swampped, and become rapidly undetectable. Not to mention the detection method required to retrieve that information. It seems to me, that any long distance communication either be a zero-crossing system (easy to modulate, small, compact, portable), or a quantum entanglement system. The zero-point system would give you a portable system, could even be hand held, though perhaps a bit slow, and have limited range. Quantum entanglement on the other hand, could be insstant, anywhere.

Then there is yet another method of communication not mentioned; telepathy. Portable, instant, requires no power source, easy to operate with proper training.

You forget that humans have pretty much discovered the workings of the universe. We just have not learned how to use it.

LOL ... Human science has discovered enough to know about as much as a 3 year old. Even with all your greatest minds, you still have barely scratched the surface.

Humanity knows how to make warp ships and pretty much everything involved with it. We just don't have the money.

Money is not an issue here. Such ships already exist!

It is quite clear you know little about warp technology. Every bit of your speculation is wrong or strongly tending in that direction. I'll leave you to ponder it. But, I will give you a hint: "Frame Dragging".

In addition to t his you are wrong about machines. In fact, a home computer will exceed the entire human population's capacity for thought by 2050. IE, an AI would be more smart than a 3 year old. Are you going to tell me that a 60 million year old civilization still has not made it more powerful?

Yes, of course we have machines vastly more "powerful" than Earth can imagine. Thats not the point.

You said; "a home computer will exceed the entire human population's capacity for thought", and there in lies the flaw in your logig. Machines can't think! And, it is rather unlikely they ever will.

Please don't go on about AI. In my early career I spent more than one sleepless night working on AI projects at Stanford Artifical Intelligence Lab. I've designed and coded in all of the AI languages, some I'm sure you've never heard of. Ai, is wonderful stuff, capable of making a computer seem almost human in the ways it solves problems, even random ones. But, the one thing a machine can't do is; arrive at a working conclusion without suffecient data. Biologicals can. This is perhaps themost important reason that a computer can never replace a person.

Computer ultimately do only one thing; exactally what they are told.

How do I know all this? I just do. I learn fast. I absorb knowledge. More importantly, I know how to use what I've learned. I am the world's worst nightmare of brains. Like Tesla, Da Vinchi, and Thomas Jefferson, I have a "Renaissance man" personality and brain. We are rare on this world. But we are good at what we do.

Yes, of course. I was the same way at your age, and I now live with a 15 year old who thinks the same. Can't tell him anything either. The one thing all young adult Humans have in common: All the answers and knowledge, none of the questions, experience, and wisdom.

reply to post by ziggyproductions05

Wormholes are no different. Remember, wormholes absorb every photon from 180 degrees of the mouth, and spit them out at a one way direction. A wormhole would flash light a lot. In fact, because velocity is involved, whereas warp drive does not have velocity, you cannot avoid showing your exit point for a wormhole. Not to mention relativity is a b&%* with wormholes.

Not true! Tell me, have yo ever seen a worm hole? They appear more like a hole in space, with sometimes another "space" on the other side. And, of course, space is the same inside as it is out. All of the laws of physics still apply, relativity is still the same.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

This is true about neutrinos. However, we do know it has a defined function. The problem is that this wave function is... MASSIVE. I mean, absolutely mind boggling. This is why we have no natural materials to be affected with it. For example, microwaves work by vibrating the water molecules because the microwave resonates the water. That might be a bit simple because It's been a long time since I've looked up that. But back to neutrinos. Let us apply the Tesla philosophy! Take the wave length of a neutrino. And at the same points along its wave height, pulsate energy. This affects the wave. We can do this to literally change the wave length of the neutrino and bring it's wave into the length that materials producible by man can be affected by it. Once his happens, the material is heated. Now we just have to design the material so this altered wave length pops out an electron.

Such things are incredibly difficult. However, we've yet to actually go about this. Most people just say "woe, it is so difficult, let's just burn oil and forget about it". I do not. And it is far that reason I speak of it. So that one lad will hear and become interested and work on it.

When electrons are used, they sacrifice energy. This is why your batteries need recharging and run out. The way photoelectric volts work is that the photons energize an electron so that it can do useful work. Photons and electrons collide to exchange energy. This is the basis of current solar power. Electron gets hit by photon, gets power, and flows through the wire to do work.

So. How the hell does one use theoretical virtual particles to get converted into electricity?

Oh God is it hard.

So when two items interact with gravity, their virtual particles interact for incredibly small instances. We have to literally use photons to create space time distortions to slow this down to something that can be interacted with. Once space time has caused the process to slow down, it is time to apply the same knowledge from above.

Think of a light bulb. It looks like it's on. In fact, it is not. It is rapidly turning on and off. This is the basis of code. 1 and 0. On and off. When the virtual particles are on and present, we can send a photon with an appropriate wave length in between the interaction. This requires finding the precise location between two bodies of mass. A pulsar is great because the gravity of the device is vastly small to the gravity of the pulsar. So the interaction basically occurs on the surface of the device. We send this photon through the interaction, but wait, there's more. The photon has to be at the relativity of outside the slow down space time.

How the hell do you make a photon keep the relativity of the outside observer for entering a space time distortion?! OH VEY! Tachyons! When the tachyon enters the slowed down photon, it is actually observed as a photon because space time is slower! The space time interaction creates a photon to the outside, but a tachyon to the inside system.

If it is timed correctly, the fake photon will enter the space time distortion with the correct wave length, energize, and then exit the system as a tachyon. We then have to activate a force of gravity behind the photon to slow it back down into a photon in regular relativity. The photon hits an electron with a net gain of energy to the total system.

That, my good sir, is incredibly complicated. And for a civilization far far far more advanced than man. Exactly the sort of thing to observe.

The material used in between the interaction would have to operate like the neutrino one. We would have to alter the the very space time fabric to literally suck the potential energy out of space time itself. his is where stuff gets complicated and I'm not going to bother to right a thesis on thousand year away technology.

As to range. Again, tachyons. Tachyons are basically photons encased in faster relativity. They a re photons going at warp speeds.

And no. We do know how to make a warp drive. We have not just scratched the surface. The majority of science has been learned. What lies beyond literally requires evolution to allow our brains to comprehend.

We already have 2 methods of warp drive.

Assuming we don't kill ourselves, the most primitive warp drives should begin getting tested by the 2050s, with the first unmanned probes coming out shortly after. The first manned warp ship probably won't be even conceived until 2070.

Frame dragging?

That's basically what I've described.

You want to make a warp drive? give me 3 trillion dollars. I'll have you one in a decade. all the math and physics is there. It just requires money to build.

Let me explain it then. Screw it all. here's mass based drive.

Take a cylinder that can hold a very powerful charge. Give it a hollow core. Within have another cylinder occupy the center. Power them up. Pump some negative masses into the hollow doughnut space. Freeze the system into a very cold super fluid. Make the molecules lose their individual identities so they act like one molecule. It's easier to control that way. You now have a very cold, dense, gravity generating tall doughnut. Now spin the system until it generates an ergo sphere. Now replicate the system until these cylinders form a ring around your craft. In fact, preferable make a ring along the x y z axis. Now you have a ship within an ergo sphere that is inside an event horizon that is inside an ergo sphere. IE, normal relativity inside fast relativity inside slow relativity inside fast relativity. Due to Newton's shell theorem the ship suffers from no gravity forces. However, if the ship shoots the thrusters even at a slow couple miles per hour, the shells travel with the ship. The event horizon makes space time cut off from your ship. The ergospheres, however, accelerate your ship faster than it is actually going. because 10 mph at 10X Earth relativity is 100 mph.

We now have a system where if the cylinders are spun faster, the ship accelerates. If heat is introduced, the ship flies closer to Earth relativity. In order to stop the warp field, you have to de-compress the mass. This is why I do not advize actually running the ship with an event horizon. Just do something close to one. One event horizon and one ergosphere cancel each other out so anything you do to turn it off will act faster. because it is under increased space time speeds.

There you go. A mass based warp drive. But because E=mc^2, it's easier to use photons.

Yes actually machines do think. Thinking is nothing more than an electrical interaction of biochemicals. Replace the biochemicals with crystals and metal and you have the same.

For example, cells alone cannot think. but many cells together can. In fact, we do know that many computers together can think. This is called a multi player video game. Just as the human brain requires a couple billion cells to think, an AI would require a couple billion computers to think. Seeing as computers can be reduced down to the size of a few hundred carbon molecules, it would be very easy to creates a thinking computer.

Like you said. Computers ultimately do what they are told to do. There in which lies your problem. Thinking you can program a single computer with AI. Can you program a single cell to have the mentality of the human brain? of course not. But you can program a billion computers to think. Because just as each cell does what it is told in order to create thought, each computer does what it is told to create thought.

You are thinking of AI as on a single machine, when in fact, true AI can only happen under a vast number of machines operating coherently to create a thought. Already we see the internet behaving much like the most primitive molds of early Earth. It is a collection of single celled organisms working together, just like the internet. We already see how collections are beginning to specialize. Like early cells creating the most earliest proto-organs.

Ultimately, a billion of anything will create order. And if made to interact, it will create thought.

Think not of the computer as a thing to program AI. Think of it as the single cell of an awakening alien god made by man.

Yes, of course. I was the same way at your age, and I now live with a 15 year old who thinks the same. Can't tell him anything either. The one thing all young adult Humans have in common: All the answers and knowledge, none of the questions, experience, and wisdom.

Are you saying you have a child when you said you had none?

Also, I am not 15. And while humans do not mature in common sense and reason until 28ish, consider this. The first art made in caves was done by children. The same art that would eventually create the masterpieces of today. Children are where ideas come from. I happen to be one who can use those ideas to design.

No you are wrong about wormholes. Wormholes are popping bubbles of space time. Sometimes they go back in time, sometimes forward. Depends upon the relativity and path of the funnel. And yes, it absorbs anything from a 180 degree radius of the whole of the stars where it is. And that is compressed into a small size. That's why if you are going to travel through one, you best be using relativity shields via the aforementioned inverted black hole design. otherwise you are coming out the other end as dust.

My knowledge in this field is vast. Feel free to discuss it.

To bring it back to the discussion, Does it not make sense to simply scan human brains with a machine and relay them back to a far off base than be there in person?

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by LUXUS
This genetic variant you are discussing is otherwise called "the dragon gene" by some researchers. It has been traced back to the royal houses of Sumer and is associated with "royal bloodline" scythians. These Scythians eventually made their way to Ireland. Many Irish have this gene, in Ireland they called it fairy blood i.e. someone has fairy blood.
If you are of the opinion that anyone with this gene is an alien then many Irish are!

Things to look for are height, often over 6ft3 tall, brown or green eyes (not blue!), pail white skin, athletic build, hair is brown or red (not blond)

Strangely enough many who claim to have this gene are short, tanned skin, blond hair, blue eyes and not athletic...but that's life I guess :-)

[edit on 11-8-2010 by LUXUS]

Ahhhhhhh yes I have the following

over 6ft3 tall, brown or green eyes (not blue!), pail white skin, athletic build, hair is brown or red (not blond)

I also have O negative blood. Was wondering if it has anything to do with the contactee blood types study by ICAR?. I pass for most of the criteria there too? I display reptilian traits i guess minus the tail.

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by Unknown Soldier

awe snap.

I have all that except I am kinda fat and lazy so I gain weight throughout the year. My weight must vary something like 40-30 pounds throughout the year.

Tell me. What do they say about hair that changes color? Every couple of years my hair decides to switch to being blond, brown, or a hybrid of both. I'm freaking tall and I think i have that blood. Am I super special too?

LOL. I can also make my irises open at will, even though humans are not suppose to have muscle control over them.

Like I've been saying. I anyone here is an alien, it is muwa. I have more mutations than I care to list. All positives. Except for the whole ADD problem when I was a kid. Luckily however I learned to turn that part of me off.

Anywho. I am not an alien. And aliens would use computers and technology to observe any day over biological agents.

[edit on 14-8-2010 by Gorman91]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 05:55 PM
Are there ETs walking among us?

To OP,

Aha. Their walking amongst us I feel. Their especially thick within the US high level military as well as the sec gov and administration.

My thought about at this point is to learn everything WMD, especially nuclear stuff.

Why?, Some of their races are living amongst us and I tend to think nuclear detonations affect their world in future, not just our own. Also believe, other EBE races are here for the survival of this planet, to ensure it.

Their watching everything superpowers do in progression and/or reduction of nuclear weapons. China, Russia, India, Pakistan and USA sec gov knows. Trade off for technology and in-sync of NWO for it. One world control of such weapons -- controlled by who??


posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 08:58 PM
You know there are people on this planet who are actually ETs but do not even know they are one. They spend much of their lives living as a human being dealing with all their abilities they have for being a certain level et, memories they have from not on this earth. And then a point in their lives opens up like a threshold had been crossed and they have an event in their lives, sometimes turning their lives upside down, and finally realize they are actually an alien.

[edit on 15-8-2010 by covert1]

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