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Hidden Hand Message - Law Of One - Discussion!

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posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

I do not believe our existences are never on the line. We never lose ourselves or have to offer self in this way. No one would ever expect that from oneself or another. Not even once. There is a never a moment of doing that, its not a growth or an expectation.

This entire school is about becoming so grounded in love and equality that our own future words and creations will always be positive and could never once harm another, its about gaining or finding self. Its about Love, and being sensitive to all others, and growing up, into the adults we will become. One day we will be taking the suns place, and it has a different meaning than what most would think, relating to the holographic universe and the Higher Self roles we will be performing, assisting those in need here.

edit on 14-9-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by benedict9
reply to post by Universal Light

I cannot speak about 'new agers' as I'm not exactly sure how they are defined. Do you mean the people that call people giving warnings 'doom and gloomers', thinking that all will be magical bliss after 21/12/2012??

I can only speak for myself and say I am approaching my path with a combination of positive thought knowing I am eternally guided, with awareness of the challenges ahead. Let thy will of the Creator be done I say. I can only do the best I can, knowing right from wrong intrinsically.

Love your post.

Yeah - someone bringing New Agers into this cracks me up. Nothing like a Blanket Label - - - I mean there couldn't possibly be a "true enlightened soul" among New Agers LOL

What exactly is "new" about New Agers anyway? Its just reintroducing ancient practices to a new generation under a modernized label. Marketing!

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

I was wondering if you could humor me and I am being sincere here. You said that all of my questions have been answered. Please explain the following paragraphs from my prior post as I did not catch answers to how this happened:

"First of all, if anyone would like to know, my name is Michael Paul Ratkiewicz. I was born on June 7, 1982. If you would like my social security number. my restaurant address and my home address, I will happily provide it. I have nothing to hide. But just wow. I mean really?

You know what's funny? The quote that ET_MAN has used of comes from an email that I wrote Kori, not Chris. So once again, Quorum is right, he is posting information that was not public knowledge. Private information being spun around.

Now either Kori shared that email with Chris (most likely) or Chris is Kori (unlikely). However, Chris and "Valeri" write, type, sound, and speak exactly the same. I mean seriously?! No attempt to be a little more subtle. Like I said before......exposure.(Not to mention, the entire time Valeri posted, ET_MAN did not) "


If ET_MAN has never done anything negative, why would he post my name on an anonymous internet forum? And how did he get that quote that he has posted twice? That was in a private email I sent you. That was not for him to hear. And never mind the ET_MAN and Valeri sounding the same and not posting at the same time part, I have the answer to that one.

Thank you in advance for these answers.

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by benedict9

My friend, I am confused, I never mentioned "new agers" so I am not understanding where that portion came up.

Your dream vision sounds much like of what is to come as third density dies so fourth density Gaia can be reborn.

You've certainly got the fire blazing. I can see it inside your soul. Keep it stoked my friend.

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by Universal Light
reply to post by benedict9

My friend, I am confused, I never mentioned "new agers" so I am not understanding where that portion came up.

It was actually Christ Bless I believe who brought New Agers into the mix.

But still silly.

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by Universal Light

If that is the question, that email you wrote was shared with ET_MAN, based on what you said in it. And also due to other communications, that your aquaintance wrote to others, which I'm not going into but which were shared with me as well. A lot of attempts made to convince others. In addition, your friend has said very negative things about me, including that I am STS, working for the devil, new age (when I am not a follower of any group of philosophy and diligently searching for thuth), that I was influencing ET_MAN, when he is a friend and his questions and nudges are what furthered my own contact, in addition to year of sungazing. Being put down continually, and misjudged with false testimony given and yet chosing to find my love for those saying such things, was important.

In addition I sent him another letter, from another poster, one I didn't take to a mod that he posted as well, someone obviously following ET_MAN's threads who had made two threatening posts and a very alarming u2u which was like a death threat, and also a threat to me. In fact I sent that one to several. We do share when in need of advice. I didn't take it to a mod because I didn't want this person to focus his anger on me, or stir the pot, instead chose to pray for him and take it to the Higher Ups. But that was posted and I respect his reasons for doing so.

Valeri is himself, his own person, and a very sensitive, diligent seeker. He has many issues he is dealing with and have sent him much love and light, and written to him lots. He lives near Finland, Estonia. A beautiful young man, same age as my older son. He also understand infinity very well, and Quantum mechanics. Had his soul stir, and some memories dislodge a bit, he knew the answer.

edit on 14-9-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by Universal Light

Confused a segment of your post with part of Adonai's, so apologies there. That's what happens when one chooses to type during the wee hours when one should really be in bed (almost 5am in Australia)

Yes the transition of Gaia is certainly underway . Before I go to sleep I say thank you Mother Earth for all your nurturing and provisions, for the stable ground at our feet, for you have sustained us tirelessly for so long.

I will go now but will certainly return to this thread. Let's all play nice and hopefully we can all share more insights in harmony whether we agree with eachother or not. Be at peace and be in love.

And thank you ET_MAN for starting this thread. Interesting and insightful as always.

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

I do thank you for answering. I guess it is my mistake for assuming those conversation were ours and no others. I guess I should have been precise about keeping things in confidence.

You still didn't make comment on him posting my name publicly. But that is fine. Once again, the energy of this thread is too much for me.

Thank you all for the catalyst for growth. I do so much appreciate it.


posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by Universal Light

I didnt get into that, had not endorsed it and thought it was best for you to take that up privately with him, and gloss over things like that. We've just moved into a new house, have tons of things happening at the moment including my special needs son hating his new school, he adjusts very slowly and it was quite the effort on many people's behalf to get him to willingly go to school in grade one. This is going to take quite some work as well, this time. In other words, real life intrudes. I'm just resting up today so I can post more, had overdone it for days.

That is something you need to discuss with him. I also wish to add, he is a friend, but we are two separate people, even as souls. For no one is each other, though all are equal and loved equally.

edit on 14-9-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by 547000

Don't worry ADC, I treat a majority of this thread as though it is an RP of sorts. Between you pretending to be a higher holy spirit, and some other dude/dudette pretending to be an angel, I can't really tell much apart from this except it is a really funny thread. I don't take anyone's post here at face value, especially what ET_MAN or Unity_99 say. ET_MAN once said something about a planet from another dimension bringing catastrophic change, and well, Unity_99 once spoke about Stargates and claims Star Wars was based on fact.

- Phoenix

edit on 14/9/2010 by phoenix_zephyr because: To add quote

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by 11118

The ego still exists until dissolution back into pure unity.

As long as their is individualism there is ego, as long as the Potentiatior and the Matrix of the mind are separate there is ego. And when all s One again that One will view itself as One and therefor ego shall exist.

I do not agree. I know about being part of the Matrix - - I've been there.

There is no reason for one to lose all they have learned just because they join as One in spirit.

Its like being part of a family or team - - you do not lose who you are - - when working as a unit.

You do not lose who you are you become the Creator which you were the whole time holding all memories and unique perspectives, it's quite the paradox.

I'm not speaking of the Matrix like the movie I am speaking of it as an archetype.

The Matrix of the mind is the subconscious mind, the Potentiator is the conscious mind.

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by 11118

You are always you, progressing ahead in the infinite roll of film of your life, and you will one day fulfill Higher Self's role, which will be in current mode as well like it feels now to you. The only exception would be if you were a part of Higher Self, sent forth, in which case you will become self again when you have accomplished what was meant.

We are not all parts of the Prime Creator of this Cosmos, itself, however. She is a Highly Advance Being and is serving all the Childen in progression for their tests and advancements, and there are infinite schools/unverses, all Highly Progressed Future Future Future, Higher Selves, we one day do this to serve the younger ones in progression, for there an infinite number of souls, progressing in infinity.

edit on 14-9-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by 11118

You are always you, progressing ahead in the infinite roll of film of your life, and you will one day fulfill Higher Self's role, which will be in current mode as well like it feels now to you. The only exception would be if you were a part of Higher Self, sent forth, in which case you will become self again when you have accomplished what was meant.

We are not all parts of the Prime Creator of this Cosmos, itself, however. She is a Highly Advance Being and is serving all the Childen in progression for their tests and advancements, and there are infinite schools/unverses, for there an infinite number of souls, progressing in infinity.

edit on 14-9-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

Yes we are of the One Creator.

If the Creator was viewed as a Human body, you would not be the leg, the arm, or the eye, you would be the entire Human body.

Any portion no matter how small contains the Creator which is Infinity.

You never lose who you are because you are the Creator. Dissolution does not mean non existence it means joining once again in paradox-solved unity with the Creator. Literally being the Creator and having the awareness of the Creator as a whole.

You are the Creator forgetting of itself so that it may learn of itself and better know itself as the Creator.

edit on 14-9-2010 by 11118 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by 11118

You do not lose who you are you become the Creator which you were the whole time holding all memories and unique perspectives, it's quite the paradox.

I'm not speaking of the Matrix like the movie I am speaking of it as an archetype.

The Matrix of the mind is the subconscious mind, the Potentiator is the conscious mind.

We are not separate from the Creator ever - never said that. We are however extensions of the Creator with our own experiences - just like a child would be. Your child is YOU - but does not become YOU.

Sharing (or offering) without condition is like the Ripple in a Pond on a still day. All is One.

Did someone mention the movie Matrix? I didn't.

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by 11118

Yes we are of the One Creator.

If the Creator was viewed as a Human body, you would not be the leg, the arm, or the eye, you would be the entire Human body.

Any portion no matter how small contains the Creator which is Infinity.

You never lose who you are because you are the Creator. Dissolution does not mean non existence it means joining once again in paradox-solved unity with the Creator. Literally being the Creator and having the awareness of the Creator as a whole.

You are the Creator forgetting of itself so that it may learn of itself and better know itself as the Creator.


But there is no need to give up Self. Self being thought and experience created by thought.

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by Annee

Each heartbeat of the Creator is another Creation. The act of Infinity attempting to know itself is through the concept of 'many-ness', due to the Infinite possibilities of this concept the Creator is free to continue in an eternal present - meaning indefinitely. Eternity.

The Heartbeat outward and outward till all foci are experienced then coalesced inward and again outward another Creation that you are a part of every time.

The action of the will of the Creator is Love, it is truly the only essence of all existence. You are Love, there is nothing but Love and distortions of Love.

edit on 14-9-2010 by 11118 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by LeoVirgo

I do not believe our existences are never on the line. We never lose ourselves or have to offer self in this way. No one would ever expect that from oneself or another. Not even once. There is a never a moment of doing that, its not a growth or an expectation.

This entire school is about becoming so grounded in love and equality that our own future words and creations will always be positive and could never once harm another, its about gaining or finding self. Its about Love, and being sensitive to all others, and growing up, into the adults we will become. One day we will be taking the suns place, and it has a different meaning than what most would think, relating to the holographic universe and the Higher Self roles we will be performing, assisting those in need here.

edit on 14-9-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

You dont have to believe it for it to be so. The fact that you dont understand this, shows in the path you walk and seek now. The desires you long for reflect that you dont understand such a cycle.

Emanating into separate life forms is only a tool for the Spirit to perfect and purify thee self in a constant manner. When you realize that you are not a 'self' that can stand as a individual outside of Spirit, without Spirit, then and only then, can you begin to see that you are not a 'self' at all at the deepest core of your being. As well, even your highest self is not a 'self' at all at the deepest core of its being.

It is the snake eating its own tail, it is the seed returning to the Earth, it is the life having to consume life to live. This isnt about desires and wants, its about what is needed....and it is needed that the flesh, the body and mind complexes that sift our things of Spirit through experiences, offers itself back to its source.

When you can see that you are a self of Spirit at the deepest core of you, your individuality is not a hard thing to detach from. Since you long for staying attached to the self, your highest self can only offer you delusions that will comfort you and offer you want the 'self' of you is needing. These delusions are YOUR CREATIONS....we can create our own heavens (as you have and are) or we can create our own hells. These though, are not eternal and infinite...for the Spirit that is within you can not always be in broken vessels. Only when you are ready to make such a offering, will this even matter for you. I share my path with others, for I know that some have came from higher vibrations to this lower vibration to make the choice and abandon the path of self. There is only so much growth and understanding that can occur on the path of self....all 'selves' will reach a point that to further their light and to learn about 'one' they will have to abandon the path of self and this detachment takes alot of work. Since this does not resonate with you, its not for you and you should not worry yourself with it. But also, you should not assume that others are not on a path that this is somethign they are ready for and they are here to make a choice to be in true service of others, which is detatching from self and being of use for the Spirit within to work how it needs to.

You can try for a long time to remain a self....but you will have to look into the Divine Eye and see that every single form of life is a part of you in in a way, you are trying to detach from your truest form, Spirit, by trying to stay on the path of self.

There is only one destiny, which is that all forms of the Spirit return to ONE....all find their way, in destiny, we can not deny that we are ONE in spirit. Its not about growth, its about keeping what is perfect, perfect. We as 'selves' do grow, but our growing as 'selves' leads to the knowing, we are ONE in Spirit. Your spirit is not separate from any other spirit of life in this universe or any other. There are many mind complexes and soul group complexes, but only one Spirit which is the force of life, which is the deepest core of you, it is the perfect life within you.

This is not a school about love...its a sifting sphere. Its like a winepress....taking many grapes and pressing the juice out form the grapes to form the perfect wine. It offers all the tools needed for the sifting process to be what it needs to be. Its offering us many markers that will show if we are a ripe grape or a immature grape. (sorry for the parable, this is how it was taught to me). There is on need to take the Sun's place, for in Spirit, we are also the Sun.

Your idea of being in service to others is mainly about giving love, care, positivenes to others. This is really a small part of learning about service to others. Service to others at a deeper understanding is being in the knowing that all other selves, are you and you, are them. Being willing to offer the 'self' for the will of Spirit, which is ONE, creates a divine will within, then a being can be a instrument of the wine press...helping sifting out the grapes.

Can you imagine choosing to incarnate into a existence of a suffering child of starvation? I know you can not, for you cant understand the reason a being would do such a thing. When in the true understanding of how we are all one....and how the life of 'self' is but only a moment in experiences of the Spirit, incarnating into a life of being a victim is but a small task that helps sift other selves for the Divine Will.

Your attachment to individuality is why you cant understand this world and is why you are creating the heaven like place that you are creating. I see some that I just know that they are here to make the choice of abandoning the path of self...I dont see you as being one of those and I think you are on a positive path of self that will benefit you and offer you everything you are in need of after this life. But I also think, that creation of your with your family of light, will be temporary.

As much as you try to leave your other selves, at some point, you will see you are not whole, you are missing something that is of you. You will long for it, like you long for a planet that you call home in this life.

This is not a game Unity...its very real, and we are creating with every thought and feeling we have. This is why everyone has different NDE....and why everyone on the path of self, has different information to give.

Beings on the path of others that are ready to abandon the path of self, will have information that is ONE, is not different, is the same base and foundation. The reason is, on the path of others, offering the self back....the information is only coming from ONE source, there is only ONE guide on such a path, so there is only ONE teaching....which comes from the Holy Spirit. These beings are not concerned with a 'home planet' or rewards of rest or utopias...for their will, has become the will of the Holy Spirit. Which goes back to the ONE destiny....that all will find their way and return.

This lesson is within the blueprint of the design of the Universe, within the life of nature around us. You could take away all books and history and teachings....and a true humble soul can find the path of ONE, understand the Divine Will of the Holy Spirit, for the word is within life itself. If you can find life, you can find the word, if you have the eyes to see and ears to hear. The path of self is full of delusions. But the delusions are needed, they offer what the 'self' is in need of.

There was never a 'nothingness' for there has always been the energy of 'Spirit'. Nothing would be without it.

Seeing the light that is within you, within every other being, is a practice of understanding such a path.

As I said, since this does not resonate with you, dont worry yourself with it....but also be careful to deny the path of others and thinking that its not possible that such a thing is or will be.

There are beings here on this path right now, and there is a reason that to make such a choice, they come to the 3rd density to make the choice. When being under the veil....choices are made that show one's true nature. Many think they are making the choice of living more for others....but many markers they choose to live for in this life will show them through the Divine Eye that they really were not. None of its wrong, none of it is a mistake....for our true nature MUST be seen, we cant trick the Spirit and there are no short cuts in evolving.

The words of 'few find the way' are most defiantly true in all 3rd densities (some are less harsh, for some have less histories, being some then have less distortions/markers)...and its meant to be this way. Only few are able to abandon the path of self .....just as though a whole tub of grapes will barely produce one small glass of wine.

I am being guided on this path and its just the beginning of me being on such a path....I have talked with others that have learned what I have learned and their source is also of the Holy Spirit. They also told me that part of their path was seeking beyond the higher self. All I can do is share what Im going through in this life for I know there are others here for the same path as I.

If it doesnt resonate with you and others, you should not worry yourself with it. Many things had to transpire for me to be ready and to continue to prepare for being of use, to the Spirit.

Can you imagine, being in the knowing that to fight for the life of flesh would blemish you....and to be able to look in the eyes of the ones trying to take your life and tell them you forgive them, and not fight back against them? At your own will....turning the other cheek, even though no one around you understands why you wont fight for your life? Can you imagine living more for the life of Spirit then the life of self? If you can image those things, then you have it within you to seek this path I speak of. Only you in the deepest core of you would know if the Spirit calls on you for this.

I could try to explain this to you till I ran out of words and breath, if you are not ready for it, you will not understand it. Things of Spirit also, can not be past onto man from another man. To know its a truth, you would have to seek this alone, by yourself, on your own will...without following another man. Part of that path, is letting go of all preconceived ideas, even what the higher self teaches. The only way you can ever know if what I say is a truth, is to be willing to seek what the Holy Spirit is. To know if your path is bringing something of worth, you will know because you will feel the need to cleanse in many ways, to research many things, to release things of flesh in all ways. Your humility and honest will be tested, between you and Spirit alone. It wont be something you can show another and it wont be something that you will receive gratification or verification from another being of flesh. It will be between you and you alone, with the Holy Spirit.

Im not here to convince you...I speak for others that may be walking the same path. As I have pointed out before, you and I have being shown different things. While on my path of self, I learned about 'home planets, creating utopias, creating a perfect existence, being of a higher self/prime self, and was content on this path....but things that have happened in this life showed me there was more, the things I had to go through to find that 'more' was not easy and I had to face alot of things I didnt care to face on the path of self.

Much love to you

edit on 14-9-2010 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by 11118

Infinity is a Quantum Mechanics reality wherein all within it are infinite and do not merge together. We are the Infinite Family of Light, connected together via love and Universal Undersanding, an infinite family and team. This is from my perspective, one does not have to share it, however, one should realize that we do not have to chose to follow negative paths, that this is merely a test, and instead, should strive to see the light in all, beleive in and yearn for equality and eutopia and work to overcome relationship problems with others and lack of love/kindness. One doesnt even need to be religious, or spiritual,there are no requirements that we believe a certain things, its the love, and working on self and relationships, and wishing for a truly equal advanced world that really counts.

edit on 14-9-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

We are all truly ourselves, and stand infinitely as self. That is the most wonderful truth and reality about existence.

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by Unity_99


The concept of Infinity need be understood that for something to be Infinite it must be defined as a Unity or else it holds not conceptual meaning.

There cannot be more than One Infinity because Infinity is everything that exists. There cannot be 2 or more 'everythings' - there cannot be 2 or more Infinities.

Yes, you are Infinity, you are everything but you are not a separate Infinity. You are the Creator, unified - separateness only an elaborate illusion created by you.

The Creator ultimately is boundless Love. Love is the only essence in the Universe, it is the pure motion of all that exists. We are all that one essence, we are all One.

edit on 14-9-2010 by 11118 because: (no reason given)

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