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Hidden Hand Message - Law Of One - Discussion!

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posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 12:56 PM
Everything of earth...symbols, patterns, life itself...can be used for good intent or selfish intent. Its meant to be this way and shows what the soul desires and needs.

Some may use the pentagram shape as 'bad'....while within the same voice of knowledge, shapes are connected to the very design of this universe. A star shape can represent the human vessel. If you connect the points on the star you get a five sided shape which was one of the first shapes that 'became' through 'life becoming' under the seas near the vessels of heat that came up from the oceans floor. People can place a intent within a shape and use it for its 'physical form' that it is...but there is also good things to learn about emanation of life here on earth through shapes which leads us to how sound and light works together to 'take form' of energy and compresses that energy. The circle can be used in magic for protection. But also, the circle shows us things like cycles and can offer a understanding in things of spirit. The Universe is full of circles and to just call that evil would be silly would it not. The cirlce itself isnt evil....but to use the understanding of the circle can be done of wrong intent.

Some say its all a trap. Just because the ability is there to produce a negative intent doesnt make it a 'trap' here IMPO because we still have a inner light that can help us, lead us....IF we seek it. If there are keys within the very emanation of life itself for a true seeker that seeks outside other mans beliefs, outside all things that man has ever told him....then how can it be a trap I say. As people choose to focus on the fact that beliefs are not 'fully truth' they can hold it against mankind for 'not having full understanding or thinking that a 'belief' was needed in the first place in things 'unseen'.

I dont think any belief was ever made with wrong intent to later control people. I think those that gain power through the beliefs then try to use it for their benefit of self and not benefit of what it truly offers others which is usually to just seek. As Jesus told them seek and the kingdom is many pastors today teach people to 'seek within'? We have a book that says to use ones own reasoning is dangerous and wrong...but later the book says seek within. It is up to each person to weigh things for themselves and if they give their right to weigh it themselves over to another man that claims to hold truth...that is their choice and this shows Spirit what is needed in that soul to still learn.

We blame alot of people for 'things they knew or know not'. They too are on a path of seeking and just because they fall victim to the taste of things like power or the ego feeding on having knowledge that others dont....doesnt mean they are 'evil' or that a 'entity' outside of them misled shows that they made a choice and that they were fulfilling self more then others.

Some find out religions and beliefs are not all they are cracked up to be and then they quickly think its all been made to trap man. Man has a mind and its up to him to put it to work or not. No one is trapping man.

Man at one time thought of the sun as god...for it gave life. Man at one time thought there must be a separate god of thunder....for its nature was so different then the life giving sun. For ever man has tried to believe that a 'god man' would come and make all the needed changes of the world and save the day and make everything peaches....all things in religions and beliefs shows us something about man. Some beliefs carry old thoughts and ties them into new thoughts....hence we see 'new religions' new beliefs. We see old cannon beliefs of a god they called 'el' with old Egyptian beliefs with a god they called 'ra' and a 'female' image of 'god' Isis mixed into one name called 'Israel'. But when you study the merging of cultures and isnt evil that they mixed them...its just beliefs evolving and emanating together by man still trying to make sense of 'life'. Egyptian practices were merged with new practices....some old names of gods died out while the chosen few were kept and reverenced with meaning. Itsnot evil...its not some secret hidden thing....its just a evolving of mans beliefs and as cultures merged, so to did rituals and names of 'gods'.

Something that shocks me is people have taken 'one word' from the Bible and taken it to form a whole new idea such as Lucifer soul groups or Lucifer controls the world or what ever. Lucifer was a very very very late word in mankinds history. The word didnt even exists when alot of the old beliefs were active. When new age materials started to surface using the word 'lucifer' people started to create all sorts of ideas but they are all ideas and they turn into beliefs to explain something they dont like or dont understand.

If I dont learn what I need to in this Lucifer group is going to control me. I may revisit Earth again...but with the same world of 'choice' that it was before.

No one can take from me what the Spirit has given me....which is resonation. But...the life of flesh can cause many things to resonate with me if Im not careful that will not aid me in spiritual growth but only aid me in grow of ways of flesh. You cant just tell someone things of spirit and expect their worth to be full. Many will test things of flesh and they will only have to look in the mirror to see where that got them in Spirit at some point in time. We can not force those that dont see the worth of things of Spirit to find that worth....which is why all paths are each to their own...they each must trial and error all things. If power attracts them...then power will lead them...and in the end they will learn from this.

Its easy for those that find the path that is to then caste judgments on those that know not or chose to not seek a path that benefits others besides themselves. What ever path anyone is on....even the worst of the worst somehow what that soul needs to travel to learn.

All beliefs show us something about mankind and the time and thought of man in that time. There is good reason to know what is of flesh and what is of Spirit. Most religions teach mostly about what is of earth and flesh....but the spirit does dwell within beliefs themselves...even if its just the idea that 'man started to try to make sense of life'. Should man of never sought in the first place if later the beliefs would of been proven just that...a belief, a perspective, ect?

I have no reason to believe any entity is in control of Earth or anything is controlling my mind. Man making beliefs and trying to understand things in 'life' was not intended for control. That came later. All beliefs in the past have sound reason to them for that time of man and what man was going through. Yes man has named 'god or gods' yes man tried to 'name the power' of planets, the sun, the moon, ect....language was the only way for man to share his thoughts with another man and describe a energy he or she felt from a certain 'physical' thing such as the sun.

The evil is not in numbers, language, symbols. The evil is in intent.

You can not have communication or workings of math ect without language and symbols. Finding language and symbols evil in reaching IMPO.

All ancient cultures had reasons for their beliefs and in that time, those ideas were very precious to them. Yes there are great wisdoms in some ancient beliefs....and yes some have taken those wisdoms and used them with intents for power, greed, and desires of self.

We all have a 'choice' and sometimes we get caught up in making a choice more based on self desires then a humble understanding. It is still a choice and we all will learn from them.

Just because old beliefs dont hold all truths of all that is...does not make them all evil or mean that they were created with wrong intent. There is understanding for why man believed what they did.

People do hand over their power of thought to many religions or pathways another man has created. Such things are markers for our soul to show what we are ready for and what we are not. Such things may show that a being is not ready to seek within on their own path and feel the need to find wisdom through another mans path. All in all...whatever their choice....will teach them something about what they are in need of in Spirit. It will show is they long for things of Earth over Spirit as well in some ways. For example...those beliefs that longed for a man to be god...shows that man was not ready to give to the divine what was of Thee and wanted things of flesh to have the same abilities and power that the divine had. It all shows something very deep within each soul....with what path they chose or was attracted to. We still see this today just in a different fashion of 'man being immortal'. Individuality is the biggest test and tool to measure...what a soul desires and needs.

People have always longed for protectors and saviors. So we create them. People have always longed for reasons why there is we create ways to try to understand it and give such things a 'right' to be or not to be'. Then along the way a man discovers that what another man taught him was 'wrong' or not fully a truth....then its all labeled evil and a trick.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

How has another man kept you ignorant or me ignorant?

Is it not our own ignorance if we believed or followed another man?

When someone does something it not his own choice and his own doings?

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Indeed the only power they have over us is the power we grant them via negative actions to allow their greater influence in chosen states of sinful dis-grace. It's a very liberating thought to know we essentially hold the cards to our salvation with benevolent guidance in turn provided.

The danger for many is that they don't care to seek diligently to gain discernment, acknowledge/harbour awareness of the true manipulator force, nor recognise the manipulations ---i.e those in the world being lured into taking up arms to violate divine laws, such as 'thou shall not murder'. I say if one has made murder their profession in the guise of being part of a 'defense force', then you have submitted to the will of Lucifer, for every war is orchestrated by Legion and mankind is a willing pawn in spiritual ignorance every time.

There is zero honour or glory in war, this is programming mind control at it's best on Earth to encourage murder of our family of global brothers and sister's. Mankind buys into the bloodline LIES of the serpent. Lucifer and his servants rejoice in every war, in every hurt, in every drop of blood shed, in every family torn apart, in every soldier driven to suicide by attracting demons for his deeds in the name of 'patriotism' and 'honour', while those who refuse are made to feel shamed and derided for not harbouring the will to kill inside their being. Yes this world is often backwards, black is white and white is black---don't dare challenge the status quo or your conditioning or you just may wind up like those other do-gooders with a bullet as their reward ala Gandhi, Malcolm X, JFK. No good deed goes unpunished in Lucifer's kingdom, hasn't man woken up to that yet? Mortal fear is a very powerful tool for submission.

I'd rather take a bullet in the head as a 'traitor' to the powers and principalities of Lucifer than facing my Creators on 'the other side' as a manipulated murderer, who got 'owned' so to speak and failed in my eternal goal of evolution. I'm not all-knowing and I'm certainly not always behaving gracefully, however I have a very deep sense of right and wrong and will always aim to adhere to goodness and righteousness, even if that requires self sacrifice for my ideals. I am certainly not 'married' to this earth and it's ways, for I know where I am, and it's a long way from paradise.

Knowledge is power. It's important you remain ignorant peoples. Now go download some Gaga and down a can of coke to cheer yourselves up from all this 'crazy talk'. I don't want anybody to believe a word of this, I want you all to seek and validate and then seek some more, til there is no doubt of the truly corrupt and evil systems manipulating this Earth, to the point of casting absent votes on election day, not willing to put your energies towards promoting evil doers and scams titled democracy. Just one of many corruptions I am no longer supporting in my current frequency state. Peace and discernment in Grace to All.

edit on 24-11-2010 by benedict9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

You don't seem to understand what I'm saying, and if you do, but don't agree, I still know whats going on, and its a very big thing. Of course to create written langauge, we have to choose, what form it takes and characteristics, and symbols.

The ones chosen, and root words weren't done innocently however, some are straight forward, but many show a heavy handed conspiracy.l

And as for comparing the difference between living in truth, and living in primitive conditions and lied to, it would be like comparing the life of you average teacher or accountant, to a caveman, THAT much has been taken from us, and people are treated like mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed BS, fighting in wars they think are sanctioned by God, for their God's also instructed wars occur and that they would kill every civilian, down to the nursing mother and baby. And they believe this is God.

So, for the few that seek, and find out more, isn't it lovely to view a class full of preschool children, happily playing in the playground and then realize, progression is an elitist thing, and as I've heard tell Quality or Quantity.

I'm a one for all and all for one, and power to the little average guy kind of person myself. Thats just me. I am righteously for the people, grass roots, everyone and consider elitist ideas of hidden things to be crimes against humanity and they make me feel really ill. I'm for the people and everything in open transparency, period, underscored to infinity and beyond.
edit on 24-11-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by benedict9

That's why I retired my service for Her Majesty's Armed Forces back in Feb 2009. Because I only truely went into the army to learn a trade and earn some money but after my horrific encounter with the purest evilest entity known to man, that was a BIG wake up call. Obviously this entity had nothing against me as it stood opposite me, starred right passed me, more there for due to attention for awareness that was made clear to me through thought's with this entity. However we all sensed something was in that room that night me & the squad. I couldn't wait to leave after I got RTU medically discharged, though I did miss a lot of friend's.

I realised that when I couraged up and made my appearance after 6 month's of hiding, the look on everybody's face of my unexpected arrival with full kit and ready to hand in my green's and sign on the dotted line, 'End Of Service'.

It was all kept quiet and I then had my second contract to sign that was compulsory and I did choose to not sign the second that stated that I was not to speak of my extraterrestrial encounter which I refused to sign, then the Staff Sgt when on to tell me with a smile and a little laugh, "you gotta sign here, or we will have to lock you up, so there's no way-out, sorry mate!" So I read the "small description box" which stated if anything was broken unlawfully by the strict army codes and I went against the contract then I would serve a minimum of 10 year's in a maximum prison sentence, £250,000 fine, and black-listed, re-homed, and kept under close observation, tagged, bankrupt, and hold a criminal record for a minimum of ten year's before it expires. I am only allowed to speak of such experience to "family" and "friend's" which technically you guy's are pretty much 'family', but I know what they really mean.

The Armies in my perspective are the Luciferian armies of Hell. This is the Devil's army. Whether people accept it or not. That "experience" I had along with my squad who all had to take oath we would not speak of such encounter, we all made a pack that we would "secretly" and spread the word. I know it's dangerous talking about it here on ATS and would explain ever since becoming a member of ATS shortly after leaving the forces why I had a lot of "observation" going on outdoor's my rent's place. Everybody is monitored for counter-terrorist reason's, you wouldn't think it or believe it, but every single person is "monitored in this country alone". Whether it's tracking your spending on your "chip & pin" credit card's. Taking out bank loan's, spending money in shop's, dining, wining etc. Watching from CCTV set up HQ 50 miles away from any major city, inc petrol garage station's. Even in fuel garage station's there's a green light and a red light L.E.D above the employee's money til located on the ceiling, there's a small speaker above the employee. Well when the green light turn's on it's recording all the conversation's in that building and as well as all footage. But the people in the "know" who are listening to all this data are sat away somewhere in the middle of nowhere in the country some 50+ miles away in a secruity tower listening and have many branches set up around their diameter listening to everything you say. I was trained this and shown in my previous job working on civvi street. Quite bizarre! One reason I do not speak of "thing's" when I'm in the public. Just something to tickle your mind's.
edit on 24-11-2010 by DClairvoyant because: Added comment.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 06:50 PM
I've been busy meditating hard over the past two days, relaxing and spending time with my Higher self. During this period of reflection it's become clear that I have made an error of judgement on this thread. It's been keeping me awake at night, gnawing at my conscience and affecting the energy around me in ways I never expected.

I think the reason emotions run high on this thread is because it deals with the very fabric of what we think we know to be true, each of us has an inner most belief born out of science or faith but as they say...the Devil/Lucifer/The Beast/Satan/Abbadon/Accuser/Father of All Wickedness/Grand Serpent/Apollyon//Deceiver/Destroyer is in the detail. I'm pretty confident there is no unified field theory of belief and never in the history of man has there been, perhaps in the end it's just a case of whatever gets you through IS the truth. The truths themselves are infinite..

Man! Even now as I type this post my head fills with the fear that the damage has already been done and this is too little, too late But! I steel myself, knowing that we are all spiritual people here searching for the truth...

Anyway, I have stalled for long enough....

Recently I made a post that implied coke cans were not essential to our survival.....Since I've spent time with my Higher self it's become clear that this is simply is not true. I apologise profusely and can assure you all, it was never my intention to deceive. In other news I've also been reliably informed that spears---> have evolved into missiles


posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by strangleholder1:
that we are all spiritual people here searching for the truth...

there is no way I am reading thru 3700+ posts but I came to a simple conclusion and not because I have given up or anything like that, I am always the skeptic... but if bad things didn't happen there would be no need for a Creator/God... Though I do believe in collective unconscious and that the majority of this creates our reality.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
I must say, out of only concern.....

First, saying things like "I am awake" is nothing but ego . . .

Sometimes. But I think it matters what one means.

When I say it - - I simply mean I was aware of an existence beyond physical.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by strangleholder1
The truths themselves are infinite..

Very wise my friend. Very wise indeed.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by IAMIAM

Originally posted by strangleholder1
The truths themselves are infinite..

Very wise my friend. Very wise indeed.

With Love,

Your Brother


What does that mean?

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by benedict9
reply to post by 547000

I don't wish to get trivial on what constitutes magick or not. There is power in numbers and subliminal language codings and song lyrics including choice of tone frequencies that are a popular avenue of influence
The chosen frequencies for mobile phones are also a delibrate choice interfering with/altering human bio frequency. Mind manipulation is an extremely well studied science and there are patents out there that would shock many.

You are free to your perceptions and your path and I do not aim to discourage anybody from seeking within to discover/confirm truths, beyond just books.

It's one thing to believe in Yeshua and God, strong faith and living according to the will of love is another matter. May your faith serve you well for the trials to come.

edit on 24-11-2010 by benedict9 because: (no reason given)

Numerology is bunk. Numbers represent quantities. This is no different from worshiping a rock because it's shiny or some crap. People who don't understand numbers and the operations associated with them think they're magical.

How do you know that ring tones are intentionally chosen to interfere with the human bio-field. Are you one of those crackpots who think electromagnetic fields are evil too? Well, I got news for you, light itself is a fluctuating, propagating electromagnetic field, and nature constantly bombards us with radiation. Radiation is simply produced by the acceleration of charges.

Unless you understand computers, of course you'll think it may be evil or magical, but when you understand how they work you'll know there's no evil spells being cast by computers. This is similar to how a tribesman in the jungle might see magnets. Ignorance causes people to speculate false things. Instead of meditating it might be more fruitful to read a book or go to school and build a computer yourself. Then perhaps you might realize the ignorance of claiming computers are coded to cast magic spells on people.
edit on 24-11-2010 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by DClairvoyant

I admire your courage to speak so openly about such matters. Thanks for sharing in the interests of awareness as most people refuse to believe in such negative force presence unless they have actually dealt with it first hand. I have had my own encounters also friend, and having your astral body thrown across the room isn't fun I tell you lol. They really seem to have a beef with Yeshua the Christ for some reason and those that pray to him (at least in my case) hmmm. Those cheeky astral critters do not scare me, only strengthen my faith in the Christ path.

The veils of secrecy and silence are layed on quite thick within the Luciferian Illuminatus military-industrial complex (at the higher levels moreso), with fear as the primary incentive for compliance. Much is monitored, compartmentalized with a corporate media machine to oversee and contain mainstream leaks. And the manipulations are usually cleverly subtle i.e making it obvious that everything is monitored/you are watched etc, consequences for violating 'confidentiality' contract agreements as you noted, and examples of many others who suffered cruel fates of 'mysterious death'.

If citizens harboured awareness to realise just how many of our so called 'captains of industry' leaders are part of occult Luciferian masonic lodges and societies, they may have a hard time sleeping at night. It's a lot easier to deny such notions of reality.

I wore a few years ago what was later discovered to be demonic force utilising talisman that was only worn a few hours before I had a total stranger start a fight and assault me unprovoked over virtually nothing and totally unexpectedly to result in it being removed from my body and lost in the resulting scuffle. I returned to the scene of the incident a short time later to retrieve it, but it was gone. I realised eventually that I was never meant to be wearing such an abomonation on my body (as a child of Christ) and I took that as a 'tough love' lesson. No incident like that had ever happened before in my life and hasn't ever since. I know in the core of my being there are no accidents and that there are consequences for what forces we choose to align with, whether it be in ignorance or not. The military is one such force whose 'business' is death and destruction in spite of all those 'exciting' and 'adventurous' ads you see on your television 'programming'. Lures to follow the doctrines of devils (Nephilim).

I am glad you came to your awakenings for we have seen many examples of 'patriots' being abandoned by the 'forces' they served. These men are despised by their own chessmasters and history has shown such via various experiments conducted on troops (fallout testing and disease causing vaccines to name a few) and the lack of support for those returning often 'broken in spirit/scarred/tormented' from active duty roles.

A quote from Henry Kissinger:

Military men are “dumb, stupid animals to be used” as pawns for foreign policy.

National Security Advisor to Nixon, 1973.
(War Criminal, Freemason, Zionist, White House Advisor during the Iraq and Afghan wars).
The quote is found in “Final Days,” a book by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. Kissinger has never disputed it.

I wish everybody all the best on their paths. Truth is not all 'positivity', though you have ultimate control to deny the temptations of Earthly desires. Those who truly in their heart seek repentance from the temptations/lures of the world will be given more assistance that they could hope for. Your intentions are always known by both sides. Peace.

Edit to Add: The Bloodlines are the descendants of the Nephilim from the days of Noah. They may look like us, but they are not like us in nature. The 'Antichrist' chose to fall from Grace in defiance and are bound HERE ON EARTH. There is more to the underground cities than most would ever feel comfortable acknowledging. These are your military affiliated 'ufo' forces. There will be more of them revealed in time as has been shown to me. The initial fleet arrivals will not be of Christ.

A food for thought link:

edit on 25-11-2010 by benedict9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by benedict9

The Bloodlines are the descendants of the Nephilim from the days of Noah. They may look like us, but they are not like us in nature. The 'Antichrist' chose to fall from Grace in defiance and are bound HERE ON EARTH. There is more to the underground cities than most would ever feel comfortable acknowledging. These are your military affiliated 'ufo' forces. There will be more of them revealed in time as has been shown to me. The initial fleet arrivals will not be of Christ.

Do you believe everything you read and what has been passed onto you from another man?

Bloodlines are meaningless really. We are all of Spirit. Yes some have held importance in bloodlines...but really, they matter not.

There is alot of fear based things coming from people that claim so much enlightenment.

When you let fear lead you...the Spirit can not take the lead.

There is nothing to fear. If you give the past your fear and worry, you are only allowing things of earth to keep you attached. Spirit will not lead you to be worried with such things.

How old do you think mankind is? Do you believe the Adam and eve story too?

Yes there were many cultures. Yes some probably looked like monsters and acted like monsters even to other cultures. They all probably fought over rights to land and materials to survive. Stories though are from one perspective...usually the 'victors' side of things.

Flesh is the corrupter, the tempter. The experience of being a individual gives us power and pride and rights to do as we wish. This in itself...tempts us.

I guess my issue is my non belief in any entity named Lucifer. But you have every right to follow what other men tell you.

Take all things man has ever told you....cast it all aside. Go to Spirit with a clear mind and humble heart....the Spirit is not going to teach you about Lucifer or of a 'bad bloodline'. A bloodline does not make you evil. Your choice at heart causes you darkness and that is YOUR choice....not something outside of you misleading you.

In things of Spirit....what do you have to fear?

Tell me one way where the world has been misled purposely or how something has been hidden that could not be found or understood in ones own path of seeking.

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by 547000

You appear to have it all figured out so who am I to get in your way.

BTW Can you point out where I made reference to computer codings? You are putting words in my mouth via assumptions, but that's okay, that happens a lot on ATS. Enjoy your books, just make sure you look into which institution is responsible for their funding and publishing. The consumption of lies often breeds good obedient slaves who don't often ask the right questions.
edit on 25-11-2010 by benedict9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by benedict9

Why do you keep telling people to enjoy their books?

Where do you get the name Lucifer? Or an idea about an anti christ?

I will agree...most books hold more earthly attractions then anything....but why tell people to enjoy their books when alot of your ideas come from books?

Just curious.

Hope everyone has a happy holiday

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by benedict9

Lol, when you can't argue, say all information is controlled. I hope you enjoy ignorance good sir, for without books or literacy people would still be superstitious and afraid of everything.

Why do you even use the internet? Don't you know all the information you post and read online routes through several computers before reaching the destination? Maybe the powers that be are monitoring you.

I do not know everything, but I do know computers and some science. If you/Unity thinks that under all the machinery of the digital age is a conspiracy to cast spells, you guys are plainly wrong and speaking from a position that lacks knowledge. Knowledge dispels paranoia, for before when there was fear of the unknown there is now light of understanding.

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Q and A time

Do you believe everything you read and what has been passed onto you from another man?

Assumptions are best avoided.

Bloodlines are meaningless really. We are all of Spirit. Yes some have held importance in bloodlines...but really, they matter not.

Not all spirits operate in love and light. It's best to be aware of the presence and activity of those that mean to deceive and harm you and loved ones. Like those lovely corporations contaminating baby foods with heavy metals and injecting them with lovely toxic vaccines before their immune systems are even developed. Carry on ladi da, your world may be fully sprinkled with fairy dust, but not mine. And it is not fear speaking, it is AWARENESS of abomonations against Spirit that are certainly not inspired by our benevolent Creators.

There is alot of fear based things coming from people that claim so much enlightenment.

Are you in fear of the notion of what I have written being true?? I'm not, but it's good to know who is extending their dirty hand out to you in the playground. Can't say I've claimed enlightenment either, but I have felt urged to share what I have been made aware of.

When you let fear lead you...the Spirit can not take the lead.

Are you implying that I am being led by fear? What gives you that impression?

There is nothing to fear. If you give the past your fear and worry, you are only allowing things of earth to keep you attached. Spirit will not lead you to be worried with such things.

Informed yes, worried no.

How old do you think mankind is? Do you believe the Adam and eve story too?

Yes of course, I believe everything I read, you already worked that one out pretty fast. Bible is metaphors as well as literal truths. It takes discernment as well as research (not to mention spiritual revealings) to make better sense of the puzzle. I have been doing this a very long time, but that's just the 'ol ego talking hehe.

Yes there were many cultures.Yes some probably looked like monsters and acted like monsters even to other cultures. They all probably fought over rights to land and materials to survive. Stories though are from one perspective...usually the 'victors' side of things.

???Are you saying if I walk through an Amazonian jungle and encounter some tribal folk, I'm going to mistake them for monsters lol give the human brain a little bit of credit. We didn't evolve from Apes you know! Or did you know that??

Flesh is the corrupter, the tempter. The experience of being a individual gives us power and pride and rights to do as we wish. This in itself...tempts us.

There is one truth regarding the systems of creation in this universe. ET_MAN took a lot of time to explain many which were apparently discarded. I am not so generous with my time. The seeking of divine Truth is a personal responsibility.

I guess my issue is my non belief in any entity named Lucifer. But you have every right to follow what other men tell you.

That's ok, sometimes I even listen to mother. Excellent point. Lucifer believes in you, though he is feeling a little hurt and ignored by that comment

Take all things man has ever told you....cast it all aside. Go to Spirit with a clear mind and humble heart....the Spirit is not going to teach you about Lucifer or of a 'bad bloodline'. A bloodline does not make you evil. Your choice at heart causes you darkness and that is YOUR choice....not something outside of you misleading you.

Spirit compelled me to gain knowledge. You seem convinced I am listening to 'man'. Such reveals more about your level of deduction and discernment, or lack of. Oops I'll behave in spite of the false testament against my path.

In things of Spirit....what do you have to fear?

Ummm, you really are convinced I'm afraid when I have only served to alert to an adversary force here, aka Antichrist.

Tell me one way where the world has been misled purposely or how something has been hidden that could not be found or understood in ones own path of seeking.

Why are you asking me such a question? Do you think I am here to convince you of something? Maybe you need to ponder on that one. I am here sharing my own perspective, and judging by your reasonings and interpretations of my posts, you have it all figured out with assumptions thrown in for good measure. If your door is shut, I can't offer you anything but futile debate, and I really don't care for debates. It is not why I am here. Good luck
Like I say I ask that nobody blindly believes anything written. Seek to confirm within what may resonate.
edit on 25-11-2010 by benedict9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Whats wrong with enjoying books? Everything has it's place here, including the journey of remembrance and disinformation. Maybe the Creators delibrately create an environment of confusion to test our nature of love and acceptance. Maybe that's what this caper of ego's and apparent differences is all about hehe. Love you guys.

I accept all your beliefs, and may your continued seeking bring the light of growing awareness. Peace.

edit on 25-11-2010 by benedict9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by benedict9

Edit to Add: The Bloodlines are the descendants of the Nephilim from the days of Noah. They may look like us, but they are not like us in nature. The 'Antichrist' chose to fall from Grace in defiance and are bound HERE ON EARTH. There is more to the underground cities than most would ever feel comfortable acknowledging. These are your military affiliated 'ufo' forces. There will be more of them revealed in time as has been shown to me. The initial fleet arrivals will not be of Christ.

Where I have hightlighted the above quote, 'Nightmare Hall'(a zoo full of humaniod's, hybrid's, people and animal's, I've experienced it and never forget it and can't sleep very (i get about on avergae 4-5 hour's sleep , that's enough for me) well as it haunt's me time-to-time) comes to mind, and the 'Generic DNA Test Labs'. GMO food crop's provided for the people and the people are the "food-chain" for the Nephilim/Gray's. Sadistical thing I've ever seen a gray "do" is use the "blue" and "green" gell to smoother all over eachother on their genitial's and you probably work out the rest. The absolutely terrifying thing is the gell. It comes from mashed up people's organ's basically. The gray's feed through pleasure of gell through their bilogical bodysuit's/temporal self's "skin-in the flesh". That's how they feed. Their organ's are in their head's.

All sound's like fantasy to most i'd imagine a lot of non-believer's here. But WHEN you see it for yourselves(which I bl**dy hope you don't) you might not be so fortunate. People will be talking about it sooner or later. Just think this time next year LOT'S of people will know about it. But will it be too late for them? Who know's, what I know is like my uncle said who also is ex-military, said that neither of us are sticking around when Martial Law hit's the street's.

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by 547000

Why do you even use the internet? Don't you know all the information you post and read online routes through several computers before reaching the destination? Maybe the powers that be are monitoring you.

Everybody's monitored my Father work for the British Government. I've seen software model's of tracking hacker's across the globe, the coolest bit of software I've seen yet. Not that my Father really has much time for us because he's alway's "working", though I do appreciate him paying the bill's and he still loves us all just he's more occupied with keeping the "black coat's" out of his server's and the information they contain on half the region.

It doesn't bother me to an extent we are being monitored, as I've grown used to it, sorta help's in away knowing that if you slip up in something, you'll know not to do it second time. Everybody is a suspect until proven innocent-remember that!

We're all number's, nobody is an individual in this country, we are recognised for what our serial birth certificate number's stand for. We are an asset to the government. The more skillful we are in employment and the more financially better-off, we are worth more than those at the bottom of the ladder who can be flicked off the chalke-board.

There is such a thing as the "blue" list and the "red" list. Those who are highly powerful, very rich, have many investor's and business corporate head's, run behind the scene's of police/emergency staff/hospital's/drug companies/war's/politic's/government's/militaries/mob's etc are given priority to select from a few "the elite" to be categorised on the "blue" list. Those who are still among us, classed as "suspect's" and are fully truthseeker's/whislteblower's/leaker's/hacker's/people not so skillful in employment, have ran many debt's etc will be pplaced on the "red" list.

So when they round you guy's and girl's up for d.u.m.b's you will be selected like the very few who didn't escaped the gas chamber's from the nazi war's. Only difference is the "red" list you ARE more of a target because they are the first people that are rounded up and dealt with. Martial law enforcer's in your OWN homes, butchering and murdering those that are target's and then the not so fortunate on the "blue" list will accompony for the lose of many good lives that now more people will be held in ignorance and given shelter and food for a price of slavery labour for a new government underground cities.

Your choice, but fk the armies, I'm staying on the surface and like my ex-army uncle said, if anybody break's into our homes, will come at them 10 times more ruthless.

edit on 25-11-2010 by DClairvoyant because: comment

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