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Alien Orientation 101

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posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 09:34 PM
Alien Orientation 101

I would like to share a dream I had this week. This dream is rather bizarre and will be recounted here to the best of my ability. You will see holes and gaps in this dream as it skips around some and certain scenes I just plain don’t remember. But here it is to the best of my recollection. The title will become apparent as the dream progresses. I play the role of a plain-clothes police detective in this dream. I have a 9-mm Glock sidearm with 2 spare loaded clips and a pair of handcuffs on a clip on my belt. I am wearing a light blue button-up long sleeve shirt with a pair of khaki pants with loafers. I would like feedback on this dream or any interpretations you may have to offer. Feel free to discuss at length as I am interested to hear what others here have to offer.

Start of dream: Alien Orientation 101

I am standing outside a very tall building that is either under renovation or is being built. It is about 20 stories tall. It has certain floors that are unfinished or do not have exterior facing on them. There are no other structures around. This is an isolated location within a fenced area. There are no guards that I can see but there are no work crews either. It starts just with me and this building. Time of day is just about sunset. It is still light outside but it gets darker as the dream goes along. Weather is fair, no clouds and a slight breeze.

I have to report inside to someone I am being summoned. I go inside of this building and have to dodge paint buckets, piles of building materials, scaffolding, etc… lying around. I take the elevator but I do not press a button and the door opens and I proceed down a hall to an office. I am the first to arrive it seems. I open the door and there I see an office with office furniture including a desk, computer, telephone and filing cabinet and maybe a half dozen empty chairs. Sitting behind this desk is Senator Jesse Helms. I have never met the man but I do remember him from his pictures. He asks me to sit down in a chair and wait as there are more to arrive. He appears busy with paperwork so I keep silent and just look around. I notice 3 doors in this room, one of which is the one I entered. The wall directly behind where Sen Helms is sitting is gone. It is open space to the outside of the building and there is no guard railing behind him. The floor just stops where the exterior wall should be. I have no idea why I am here but I wait patiently. Soon, others begin to arrive. About 4 other police officers arrive separately from other departments whom I do not know. Some are in uniform and others are plain clothes like me. All the seats in the room are now filled. Just about the time we all get seated, Sen Helms starts talking but none of us can understand what he is saying. We can hear him, but the content is not understandable to our human ears. All of us officers turn and look at each other trying to figure out what is going on.

After about 30 seconds of this speech that we cannot understand, he reaches over and grabs the phone receiver and hits a button and starts to continue this alien speech into the phone and then hangs up. About 10 seconds later, one of the doors in this room opens up and very small petite human-looking female enters the room and shuts the door behind her. She is very short, not even 5 ft tall and wouldn’t weigh 100 lbs soaking wet. She is dressed in a blouse and a medium length skirt. And me being male one of the first things I notice is that she doesn’t have any breasts. They were like non-existent. But she appeared to be female by bone structure, her face and long dark hair. At this point I become confused as to how I received another message in my brain that us police officers are suppose to arrest this alien looking female. So all 5 of us officers jump to our feet to do as we have been instructed. But this female is very fast and elusive. She slips out one of the other doors in this room before we can catch her. A wild foot chase then peruses through the building. Us officers split up to cover more territory. She appears to be playing with us. Every time we think we have her cornered, she disappears. This foot chase goes on for quite a while, maybe 10 mins or more.

Finally we have her surrounded by all 5 officers and something spectacular happens. A light/glow comes over her and the floor beneath her opens up and she floats downward through it to the level below and the floor seals itself back up. Us officers all look at each other in amazement and disbelief at what we are seeing. But we know we have to keep hunting her as it is our directive to do so. So we split up again after going down the stairs to the level below us.

She begins to be even more elusive before. It is a game to her. A game of cat and mouse that we are losing. None of us can catch her, not even collectively. After about 30 minutes of this chase, I somehow get lost or separated from the other officers. I’m assuming they have either given up or reported back upstairs. But I will not be deterred in my directive. I continue my pursuit.

I realize by now that I am back on the 1st floor of this building as I can see through the open walls the grass and ground. This female streaks past me in a blur and escapes outside of the building through an exterior fire door. I continue my pursuit as I got outside the door, she is just standing there very still with her back to me. She is not moving. I yell for her to freeze and do not move as I reach for my handcuffs.

At this time she gradually starts turning around toward me but her feet are not moving. She is finally facing me as I start to approach her with the cuffs, she moves her arm up into her clothing as if she is reaching for something. I am assuming it is a hidden weapon. I pull my Glock and aim it at her chest. She just smiles at me while she fumbles with her
Clothes. She appears to pull an object out of her clothes and I fire 1 shot at her.

She does not fall, it appears as though I missed my target. So I close the distance a little by slowly walking toward her and now she is pointing this object at me. By now, I am less than 20 feet from her and I think she is gonna hurt me with this thing she is pointing at me. I fire off another round and this time I am absolutely positive I do not miss. But she has no physical reaction to the bullet. It’s as if the bullet goes right through her with no damage. It has no effect on her whatsoever. I look down at my gun to see if it is operating normally and it appears normal. She then walks toward me slowly and lifts her hand and grabs the gun and now she guides the gun still in my hand directly point blank range to her chest. The muzzle end touches her body. She gently puts her finger over top of my finger on the trigger and she squeezes the trigger once more. The Glock fires.
And for the 3rd time. It has no effect on her at point blank range. She just smiles at me. And by now I am completely dumbfounded and amazed and scared #less as I am completely at her mercy at this point. I holster my weapon as I realize it is useless at this point.

After I holster my weapon. she grabs me by the hand and starts to lead me by the hand back into the building then back into the elevator. The elevator door opens up and we walk into a completely different room that I have not been in yet in this building. Inside this room there are at least a hundred or more other people sitting around in chairs and some around tables. Some of these people are law enforcement and some are not. But one thing they do all have in common, they are laughing their butts off at me like I have just been the butt end of an alien joke.

I look over at a chalkboard on the wall and it reads:

Alien Orientation 101

And I wake up !!!!

Now tell me that’s not like something you would see on X-Files???
Well you can’t say they don’t have a sense of humor in this


mods, please do not move this to below top secret as I
do not post on that forum and can't respond to the thread.
I posted it in UFO's cuz it involves disclosure in the dream.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 09:45 PM
Oh Saint this was a very high orientation process. The surreal feel to the dream and your ability to recall each event is proof to me that you were indeed being brought up a level to the reality which is unfolding in the world today.

It will be like a lesson to you one day and if you do encounter aliens which you most probably have, you will sense it before you know it with your mind.

From what I have experienced, the law enforcement and many political officers are aware and connected to the hidden alien presence. It is their duty to keep it from the public eye for good reason.

Ah, I have to say that was one heck of a great dream.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by antar

yes it was a dream that I'll probably never forget.
Us humans were completely ineffective against
these aliens.

But boy !!! What a hell of a way to get introduced to them !!!
I never had imagined personal disclosure would take a route
like this this.

One thing I summarized from this dream. Those who seek
and work toward disclosure THE MOST, are the ones most likely
to achieve it. As the original 4 officers in the room with me at
first were NOT in that last room I was in where they were
laughing at me.

Pretty weird to say the least.
I hope I have another one

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Maybe you were being told that no matter what happens when
they come, you will not be able to stop them no matter what
you do.
Was she at least hot looking???

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

You know I have to say, with your talent I would love to read this in short story form, you could elaborate and expound on it, even use your imagination to continue, perhaps leave it as you wrote it, then go see a Hypnotherapist and add that to the story.

I am facinated by it really.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by rangersdad
reply to post by boondock-saint

Maybe you were being told that no matter what happens when
they come, you will not be able to stop them no matter what
you do.
Was she at least hot looking???

you may be right,
at least bullets didn't work in my dream.
I do not know about anything else as I didn't
have access to other means of defense.

as far as being hot, not really. On a scale from 1
to 10, I'd give her a 6. Who knows she may not have
even been female. She may have just used that form
as an outward appearance to others. Who the hell
knows in these situations.

But I wouldn't have asked her for a date, that's for sure
as she gave me the heebie jeebies.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 10:36 PM
this dream also leads one to wonder

why does disclosure have to be
to the masses?

Why can't it be done individually
on a one-to-one basis like
in this dream?

There are tons of different options
in disclosure if you think about it.

Maybe I should send this idea
to Stephin King !!!! lmao

like he would really give a crap
about aliens ???

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by antar
reply to post by boondock-saint

You know I have to say, with your talent I would love to read this in short story form, you could elaborate and expound on it, even use your imagination to continue, perhaps leave it as you wrote it, then go see a Hypnotherapist and add that to the story.

I am facinated by it really.

ya know
I read somewhere that Stephen King gets
all his book ideas from his dreams.

Maybe I should start writing books about mine


posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Or was it all really a dream, it could have been real considering
how detailed it was.

Did you ever or are you currently working for a government
agency that would receive ET visitation and communication??

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

One thing I summarized from this dream. Those who seek
and work toward disclosure THE MOST, are the ones most likely
to achieve it. As the original 4 officers in the room with me at
first were NOT in that last room I was in where they were
laughing at me.

This is my message, all the time, no one really ever understand, those who seek find. And then you must wonder is it safe? Why are your ets officials? I don't like that part, and I never did think they were human.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by rangersdad
Or was it all really a dream, it could have been real considering
how detailed it was.

well it seemed real enough in my dream.
I awoke in my bed and had to go pee.
I normally feel that urge when I awake.
This time was no different. So I am assuming
it was a dream. Who in their right mind
would give me a loaded weapon and tell me
to go arrest ET???? lmao

Originally posted by rangersdad
Did you ever or are you currently working for a government
agency that would receive ET visitation and communication??

Not to my knowledge !!!!
But who the hell knows what goes on behind
the scenes that we don't know about.
I am just not aware of it.
But the dream sure seemed real.
The details were just so vivid.
Or maybe it was an implant of some
sort. I don't know. I wrote down all
I could remember about it.
The interpretation of it belongs to
somebody smarter than me.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
This is my message, all the time, no one really ever understand, those who seek find. And then you must wonder is it safe? Why are your ets officials? I don't like that part, and I never did think they were human.

that kinda peaked my curiosity too
after I awoke. I have no clue why
a Senator much less Jesse Helms
would have been in my dream.
I have never met the man,
well at least to my knowledge
have never met him. And why
he would be associated with Aliens???
just too weird IMO.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 08:51 PM
(Wrong thread of yours)

[edit on 10-8-2010 by gandhi]

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

They all are,well perhaps the ones more in the know, perhaps your dream is indicating he is one of those. I recommend meditation and raising your frequency. The best way to approach ufology is positive, and working on self, for earth is a testing grounds, and love is how we grow. No matter what this senator is involved in, theres good and bad on all sides, and love is always the right way. maybe some meditation under the stars even.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 10:46 PM
Very interesting dream !! S&F

I bet it raises a lot of questions !

Originally posted by boondock-saint

why does disclosure have to be
to the masses?

Why can't it be done individually
on a one-to-one basis like
in this dream?

And those are excellent ones !

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 12:31 AM
The human consciousness [a very tall building]
that is currently on reconstruction [under renovation or is being built]
which you work for as a light worker [police officers]
reporting your progression [I have to report inside to someone]
so some mission control member of your own soul group [Senator Jesse Helms]
is being compromised by the usual intruder,
the mind/thinking/conditioning/Ego mechanism [human-looking female]
that can't be caught for its nature is : [But this female is very fast and elusive]
and can't be killed [It has no effect on her at point blank range]
no matter how hard you try for the Ego itself is a manifestation of Intelligence
[A light/glow comes over her]
and wasn't an intruder in the first place
but the catalyst of awakening that drives us to an elevated state of consciousness
[she grabs me by the hand and starts to lead me by the hand back into the building then back into the elevator]
by recognizing that all this have been a game [they are laughing their butts off at me]

by the way are you familiar with this ?
E.T. 101

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:13 AM
hey man haha i love dreaming. Okay all this raising your vibration/frequency stuff i wouldn't worry about. ( doesn't feel right for me anyways)

I'll tell you this I have dreams I can remember all the details, and anyone who says you don't dream in color is foolish. I had a dream with some kind of thing was chasing me fom place to place to place felt like i couldn't excape, no matter what i did,Until i got to the point where i woke up a little, then BAM i recognized i was in a dream and it started to run away from me, it tried to run into a like a doorway( that appeared from no where) like perfect rectangle, white light coming from the other side of the doorway and it ran into this, but because i was aware enough I made the exit of the portal apear right to my right so that when he ran though he came out right in front of me. Finally I had *it* scared. I laughed and woke myself up.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 04:48 AM
Damn great dream...or was it a dream?

i've had similar experiences but not quite like this...

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

I believe that you made this up or at least greatly embellished the framework of the dream. I've had lucid dreams that didn't include 10% of the details you have included here.

Another post of yours that linked to this story is the "communications piped [...]" and is quite similarly bizarre in itself, too. Maybe you find it entertaining to write these things? You have a niche for it, for sure, if so.

Either way, good for you.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 09:18 AM
What a read...Thanks I thoroughly enjoyed it.

It seems to me that you were the only one in your group of officers that didn't give up. The fact that they were laughing at you could be anything- I mean, If they already knew she could not be shot to death, they would just be laughing at your 3 failed attempts. But- The other officers weren't in the room which leads me to believe that you made the cut... Maybe it's a two part series...I'd say get an early night tonight.

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