posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand
Well, I'm not one to limit God - he can use everything and anything to provide meaning and messages. However, I for one won't be reading Aleister
Crowley or the Satanic Bible and expect to get a closer revelation of God. I think you're over-mysticising the idea.
I also wouldn't put Cayce material in the same category as the Torah, the Koran, the Bhagavad Gita or the teachings of Buddha. The spirits as you
yourself have mentioned can clamour for the attention of the receiver, and the majority of genuine mystics will advise against such open
Cayce was a special 'case' (no pun intended), and I'm as yet undecided on the true value of his work. I'll read up some more and come back with a
fully formed opinion - first impressions are of a self-conflicting wishy-washy ego massage in my humble opinion.
Scripture as understood from the passage you quote is to be understood as those writings inspired directly from Almighty God, not the material
produced by Cayce or similar channelers as apparently originating from entities, or 'gods' (small 'g'). Anyone reading the verses of poetic
potency from Job, or Isaiah will not fail to distinguish between the true Spirit of God and the flawed spirit of a man, or his 'higher' sources. As
I say, I'm not doubting that God can be present in everything He so chooses to be present in. I'm not saying he wouldn't use Cayce's work to
compel an individual towards a higher path - I'm just saying that he wouldn't contradict what He's already laid out, or debase Himself after aeons
of powerful masterworks with lesser (not to mention confusing) literary efforts made via an unconscious, uninitiated intermediary.
Remember that Satan himself can appear as an angel of light (wolves in sheep's clothing..?) In genuine scripture we are warned that the last days
will be filled with false prophets (not all of them complicit in the works of darkness; some will doubtless be unwitting pawns).
Still, I don't expect you will agree with me. I'd just stress caution in what you discern from the material you read, and check it out against what
God has already revealed about Himself and His plans. In the New Testament, we are instructed to 'test the spirits', and basically to not believe
everything we hear from those realms. Emanuel Swedenborg was a gifted Christian mystic, but even he was duped by 'lower' entities into believing
that all the planets in our solar system had earth-like communities on them.