children of One or of Sons of Belial in turning into destructive channels those influences of infinite power as were being gained from the elements as
well as from what is termed spiritual or supernatural powers in the present. Entity wavered between choices and when the destruction came about by the
use of those rays as were applied for beneficial forces, entity misapplied ability. 38 Once again the children of Belial were on the brink of
destroying Atlantis, and the Sons of the Law of One decided that it was finally time to begin leaving Atlantis, before the inevitable destruction
came. "In Atlantean land during the periods of exodus due to foretelling or foreordination of activities which were bringing about destructive
forces. Among those who were not only in Yucatan but in the Pyrenees and Egyptian land."
Cayce's visions spoke of exoduses to a number of places, most particularly South and Central America, Spain, and Egypt, as well as North America, in
the area of Nevada and Colorado, which at that time was called "Mayra". Not long after these exoduses began, another great destruction, the second
great destruction of Atlantis occurred, and the islands became even smaller and more divided than before. Many of the law of One, and some of Belial,
however, had already begun building up new homes in the more stable lands surrounding Atlantis, a colonial period that would characterize the last
great age of Atlantis before its final destruction. An artistic rendition of Atlanteans fleeing an Atlantean temple before the final destruction of
Atlantis. Image from Jessica's Fantasy Site.
More than half of Cayce's life readings concerning Atlantis cover this period of Atlantis' history, a period that covers approximately 10,500-9500
b.c., near the end of which time the final destruction of Atlantis and the Great Flood of Noah occurred. Cayce believed that he had an incarnation
during this period in the form of an Egyptian priest named Ra-Ta, who was renowned for his ability to communicate with the Atlanteans who had invaded
the land of Egypt in force after the final destruction of their homeland. And, as we shall see, once again the warring factions of the Sons of the Law
of One and the children of Belial continued on during the Egyptian sojourn. A thousand years or more before the final destruction of Atlantis, which
did not occur until somewhere between 10,500 and 9500 b.c., many of the Law of One had emigrated away from Poseidia and the other islands of Atlantis
wherein they had dwelt for so many thousands of years. They traveled to many places, including North America, in that portion that is now the desert
southwest, Central America in the area of the Yucatan, South America to the area around Peru and Europe around the Pyrenees area of Spain and France.
However, by far the largest single contingent of Atlantean refugees came to North Africa, particularly to the area now known as Egypt. The Egyptian
sojourn was somewhat different for the Sons of the Law of One than their experiences in battling the forces of darkness on their home island of
Poseidia. As the last remnants of Poseidia and the rest of the islands of Atlantis began to slip beneath the waves as a result of the children of
Belial's unceasing warfare, more and more of the Law of One decided that they would best be able to serve mankind from other, more stable locations
around the Earth. However Egypt, though it was geophysically stable, was undergoing a sociopolitical earthquake. Edgar Evans Cayce explains the
situation in Egypt around the time of the final destruction: From between 10,000 and 11,000 b.c. a tribe from the Carpathian region invaded and
conquered Egypt. One of the leaders of this tribe was a priest named Ra-Ta. Ra-Ta was Edgar Cayce (or Edgar Cayce was Ra-Ta, depending upon your point
of view). In Egypt Ra-Ta's religious teachings attracted a large following. However, there was already political friction in Egypt and tension
between the ruling classes and the native Egyptians.
Ra-Ta was caught up in this political intrigue, and after a native rebellion, he was banished for nine years to what is now Abyssinia. At the height
of the confusion refugees began arriving in Egypt from Atlantis. The Atlanteans, scientifically more advanced than the Egyptians, found little in
common with the inhabitants of Egypt, and began to set up their old way of life. Leaders of the ruling class and leaders of the native rebellion soon
realized that these incoming Atlanteans with their superior scientific knowledge and radically different social and religious views posed a new
threat. A leader had to be found, around whom the people could rally, to turn the power of the Atlanteans into constructive channels. In an effort to
bring some order our of the chaos the leaders in power decided to recall the priest from banishment. Only he might correlate the activities of all
these conflicting groups. This move was successful and with the cooperation of the rulers of Egypt, the priest, the Atlanteans and the natives there
ensued a period of great advancement in human relations. The then civilized portions of the world enjoyed a period of moral, mental, spiritual and
physical development. In order to accomplish this sociopolitical revolution and blend the three races together seamlessly, institutions were developed
to help facilitate the movement towards consolidation. "Combination hospital and educational institutions (called the Temple of Sacrifice and the
Temple of Beauty) were set up, and probably functioned like the psychiatric wing of a modern hospital. There the masses flocked for mental as well as
physical therapy." These institutions were needed both to heal the people both physically and psychologically. The Temple of Sacrifice focused on
physical healing, including routine healings, surgeries, and even what appears to be radiation treatments and chemotherapy, where the Temple of Beauty
focused on psychological healing, functioning as a combination psychiatric hospital/finishing school, helping heal mental illnesses and teach proper
social behavior. However, they accomplished even more than this, as Edgar Evans Cayce explains: Evidently, besides low mental development and/or lack
of moral judgment and selfcontrol, some people classed as servants or "things" or "automatons" had physical deformities linking them to the animal
world. They may have had tails, feathers, or scales. This was a holdover from the early projection of souls into materiality for selfish purposes at
which time monstrosities as well as creatures of beauty were created." All the trappings of civilization were added to the new blended culture,
including social skills, education, a written language, a law code, electrical power for lighting, heating, and related needs, even recipes for
Atlantean cuisine. However, even as the last remnants of Atlantis were sinking beneath the waves, the sons of Belial among the Atlanteans who had
migrated to Egypt began once again to exercise their influence over the newly found institutions of health and healing, twisting their abilities to do
evil: In Atlantean land when groups were being sent to other lands for various purposes — among those coming to Egypt. With establishing of Temple
of Sacrifice entity set about to use truths and tenets that had been part of Atlantean experience, these used as suggestions with elements and drugs
used as sedatives for activities in Temple of Sacrifice, or for surgery, in preparing individuals for definite services by removal of those things
that would cause one to be different-minded.
Another giant skull in the Gold Museum collection. in Lima, Peru. This skull has a scar that is clearly surgical in nature, suggesting surgery or,
perhaps more accurately, a lobotomy. Peru was one of the locations on Earth where the Atlanteans fled to escape the final destruction. Image from
Light 1998.
Though the wording here seems benign enough, the actual meaning of this statement is that the Egyptians were brainwashed into accepting Atlantean rule
using coercive psychotherapy combined with drugs. Even worse, those subjects who refused to accept the new order had their brains surgically altered.
In other words, they were lobotomized, their free will physically taken from them. In their desire for order, the Atlantean balance between the Sons
of the Law of One and the children of Belial again fell towards totalitarianism and, even though their intentions may have been noble, they began to
treat other races as slaves once more. This tendency became more and more pronounced until they began to develop mechanical means of controlling, even
enslaving, large masses of people at once. Edgar Evans Cayce explains, "With the use of chemicalbrain control agents it may be possible to control
the individual and the masses and to do this unobtrusively and without the active cooperation of the victims ... the following extract sounds as if a
similar technique was used in Atlantis: '[The entity was] among those that were set upon to apply their abilities in relationship to the various
conditions that were to be brought about to impel a people to submit to the influences that might be brought to bear.' (Additional data in the
reading indicates that electrical and mechanical appliances were used to accomplish this.)" So, even as their home islands of Atlantis were sinking
beneath the waves, the sons of Belial were still trying to use every means necessary to conquer and enslave the world. The innocuous sounding
"electrical and mechanical appliances" actually indicates an extremely sinister agenda on the part of the sons of Belial: to turn everyone on earth
into remote-controlled slaves, even from birth — shades of The Matrix! Edgar Evans Cayce, writing his commentary on these visions in 1968, was
surprisingly cogent in his assessment of the sinister implications contained in these statements: Some day tiny radios placed in the brain may make
possible the enslavement of entire nations. Such equipment might be used to equip a child with a socket mounted under the scalp from which electrodes
extended to selected areas of the brain. Later a miniature radio receiver and antenna could be plugged into the socket. Schafer says, "From that time
on, the child's sensory perceptions and muscular activity could be either modified or completely controlled by bio-electric signals radiated from
state-controlled transmitters. The "once human being" would be the cheapest of machines to create and operate. This statement sounds chillingly
similar to what Morpheus said in The Matrix when explaining to Neo how mankind had become enslaved: "What is the 'Matrix'? Control. The Matrix is a
computer-generated dreamworld built to keep us under control, in order to change the human being into this:" and Morpheus holds up a battery. In the
movie, mankind had been fitted with sockets in the base of their brains, and all over their bodies, and plugged in to an extremely complex virtual
reality program in order to keep them in a constant world of dreams, while their bodies were used as a source of heat and energy. In the world of The
Matrix, humanity had been reduced to mere machines.
In retrospect, it appears that the children of Belial had, in a desparate attempt to finally wipe out the power of the Sons of the Law of One, chose
a scorched earth — or in this case, a "drowned earth" — policy, where they once again tapped volcanic forces in an attempt to wipe out all of
their enemies in one swift stroke. This is where Plato's account of the final destruction of Atlantis begins to converge with that of Cayce: the
children of Belial apparently decided that they wanted either to control the entire world, or go down in glorious defeat, taking as many with them
into the Abyss as possible. There was no compromise, no attempts to improve mankind — in their minds, all other races were chattel to be used as
cattle, and not even the powerful Sons of the Law of One were going to keep them from their mad quest for dominion. As a result, they launched a final
campaign on Europe to crush the last resistance to their rule, which, according to Plato had fallen to the Athenians. Had the Athenians failed, and
had God not intervened with The Flood, the end result of this conquest would have been the enslavement of the entire human race, in a manner
chillingly similar to that described in The Matrix. Having failed in their attempt to defeat the Athenian armies conventionally, the children of
Belial turned once again to "the terrible mighty crystal" to annihilate the very ground on which the Athenians stood. Focusing the mighty power of
the crystal into the bowels of the Earth, the children of Belial succeeded in doing just that, sinking in the entire region that is now known as the
Mediterranean basin into the depths of the sea along with the Athenians who had opposed them. However, the same process that destroyed the Athenian
homelands also annihilated the remaining islands of Atlantis in a spectacular suicidal coup de'etat. As Solon had put it, "But afterwards there
occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the
island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea." It is in this context, then, that of a global "war to end all wars", that
Noah was commanded to build an ark, to save himself and those precious few others of the Law of One whose genetic structures had not been corrupted by
intermarriage with the children of Belial. These 8 brave souls, along with the numerous animals that were also saved in the ark, rode out the massive
Flood that either accompanied or was outright caused by the disasters the children of Belial brought upon themselves in their quest to enslave the
world. However, though the Bible says that the ancient world was corrupted by the giants and their constant warfare, it is clear that God himself had
a hand in the destruction of the antediluvian world, as evidenced by the forty days and forty nights of rain, and the opening up of the "fountains"
of the earth. Some believe that the disaster was actually caused by a polar shift due to the excessive amount of ice at the poles, which had made
Earth top (and bottom) heavy, predisposing the crust to shift in order to compensate. Another possibility is that the antediluvian world was destroyed
by a series of comet and/or meteor strikes that destroyed various land areas, and drowned many others with huge tidal waves and precipitation from the
comets' melting ice. Most likely it was a combination of two or more of these, but the information we have currently available issimply not clear
enough to draw a definitive conclusion. However, one thing is for cer
tain — as a result of The Great Flood the antediluvian world was well hidden and, based upon what we have discovered in this study, for good
reason. A closeup view of the Sphinx's southern face. The Sphinx gazes due east, towards the sun as it rises on the equinox. Photo copyright 1999
Santha Faiia. Fortunately, the Sons of the Law of One had foresight enough to compile all of their records in several places that were very difficult
to destroy. The most well known of these places, according to Cayce, is Egypt: In Atlantean land before the final destruction — when the priest came
from Egypt to Poseidia to gain understanding of the Law of One (or God) that there might be records carried back to Egypt.... Entity had charge of
records brought to Egypt [and] was one who PERSONALLY cared for the records that were brought by the leaders of that people for preservation in that
portion of man's experience in the Earth.... Entity aided the priest in the preparation of the manner of building the temple of records that lies
just beyond that enigma that still is the mystery of mysteries to those who seek to know what were the manners of thought of the ancient sons who made
man, beast — as part of the consciousness. This "mystery of mysteries" is of course the Sphinx which, as we have discussed in previous articles,
is believed by many to be the guardian of an ancient Hall of Records as described by Cayce. These records are located either under or near the Sphinx,
between the Sphinx and the "Pyramid of Records", as described by Cayce: "The entity was among the first to set the records that are yet to be
discovered or yet to be had of those activities in the Atlantean land, and for the preservation of the data that is yet to be found from the chambers
of the way between the Sphinx and the pyramid of records." Cayce, unlike modern archaeologists, believes that the pyramids were built around 10,500
b.c. to house ancient information about the history of mankind, specifically about Atlantis. As we have seen, though the date of the building of the
pyramids is probably the conventional dating of 2500 b.c., the building of the Sphinx, based upon water erosion all over the Sphinx and the Sphinx
Enclosure, was most likely built around the time of the Atlanteans, ca. 10,500 b.c. However, we will never be certain until the ancient Hall of
Records is opened and the relevant information is deciphered. Cayce even gives detailed instructions on what the records are and where the Hall of
Records can be found: A record of Atlantis from the beginning of those periods when the Spirit took form, or began the encasements in that land; and
the developments of the peoples throughout their sojourn; together with the record of the first destruction, and the changes that took place in the
land; with the record of the sojournings of the peoples and their varied activities in other lands, and a record of the meetings of all the nations of
lands, for the activities in the destruction of Atlantis; and the building of the pyramid of initiation, together with whom, what and where the
opening of the records would come, that are as copies from the sunken Atlantis. For with the change, it [Atlantis] must rise again. In position, this
lies — as the sun rises from the waters — as the line of the shadows (or light) falls
between the paws of the Sphinx; that was set later as the sentinel or guard and which may not be entered from the connecting chambers from the
Sphinx's right paw until the time has been fulfilled when the changes must be active in this sphere of man's experience. Then [it lies] between the
Sphinx and the river. Cayce's Atlantis is quite enigmatic, but matches on many points with both the Bible and Plato's accounts of the ancient world.
Though it is possible that Cayce may have simply had an excellent imagination and sharp memory recall, some of the things he predicted, such as
television, lasers, and atomic power, were not yet available at the time of his visions. Though purists would argue that a study of Cayce in context
of the Bible is only marginally useful, some of the information gleaned from his insights has, as we have seen, proven to be extremely enlightening.
And even though the Great Flood of the ancient world wiped out all life on Earth save that saved on the ark, records of the ancient world apparently
still exist in various parts of the world. Moreover, and more interestingly, Cayce said that only at a certain time, "when the time has been
fulfilled", can the secret chamber be entered again, and the Hall of Records found, with their precious cargo of truth. And when is that time? When
Atlantis rises again: It would be well if this entity were to seek either of the three phases of the ways and means in which those records of the
activities of individuals were preserved — the one in the Atlantean land that sank, which will rise and is rising again ; another in the place of
the records that leadeth from the Sphinx to the hall of records, in the Egyptian land, where the temple there is overshadowing same. It would take an
act of God to open up the Hall of Records, given the extreme levels of control the Egyptian authorities have been exercising over all aspects of the
Giza necropolis. Recently, as has been written about elsewhere in this issue, attempts have been made to open up a secret chamber in the Great
Pyramid, which may have been the pyramid that Cayce was referring to as the "Pyramid of Records". Though the first attempt has met with mixed
results, future attempts will likely open up new horizons in our understanding of ancient Egyptian culture and, hopefully, settle the Atlantis
question once and for all. Yet, for those who have faith in history, fate, God — we know that someday soon, for good or ill, Atlantis will rise