posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 09:18 PM
I've been a long time lurker of this site and I rarely post..But I got to thinking about this event Glenn has been planning for a while now and I'm
beginning to think there could be something nefarious going on here...
First of all we have Glenn trying to write himself into the history books and planning this event on the same day as MLK's "I have a dream speech".
Also, I've heard him say repeatedly.."This is NOT a Tea Party"...Why the separation from the Tea Party Glenn? And I believe I've heard him say
this will be the last march/rally allowed at the Lincoln Memorial....Due to security reasons??? Can anyone verify hearing that?
We have Glenn Beck covering the New Black Panthers for a solid week straight with his T.V. show and his radio show until the leader the New Black
Panthers goes on the cable networks and announces that he is going to "See Glenn Beck on 8/28 on the national Mall".
Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters being outed for ethics violations that pale in comparison IMO to the any number of congressional members in
comparison. I'm not dedending them I'm just saying that they are have chosen their scapegoats carefully.
Tea Party....I don't think I need to spend much time here in terms of race pimping. You don't like healthcare ran by big gov't....RACIST. You
don't like blackhole deficits that can't be repayed...RACIST. You don't Financial reform that gives the Fed even more power..RACIST.
I hope I'm wrong about this....Also something else that I find creepy is how he (GB) keeps saying we are going to witness great miracles in our
lifetime. Or the whole 40 days 40 nights thing....I don't know I just find it all very creepy and surreal I guess. It's almost as if he's trying to
sound prophetic...almost borderline heaven's gate talk. Anyway I just find several things about this "restoring honor" rally very bizzare and the
timing of the race pimping.
We sure don't need a race war in this country or race riots for that matter...especially one that is purposely ignited by the PTB. Nothing more than
a hunch...lets hope I'm wrong.