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Economic Crash Eating: .50 cents a day, 2,000 Calories.

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posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 06:42 PM
In looking for ways to make my budget stretch a little further each month, I came across this web-site, which is currently following a man as he tries (and seems to be succeeding so far) to live off of the cheapest diet possible.

There are rules that make it more "fun", like no dumpster diving, hunting or collecting food from nature. Apparently because most people don't have access to some of those things?

Well, here is the link:

And here is a short clip from the web-site:

With hard economic and environmental times upon us, (very soon, already
started in most places) it seems wise to have an action plan, to know what can
be done to survive and to not make things worse in the world, if that is at all

So my first idea is pretty simple, at least on paper, find out how much I can
reduce my food budget for a month and document it, so that others can see for
themselves what might be done, and mainly so that I can find out how hard (or
easy) it is to do.
Not wanting to wait too long for perfect conditions, because after all,who gets perfect in hard
times? I have decided to begin this trial, test (whatever it should be called...) on August first,
2010. This gives me about two weeks from the point of the original idea to the start of the

In practical terms this means eating on somewhere between 48 and 80 cents per day for a
whole month. (See the “Rules” below for why it has to be so high...)

(end of clip)

I always like to see people putting things to practice like this. The real tips seem to come from people that have their feet "soaking" in the situation.

I also like that his rules force him to not simply starve. A lot of the "Dollar a day" eating things I have seen have such reduced calories that few would really make it long term.

Not that this plan is all that healthy, but if you are down to "Beans, rice and ramen" times due to the economy, this would be better than some other options!

[Mod Edit: Inserted external source tags.

Please read: New Site Tag For Quoting External Sources

[edit on 2010/8/5 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by Nicenico

Thanks for posting this , it should prove most insightful .

I hope a member of staff acknowledges this with an `applause`.

Welcome to ATS Nicenico .

I wonder what Dale will be eating tomorrow.
..... thats a lot of beans . !!!

[edit on 5-8-2010 by UmbraSumus]

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 07:00 PM
People talk bad about Cuba, but there is is no one going hungry in Cuba, I don't think they have fat people either.
This is more than can be said for the great USA, people staving fat people 1000 pounders.
If something were to happen, I think you would be better off in Cuba than in the US, it's funny in some ways the piece of junk country Cuba is better than the US. Beans and Rice.
I think this is stupid ideal to eat out of trash can, any body can do that, when things get bad you'll be lucky to find a RAt eating the muck in the trash you can eat.
Brains, brains, don't eat the brains they carry madcow dzs, and just think the other day you could buy LION Burgers at the world cup in Africa, I think they carry madcow Dzs, but theyam is immune.
I bet a Lion buger cost more than 50cents.

I was down town one day and this guy flipped open the trash dumpster and begin to have a feast, he must of weighted about 400 pounds.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 07:09 PM
Brilliant thread. Thanks for posting.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 07:14 PM
This is awesome. Plenty of beans and chick-peas would be on the order.

Had a quick read through, hes up to day 4 - hes gonna need alot more vitamins in that diet to maintain health.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by ghostsoldier

My thought too, but we don't know where he started. I looked it up and scurvy doesn't hit within a month, so he should be all right there. (If he is starting from a healthy point) Then again, his garden could help him out too.

I hope he'll be all right.

I think though, that a lot of people, world wide, do on a lot less for long time periods. It may not be healthy, but it is surviving.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by googolplex

Who would talk bad about Cuba? They seem like good people to me.

A lot of countries where daily living is already closer to the bone are probably better able to take care of food needs at home and on the cheap.

I pity those thousand pound people if food shortages come. It is an almost certain death sentence for them.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by Nicenico

I'm sure he will be fine, but if the economy collapsed indefinitely...

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 08:20 PM
It is a good study and something I have a little experience with as I had to stretch $200 of food for 3 months. Lots of beans, peas, rice home made breads, peanut butter, powdered milk (for cooking) and treats were jello, macaroni and cheese as well as blackberry jam. At the end of three months, I still have about 8 lbs of rice, enough powdered milk for 1 gallon and mix for a strawberry cheese cake (that was to be a celebration reward).

Over all, I think I lost 20-25 lbs. Which was something I needed to do anyway. And I feel as though I ate better food than the junk I would normally eat. Now that I am working again. I have made some more appetizing meals and have reintroduced some meat back into my diet in the form of poultry, beef and will buy some pork either this weekend or next.

I did no foraging during those three months nor do I have a vegetable garden since I live in an apartment. I am, however tired of rice so it might be next month before I cook any more.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 08:34 PM
this is a great thread but i have to ask why no one ever figures in the cooking costs or time it takes to prepare all your own meals. it's basically a full-time occupation, cheap or not, and the electrical or gas costs really do add up.
i would like to see a raw food diet or something like that. if he's still alive at the end, i'm hooked.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 08:38 PM

I did no foraging during those three months nor do I have a vegetable garden since I live in an apartment. I am, however tired of rice so it might be next month before I cook any more.

the trick to rice is to toast it first in the dry pan or pot. just a little but and it's the nuttiest most flavorful rice you'll ever have. besides that you can add toasted sesame oil for as a cheap flavor trick or- something i just figured out recently- add dried pineapple and/or raisins or something and the rice tastes incredible. i never even add salt.
and then of course there's japanese sticky rice...............

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 03:24 AM
This may come as a shock to some, especially those in cities. But after reading this thread, I thought fifty cents is kind of high.

Raise your heirloom garden, shoot your game, harvest your wild edibles, and take your fish. Sure, heirloom seeds have a one time cost, as do bullets (learn to reload) but most game and fish can be taken by free means. Snares, traps, weirs.

Yes, I have store bought rice and beans in my stash, but to live on only what I can produce is worth more than your supermarket price.

My biggest three food expenses? Salt. I can't make salt, so I stock up now. Alcohol. I make beer and wine, but can't legally make anything hard, and I like being left alone, so I don't have a still. Novelties. Candy bars, easy beer, spices I can't raise due to climate. Yes, I make my own sugar and process my tobacco, both legal, and free.

You want to live in modern society, with stores and dumpsters for a buck a day, fine. I'll live away from modern convince and live for free and be free.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by salchanra

First, not really a shock. It is of course possible to do without a store at all, if you have time, land or the use of land, and the knowledge.

Second, you make your own sugar? Do tell! I have kind of been interested in this for a while now!


posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by Nicenico

Yes, with land, hardwork, and some planing, it should be simple to eat almost for free. I do use stores,but am confident that I could do without them long term. Find those in your community that produce things you cannot. Trade cheese to the farmer for milk, homegrown tobacco to the guy up the road for bacon. We all can produce everything, but to be part of society and be self sufficient takes work, trust, honor, and foresight. Otherwise, you are no longer part of the current world, which is fine, but many don't want to take that step.

As for sugar. Not to derail your thread, but it's yours and you asked.

In all of my research, cane sugar is the way to go, but my climate is not conducive to growing sugar cane. Maybe a sugar for survival thread is in order as I know nothing about growing, harvesting, or processing cane sugar aside from a google search.

I grow heirloom sugar beets. If you wish to do the same, get your seeds now, getting very hard to find non-GMO sugar beet seeds. Monsanto again rearing it's ugly head, and no, I'm not sharing, sorry.

Grow your beets, harvest.

Slice thin, I use a mandolin, speeds things up a bit.

Put in a large pot and cover with water.

Boil until beets start losing color. Strain, reserving liquid (liquid is where the sugar is)

Cover beets again with water, and continue to repeat straining, heating, reserving until beets are mush. Feed what's left of beets to livestock.

Take all of the reserved liquid and bring to a boil, reduce to simmer, stirring constantly, or it will stick and burn. When solution has the consistency of honey (great sugar in itself, but a different thread) remove from heat and let cool. Some cool in the pot, I spoon it out on cookie sheets. Either way, cover and cool. Crystals will begin to form, after cooling(day or so) smash crystals from cooling item and use/store as regular sugar. Beetsugar is darker than refined white sugar, but works and cooks the same. I prefer the taste as well.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 01:41 AM
Why not just wait for a sale of Ramen noodles.....

Then you can live on like 30 cents a day !!!

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 01:52 AM
ramen noodles are full of salt* prob like 30% if you look at the nourishment info on back :X
too much DEF not good for you! and you cannot live on that alone..yuor going too need protein. i buy alot of hamburgers. thier generally, 300 calories and up. wonder bread wheat bread, is around 170 calories per 2 slices* most other brands do not have that much calores. carbohydrates you are also going to require, to utulize calories. best source..potatos. rice has a good amount of calores, but no real carbohydrates. you need those 3 things to aquire health, carbs, protein and calories, the more the merrier.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by salchanra

That's interesting! How many beets does it take to make a pound of sugar?

And by stirring constantly, do you mean, stir regularly or stir without stop, because reducing something like that could take a few hours or more...

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 01:55 AM

Originally posted by Nicenico
reply to post by salchanra

That's interesting! How many beets does it take to make a pound of sugar?

And by stirring constantly, do you mean, stir regularly or stir without stop, because reducing something like that could take a few hours or more...

First, for the Ramen guy. I love ramen, have a ton of it stashed. It's a sick thing I know, but somedays one just craves that fast salty goodness. As short term survival, if you have veggies and a protein source, you should be fine, but stay hydrated, a lot of sodium can be bad. Long term, I would view ramen either as a guilty snack or useful bartering food. No way can ramen alone keep you for a year, at least I'm not willing to test it.

OP. The sugar questions are seriously derailing your own thread. I will answer this question and no others as to not have the mods come down on me, anything further, please start a sugar for survival thread, or maybe I will after the water is everywhere thread I am starting tomorrow.

If you search for sugar beets online, the general rule is one oz of sugar for pound of beet. I do slightly better than that, but as a guide, figure a three pound beet will produce three ounces of sugar, so 16 pounds of beets, one pound of sugar, give or take. When I harvest end of this month, my beets will range from three to six pounds.

Yes, it's a lot of work to produce my 100 or so pounds, but it's mine, no one else digit but me, I know what's in the plant, the product, etc... Sugar cane would be easier and more sugar per pound, but I don't have that option.

Stirring is constant or it will burn. Yes, takes a long time. Best to do few a couple of people so you don't doze off. I think we stirred four hours last year. Early on, not such a big deal, but when the moisture starts to go, constant stirring is required.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 07:07 PM
I've just had a read through the site and it does seem a pretty cool experiment! ignoring any socio-economic influences it will be a good test of determination and stamina! eating a somewhat long term diet should SHTF!

I'm just in the process of moving but could be tempted to carry out a similar experiment in the UK! I doubt living of ~30p a day in the UK would be possible unless purchasing in a weekly batch maybe.

@IandEye thanks for the rice hint!

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 07:49 PM
Being a diabetic due to a autoimmune disease no rice, ramen or marcaroni in fact no starchy food at all. no white flour, potatoes.ECT.

For me its high fiber low carb foods and the food industry knows they can make a lot of money ripping off diabetics, so we get charged 4 times more then others.

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