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I have heard many attack Glenn Beck. But..

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posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 04:34 PM
But.. I have not read one post that actually adressed his message, versus the method. I would for once like to have an intelligent conversation regarding this. Responses that will not be considered for reply.

1. He's just crazy

2. He's simply out for the right wing.

3. He has no idea what he's talking about.

If you leave it at this you are uncredible.

I want, just one debate, against Glenn Beck's actual words. Just one.

You can't just say he's crazy, racist, right wing. You actually have to intillectually debate, something he's actually said.

I expect this post to remain vacant, because I seriously doubt any of the bashers can come up with specifics.

Though I will repost and repost until somebody answers.

Come on, Serious intellectual debate on anything he has stated publicly, ever?

I have a feeling this is going to turn into a "Way to support the conservative media, website."
When all I'm looking for is specifics.

+1 more 
posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 04:36 PM
He's crazy, racist and right wing!

Seriously though, trying to set rules about what people can and can not post
usually doesn't go so well.

Good luck.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 04:36 PM
I really wonder what happened to Beck. When he was on CNN, he seemed to fire at the Republicans just as much as the Democrats. But now, he seems to have lost his mind.

Sorry, I know that was not an answer you wanted to hear.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by InvisibleAlbatross

Any specifics? Any? Is there anybody out there who can take anything he has publicly said and prove to me that he is wrong?

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by keepureye2thesky

I do understand that it is crazy to wish for such a thing. I just want a logical, fact based debate, without the spin. If I can't ask for it here, I don't know where I can.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by dreamwalker74

Well to use an example from ATS today, supporting a racist and anti-Semitic website can be thought of as wrong.

As far as lies go, he claimed that all presidents have been sworn in using a Bible.

He said the Nazis/fascists were liberals.

Here's a doozy:

Glenn Beck claims science czar John Holdren proposed forced abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population

The problem is not so much Beck himself. The problem is that people take every word he says as the gospel truth.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by dreamwalker74

I like Beck, I really do. However, he refuses to debate war and corporate control of the economy. To me this is my turn off. Individual freedom is not corporate freedom. The two concepts cannot be mixed. Wars that fund corporations at the public expense through taxation destroys individual freedom. I personally think if Beck wasn't a slave to the system he would agree. Unfortunately he is dependent on this system and will not buck it.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by dreamwalker74

If anything those who subscribe to Ron Paul, Should be listening every day to Glenn Beck.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by InvisibleAlbatross

Woah, You talked about his statements, yet gave no alternative to disprove his statements. That is what I'm looking for. Have you concluded he is wrong? Prove it.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by ExPostFacto

This is so far the only intelligent reply to this post. He actually does disagree with the "strategy" of the war, and what it means to our nation. Yet you are right. Though I'm not looking for what he doesn't say. I'm looking for what he has said that is debatable. Still waiting for one.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 04:59 PM
Wait........... Glenn Beck Is Wrong???????????

Dang it.........

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by InvisibleAlbatross

"Glenn Beck claims science czar John Holdren proposed forced abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population "

If it's true he said it, can you prove it's false?

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:00 PM
Calling the pres racist was out of line and wrong, imo.
His speech at the CPAC was inaccurate and harmful. He said progressiveness is a cancer that needs to be"cut out and eradicated" from America. Now what does that do to a population besides divide and fuel active hate? I'm progressive, do you want to eradicate me? Think of all the families that sit down together for dinner, some of them may be consv and some progressive, imagine the conversation and how people would start yelling at each other because "progressiveness is everything that is wrong with our country."
So is he wrong in his statement? I would say yes to the extent of his expression, as in he thinks it is absolute and I think it is not. Progressiveness alone is far from being the biggest problem in our country. Corporatism is just as responsible in creating problems.

Edit To Add Lies:
-In June Beck lied when he said that the US was the ONLY country that had a natural birthright provision. Here is the list of other countries that

-Glenn Beck lied when he said recently that $1.4 million of stimulus momey was used to repair a door at Dyess AFB. The doors repaired were aircraft hangar doors and the cost was not $1.4 million.
The cost was $246000 out of $1.4 million in repairs funding.

-He said that no other President had never been sworn into office without a Bible. He said he 'checked'.
He either did not check or checked up his arsegraped butt because he's lying. John Qunicy Adams used a law book. Franklin Pierce didn't even swear. He affirmed. Teddy Roosevelt used no Bible. Several Presidents kissed a Bible but did not swear on one.

[edit on 5-8-2010 by speculativeoptimist]

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by dreamwalker74
reply to post by InvisibleAlbatross

Any specifics? Any? Is there anybody out there who can take anything he has publicly said and prove to me that he is wrong?

On his radio show he always emphasizes that people can talk about him all they want but leave his kids out of it. A few months ago I remember him making fun of one of Obama's daughters for a question that she asked her father. Kind of hypocritical of him don't you think?

[edit on 5-8-2010 by Procession101]

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by dreamwalker74

Ron Paul does not agree in wars of aggression. Beck does. Beck thinks terrorists are everywhere and we need to go get them. We need to fund massive black ops projects and spying to accomplish this. We need to continue fighting them so Beck doesn't have to cry anymore (joking lol).

Even Ron Paul has come around to say that we can not cut off social benefits to the population instantly. To do so without teaching true freedom would cause chaos. We have to control our spending, take care of our own people first, relax laws to allow opportunity to individuals and not collectives of individuals. We have to stop handling big corporations with kid gloves and allow individuals to sue the crap out of corrupt organizations that do harm to society. Yeah let the corporations do as they please but they get no special handling when they mess up.

Beck was dissing Ron Paul throughout his Presidential campaign. I witnessed it as I was an active participant in Ron Paul's campaign. I believe Beck would be an ally only if he wasn't funded by big corporations to spew propaganda of supporting wars of aggression and taxation of people for those wars.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by dreamwalker74


Lie--All presidents have been sworn in using the Bible


According to records compiled by the Architect of the Capitol and maintained by the Library of Congress, Theodore Roosevelt did not use a Bible at his 1901 swearing-in.

And in 1963, when Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in on Air Force One at Love Field airport in Dallas after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, he used a Roman Catholic missal, a liturgical text.

Glenn Beck claims science czar John Holdren proposed forced abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population

Truth--Too long to post, so here is the link. Holdren is in favor of abortion being legal and available. He does not advocate forced aboortions though.

Lie--Nazis/fascists were liberals

Truth--Do we really need to debate this one? While it is true that were aspects of these idealogies that could be defined as "liberal" it is ludicrous to say that either the Nazis or Fascists in Italy were liberals. The Nazis slaughtered left-wingers. Mussolini defined fascism as corporatism. It is true that in the USA both the Left and Right are slaves to corporatism, but only the Right is militant about it.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:12 PM
Is this the same glenn beck that faked crying for his country? He pretends to cry but he tells the truth about everything else?

The man is an actor and just another tool of the msm. He doesnt attack corporations because they pay some of his salary and keep him employed. Corporate government and the federal reserve are some of the bigger problems with the country, does he talk about these on his show?

The question is serious, i dont watch it.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by speculativeoptimist

I agee with him that progressivism is a cancer. If it is true that you are a progressive, than your main reson for living is to tear down the contitution, and leave us in more control of the government. I am more than willing to hear your point of view on this. I personally love my country, and do not wish it to be "torn down" and recreated under the vision of whoever is in control of the government, (regardless of party). I will keep my freedoms, thank you. Though if you can come up with a logical reason why I should give more of my freedoms to the discresion of the government, I'm all ears.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by dreamwalker74

But.. I have not read one post that actually adressed his message, versus the method. I would for once like to have an intelligent conversation regarding this. Responses that will not be considered for reply.

You're creating your OWN argument with your OWN rules. I don't think a lot of people would disagree with the MESSAGES (in their boiled down essence) of some idiot like Glenn Beck

It *IS* his methods that piss off a lot intelligent, free thinking individuals in this country.

And more than that, it's the fact that are enough STUPID PEOPLE in this country to merit keeping him on the air waves.

It's like watching one big nation wide Milgram experiment. Only the learner is shocking himself and is just too stupid to realize it.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by dreamwalker74
reply to post by InvisibleAlbatross

Woah, You talked about his statements, yet gave no alternative to disprove his statements. That is what I'm looking for. Have you concluded he is wrong? Prove it.

When someone makes an outrageous statement like "science czar John Holdren proposed forced abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population" It is their job to prove the statement is TRUE. It is not everybody elses job to prove the statement false.

Just as if I were to call someone a pedophile it's up to me to back it up with proof.

Hence the term "innocent until proven guilty"

It's kind of the foundation of most legal systems around the world

[edit on 5-8-2010 by MrVertigo]

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