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Ships or Creatures from the Stars?

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posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by secretnasaman

So debunkers & deniers & skeptics... give up this stupid "CASE CLOSED" nonsense ... It is so small minded & pathetic. Face it, you are fronting for all these NASA & Government agencies who are still stunned that this video ever got out in the first place.

You're coming off a little bratty there Secretnasaman. Whatever intelligence you used to convince yourself that the Tether Incident is actually a theatre of space-critters is up to you. At the same time, some of us who don't think it's space-critters have also used our critical faculties. Is it possible in your mind that a person is able to draw their own conclusions?

If the answer's no...then who's pulling your strings?

Even the NASA HQ letter states that they have determined that the 'Space debris' on tape is an ongoing concern! A former US Intelligence 'chief' who phones me (my 'handler"???!) said... - Oberg is a diversion -He (my spook) helped censor UFO "gun camera' video in Vietnam & they showed UFOs regularily

A: Space debris and severed tethers are bound to be an 'ongoing concern.' If not for the potential loss of life, then at least for the financial investment and future budget bids.

B: I think we've all gathered that Oberg can be a 'diversion,' I bet my grandmother's heard of him.

C: We already know that there's 'gun camera' footage too...released files never contain photos or video footage. Isn't that point a diversion? From my point of view, more people think the Tether footage shows critters than don't.

For what it's worth, a lot of people really appreciate what you've achieved by providing access to footage we would never have seen. There's certainly a lot of questions in some of it. Try not to take it as a personal insult if there's some variety in people's interpretation of what they see.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 12:58 PM
...I'm guessing that advanced nano-technology would also work for a "living" craft.

Something that could respond to very different conditions.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 03:04 PM
NASA has always been interested in whether UFOs could be organic & alive, & Trevor James Constable makes reference to many examples in his book.

I noticed it on a shuttle Columbia flight prior to the Columbia STS-75 Tether mission. The video I posted to my secretnasaman You Tube channel some time ago & it shows that the Columbia science crew ran an experiment to see how living cells would react in the vacuum of space. They had single & multiple cellular organisms in liquid, visible via a CCD camera on their microscope.

A 1G they found they moved in unison when stimulated to do so. On earth these cells moved as expected. But the video shows that at 0G they moved apart rapidly, at various speeds, sometimes in chaos. The "stimulation" NASA used in space to observe this is the introduction of electricity!! This is just what they did, & it seemed merely interesting, until the STS-75 mission.

The tether breaks away & at 100 miles is creating lots of electric current. Then UFOs turn up & move about rapidly, at different speeds & in a chaotic fashion...
just like the previous missions science experiment.

So did NASA plan this(???).. as they also know that some of the UFOs are living space "critters" & anticipated this reaction?? I'm thinking yes & that is part of the reason this missions UFO video has a giant target on it for the skeptics. Why else are they so crazy to jump all over the Tether Incident after 14 years?? And every time anyone at ATS mentions it on any thread? It's as if a 'skeptical TWEET' goes out!!

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by secretnasaman

So did NASA plan this(???).. as they also know that some of the UFOs are living space "critters" & anticipated this reaction?? I'm thinking yes & that is part of the reason this missions UFO video has a giant target on it for the skeptics. Why else are they so crazy to jump all over the Tether Incident after 14 years?? And every time anyone at ATS mentions it on any thread? It's as if a 'skeptical TWEET' goes out!!

And why are you so crazy to promote it as "proof" of your ridiculous claims?

HMM... I wonder...

[edit on 6-8-2010 by draknoir2]

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by secretnasaman

And every time anyone at ATS mentions it on any thread? It's as if a 'skeptical TWEET' goes out!!

Maybe it just appears that way? If someone posts a CSETI story or claims the Moon is an artificial spaceship being mined by Annunaki, skeptics and anyone else will turn up and post their opinions.

48 and 80 still remain interesting. Likewise some of the footage with the small light phenomena around the ISS and shuttle are intriguing.

Essentially, it's all about ufology...people will queue up to disagree with anything and anyone. A percentage of skeptics/debunkers/believers rarely read links or even watch the footage...their minds are made up already.

The amount of internet discussion the STS-75 footage has generated is incredible. You can thank yourself for much of it. At the same time, you have no control over what people will see or think. I don't think anyone has.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by secretnasaman


Your high level of antagonism & your low level of formatting makes it a little less than straightforward to respond to your posts.

I will review your long reply & get back to you.

Kind regards
Maybe…maybe not

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by secretnasaman



Well, good morning to you too, Martyn!

I have also looked at the Tether Incident since I discovered it & it shows a real sequence of NASA flight day video showing objects swarming the tether.

Have you looked at it with or without a conflict of interest?

This has been confirmed by more than an ATS 'thread' & the debunked UFO Hunters flawed analysis.

Ah yes…..please be certain not to inconvenience yourself with salient information that disproves that which you make a living from.

Ummm…..did I mention ”conflict of interest”?

Trevor James Constable is a good friend of mine

Why, Martyn? Why is Trevor a ”good friend” of yours?

Could you answer that for me?

& if all ATS members wish to see his NEW STS-75 analysis...then check out his 2009 RE-ISSUE of his classic.."The Cosmic Pulse of life"..

Oh, I see. That’s why you’re friends. I guess it’s like having a lawn mowing business together. You do the lawns & he does the edges. Do you understand that?

which is newly revised & he adds a chapter on the STS-75 tether Incident!

Hmmm…..but we have to buy the book to know the “truth". You see, you’ve shown him how to sell the book twice – very clever.....maximum income from minimum work.

He explains the video in great detail with full analysis.

Yes…..but only sufficient supposed “analysis” to withstand extremely cursory examination prior to selling the book.

He told me that he was motivated to revise it…..

…..because you & him can make some easy bucks?

because he feels that the STS-75 Tether Incident is the best proof of UFOs he has ever seen.

And…..obviously he would sell more books if he said ”he feels that the STS-75 Tether Incident is” NOT ”the best proof of UFOs he has ever seen”.

Hang on! No he wouldn’t! Silly, silly me….. :shk:

Trevor Constable also hosted the segment on the Tether break in the movie..UFO:The Greatest Story Ever Denied..

…..because he believes he can make more money?

…..because he believes it is a game changer!

Oh…..because he believes he can make more money.

He asked me if he could.

Is that like asking if he can ”trim the edges”?

I considered it an honor.

You ”considered it” would make more money.

A great many scientists & UFO researchers have privately studied the Tether video & I have been contacted by government 'spooks' & NASA personal as well as other people with info to pass on.

I am going to take an absolutely wild guess here……are you ready for it?

OK… goes…..

My absolutely wild guess is that we’re going to have to pay you money to find out what they tell you.

I am told that no 'Photo analysis' as "Maybe-G'day"

So, if we're making up different names for each other, does that mean I can call you "John Lear Lite"?

goes on about, is relevant as any proof of anything!

Martyn…..prove it. Show us something.

Oh silly, silly me again… can’t do that because we haven’t paid you any money!

Even the NASA HQ letter states that they have determined that the 'Space debris' on tape is an ongoing concern! A former US Intelligence 'chief' who phones me (my 'handler"???!) said...
- Oberg is a diversion
-He (my spook) helped censor UFO "gun camera' video in Vietnam & they showed UFOs regularily
-The tether video release was a MISTAKE..& he never ever thought the US government would let video showing UFOs from their own cameras get into the public domain
-He detailed the Tether UFOs on the video..their movement,,etc.. and gave me the specific objects to pay close attention to...

Empty words, Marytn…..empty words.

Post something tangible.

This endless...& deliberate diss of the STS-75..every single time ANYONE mentions it in any ATS CRAZY!

Martyn…..salient argument, Martyn…..salient argument.

Anyway….why are you so sensitive about that which I wrote?

Am I interfering with a book or a DVD or a lecture? Does the truth conflict with your income?

Not even scientists think the ATS thread that the Skeptical movement keeps peddling is credible, based just on photo analysis.

Who, Martyn? Who? Names, Martyn…..

The Tether Incident video was "grabbed" from space by me...ALL other & data RE: this break are in NASA lock-down & under Embargo.

And…..we will have to pay to see that! Of course mate… worries!

Hang on, I’ll just grab my Amex card…..

Nobody has ever got it..not even Oberg. He sometimes muses that he has it...but when asked to prove through a post...he backs away????

No… back away because the truth terminally conflicts with your income.

So here at ATS, we can only do fuzzy photo guessing.

You see… cannot pay respect to the experts on ATS because you are conflicted.

We are not able to reflect the multiple angles this UFO incident requires for full understanding. The 'sppoks' & other researchers work with me in confidence. The letters from NASA are private..the work put into analysis by so many UFO researchers can not be 'POSTED' on an ATS.

That’s a lot of bollocks. You are just setting up an ”air of mystery” to further your own objectives.

JPLs very own Dr. Nuth has stated that "NASA" should release all the videos they have to prove their point (put up or shut up!).....AND 'near field' objects are ruled out by not only him, but also Dr. Louise Frank via E mail (he discovered NASA 'small comets') & NASA HQ (by 1976 letter) well as the Canadian Space Agency (& so many others). 'Florida Today' had photo analysis done for them when their writer, (Cox)..wrote about the Tether Incident. He told me that the "go" on that article was based on a photo analysis that also ruled out 'near field' ice!

You continue to selectively promote the material that aligns with your terminally compromised position in all of this.

Bottom line on all this ATS photo analysis is all based on multiple generation dubs & M4 video...

Your obfuscation is disingenuous. You know that has no bearing whatsoever on the principles expounded pertaining to the objects being near field ice & debris.

AND this ATS analysis which is always sold to members as the 'final' word' by the skeptics... is only (& can only ever be) a tiny bit of the "TRUTH" of the STS-75 UFO swarming by UFOs.

Guess what everybody…..Martyn’s got a secret! Hang on…..I gotta know what it is…..where’s that Amex card again?

The master tape is needed...The DATA under Embargo is needed..the multiple camera shots..both photos & video must be released...the use of a "used" tether from the 1st. "failed" tether mission (STS-46) must be explained....& the real goals of the STS-75 mission must be fully disclosed.

Martyn… long until you retire from all of this? You need to work that out because if you don’t, you won’t know how to stage manage your BS & you might run out. You need to be frugal with your current tidbits & you’ll need to find some more.

Just be careful, because you wouldn’t want to have to revert to the truth, would you…..?

So debunkers & deniers & skeptics... give up this stupid "CASE CLOSED" nonsense ...
It is so small minded & pathetic. Face it, you are fronting for all these NASA & Government agencies who are still stunned that this video ever got out in the first place.

You know… term springs to mind as I reflect upon your comments on here…..

”One Trick Pony”.

Kind regards
Maybe…maybe not

[edit on 7-8-2010 by Maybe...maybe not]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

Dude... dont let this guy get your wind up. His antagonism has obviously wasted enough of your time, and enough space on the thread. Chill, lets get back to the subject an such!

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

god bless her

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by gavron
reply to post by mythos

They touched on this on an episode of Star Trek TNG once (Tin Man, I believe). The ship was a living host.

Also, I believe the Shadow vessels in Babylon 5 were also essentially space creatures, with hosts driving them. Not so much the Vorlons....I believe their technology was organic, but not sure the ship itself was living or not.

They sure did and that was the episode.

George R.R. Martin in the book series "Wildcards" also did that (I think even earlier than STTNG) with his character "Tachyon" coming to Earth in a totally organic and sentient vessel named "Baby" - the living ships roamed the galaxy in herds like horses, until bound to a being, much like a horse is broken or befriended.

In an infinite universe, I have to believe many species can live in space, like the huge amoeba-like creature encountered in ST TOS.

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