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Extra-Terrestrials Topics on

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posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 12:07 PM
APOLLO 10 GETS GLIMPSE OF EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL MONOLITH IN SPACE According to "Jesse", in 1969 the Apollo 10 astronauts Stafford, Cernan and Young were the first to film an extraterrestrial space beacon, dubbed The Monolith, somewhat like, but smaller than, the one in Arthur C. Clarke's book/movie "2001". They were not, however, the first astronauts to spot this ET beacon. The Monolith was first sighted by Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space, in 1961. LECTURE ABOUT THE ALTERNATIVE 3 VIDEO, MAJESTIC 12 AND THE SECRET GOVERNMENT "Boy, when they take the wraps off this, it'll be the biggest day in history. 22nd May 1962, we're on Mars and we have life." Captain Bill Robertson examines the "Alternative 3" video footage which supposedly shows a joint Russian/American team landing on the planet Mars in 1962. Also of topic during the discussion is the Dulce facility in New Mexico, the Majestic 12 group and the Shadow Government. PRESIDENTIAL EXECUTIVE ORDER 13112 - INVASIVE SPECIES This Executive Order signed by President Bill Clinton at first sight would seem to be aimed at more Earth-originated species of life, but it will become clear that the document applies to Extra-Terrestrial lifeforms as well. ASTRONOMERS AIM TO DISCOVER ETs IN 25 YEARS "Within a maximum of 25 years, it will be possible to discover life outside Earth," Kaplan said. "Planet hunters" from across the world have gathered in this historic Spanish city to discuss infrared interferometry, a technology which will help the search for life outside the solar system. THE DRAKE EQUATION When explaining this equation, Carl Sagan once said the formula means that at least 1 million of the 100 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy have planets which have developed advanced intelligent civilizations. Now, if we consider the astronomical fact that there are over 10 billion galaxies in the universe, each holding at least another million solar systems, one may start to think that we may not be the only life in the universe. [lrec] THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL EXPOSURE LAW On 16 July 1969, a United States law was passed called the "Extra-Terrestrial Exposure Law" that made it illegal for the public to come in contact with extra-terrestrials or their vehicles. (Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations). Anyone found guilty of such contact could face up to one year imprisonment as well as a fine of $5000. Also, any individual who had been "exposed" could be quarantined under armed guard by the NASA administrator without a hearing. ALIEN LIFEFORMS MAY BE INSIDE EARTH Life forms so alien that scientists may simply not have recognised evidence of their existence could inhabit the Earth, according to a leading scientist. Dr Tom Gold, emeritus professor of astronomy at Cornell University in America, believes that organisms based on silicon - completely unrelated to all the carbon-based life man has encountered so far - may live at great depths. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL INTERVIEW The color video footage, which lasts for a total of two minutes and fifty-five seconds, was apparently smuggled out of the secret Groom Lake "Area 51" facility in Nevada by a man referring to himself as "Victor".The video film depicts a Grey alien being interrogated at the government facility. EVIDENCE OF GREY ORIGINS AND REASONS FOR HUMAN ABDUCTION Among the mysteries of modern ufology is the origin of the entities known as the Greys. These small beings are the most commonly observed entities reported by abductees aboard extraterrestrial craft, and are believed to be the ones most responsible for human abductions. THE GREY ALIEN SPECIES The Greys are the extra-terrestrial species that are most often reported by people around the world. Reports from individuals who have been in contact with the Greys vary on their intentions: some say they are kind beings-here to guide us through our evolution, while others believe they are cruel invaders intent on ruling the planet. THE HYBRID ALIEN SPECIES Hybrids are supposedly the result of selective breeding between Grey extra terrestrials and humans. The Greys remove ova and sperm from humans and combine Grey DNA with the DNA from these human samples to create the Hybrids. THE NORDIC ALIEN SPECIES The Nordics are an extra terrestrial species which has been reported to be observing the activities here on Earth. Individuals who have allegedly come in contact with the Nordics say that they are here to observe our culture and not interfere in our evolution. MEN IN BLACK - GOVERNMENT AGENTS OR EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL ENFORCERS Men in Black (also called MIBs) are alleged to visit individuals who have witnessed a UFO and warn them not to tell others about what they have seen. Men in Black supposedly use all forms of persuasion to silence UFO witness-including the threat of deadly force if necessary. THE KRILL PAPERS A situation report on our acquisition of advanced technology and interaction with alien cultures. It is quite evident, or it should be, that the UFO situation is both complex and dangerous. The UFO problem is a multi-situational and multi-dimensional phenomena. REPORT OF AIR FORCE RESEARCH REGARDING THE "ROSWELL INCIDENT" Secretary of the Air Force Sheila E. Widnall today announced the completion of an Air Force study to locate records that would explain an alleged 1947 UFO incident. Pro-UFO researchers claim an extraterrestrial spacecraft and its alien occupants were recovered near Roswell, N.M., in July 1947 and the fact was kept from the public. ROSWELL DAILY RECORD - TUESDAY JULY 8, 1947 The intelligence office of the 509th Bombardment group at Roswell Army Field announced at noon today, that the field has come into possession of a flying saucer. According to information released by the department, over authority of Maj. J. A. Marcel, intelligence officer, the disk was recovered on a ranch in the Roswell vicinity, after an unidentified rancher had notified Sheriff Geo. Wilcox, here, that he had found the instrument on his premises. UFO COVER-UP: ALIEN NATION OR CONSPIRACY THEORY? Project Grudge contained the history of alien involvement since around 1936, and it began talking about Germany's involvement with a crashed disk that they had recovered in 1936 and were attempting to duplicate the technology. They were not successful despite what all these Nazi hunters want to tell you. If they had been successful, we would not have won the war, because you cannot beat those weapons! You cannot outfly those craft, you can't even think about it with conventional aircraft. If Germany had been successful, we would now have a German flag up in front of this podium."

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