posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 11:50 AM
I am no Astro Physicist but I am currently taking a course online at Yale University in order to education myself on the topic.
From what I understand about the Universe as a Whole is that it is constantly expanding outwards and since it is Infinite in size relative to our
concept of dimension or size or distance it will simply continue to expand throughout time.
In so many words, they don't know what exists at the extreme reaches of our Universe because of how large it actually is.
I feel that in looking at atoms and the similarities between their structures and those of our solar system planets, that just perhaps our Universe is
simply a part of a bigger piece of matter similar to the way in which atoms create our world.
A baseless hypotheses but as I had said, I am no Astro Physicist but I am proud to say that I am learning more everyday !!!
Here's the course I am taking for those of you remotely interested...
ASTR 160: Frontiers and Controversies in Astrophysics
Putting it into perspective though, we still havent yet even been to visit the far reaches of our very own solar system.
The New Horizons project is after an 8 year journey meant to explore our farthest reaching planet PLUTO in 2015.
[edit on 5-8-2010 by nh_ee]