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I Doth Speak Arrogantly Toward Ye.

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posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 06:46 AM
Here's a relatively contemporary guilty party: The Book of Mormon

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

I just saw your nice LARPer pics.

You should post them into an Bohemian Grove conspiracy threat, just as a contrast to the giant Owl pictures and the old geezers in exotic robes. I would be interested to read the comments, that could spark.

If you dost not care either way I might enfringe on your legal rights on mental ownership and doth copy them myselve?

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

Another one that bugs me are the members who write like a Hollywood version of the 'mystical native American wiseman.'

Otherwise known as 'plastic Shamanese'. It makes my skin crawl and my eyes roll all the way to the back of my head, and not in a good way.

As for the OP's point, I think it is condescension. I recently read a thread where a poster was addressed as 'child'. Seriously.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by mattifikation
Well, I hate it when people use the word "whom" to try and sound smart but then use it wrong.

Hint: It is not interchangeable with "who."

Ahhhhm, the wrong use of the word "whom" is probably not an exercise in sounding smart, but a sad kind of "dinglish", (as in deutsch-inglisc) a mixture between a native german tongue and a shomehow incomplete education in english.
"When will I become a Schnitzel?" "Never, I'll hope", "Whom belongs this..."

Btw, I was warned from various english teachers, that thinking about a problem in german language, and then starting to translate the sentences peace by peace in english, will, especially in a serious discussion, always tend to sound very arrogant or plain stupid to an english ear,
Simple reason: German grammar has more convenient means of constructing loooong sentences, than the english one has. So they are used to a length of sentences, which starts to get inconenient to a native english speaker, who would have expressed the same idea in several shorter sentences.

The problem is of a slightly comical nature in face-to-face conversations, where voice and expression would clarify the intention. On the internets, where those guys:
are about the only possible non-verbal expressions, it might lead to some dissonances, if someone feels snubbed and thinks its out of arrogance.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by XenoStuffz

They ain't my pics mate. Do with them what you will! if you want more just type LARP into Google Images. Perhaps those Bohemian Grove peeps are just High End LARP'ers.


[edit on 5/8/10 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 09:11 AM

As for the OP's point, I think it is condescension. I recently read a thread where a poster was addressed as 'child'. Seriously.

That's another one that sends anger pains through me.
"MY CHILD." The greatest form of arrogance."

You know, it's bad enough when you have to hear it in person, but for some reason it's made 100X worse when you have to read it.

Imaging someone sitting at their computer with a consoling look on their face while they quickly flitter their fingers about on the keyboard to call you child.. Because you know,... your just a poor innocent child who lacks better judgment.

Well excuse me while I;

[edit on 5-8-2010 by snowen20]

[edit on 5-8-2010 by snowen20]

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by kyred

HAHAHA... "spiritualatum" sounds like some obscure body part!

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 02:10 PM
alright since youre a christian im going to be one of those posters who puts up a bible verse for ya

"When you pray, don't ramble like heathens who think they'll be heard if they talk a lot."

-i took that from the God's Word translation so it didnt sound too old school for ya lol

and i do think that applys to more than praying

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by matrixportal

Much can be said with few words, I agree.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 03:41 PM
Honestly i dont think i have ever read a post on ATS written in old english ( ''King James Version'').Even if i have ive never noticed it.If ATS members want to write their posts in ''old english'' thats their business there are no rules prohibiting it.I do believe it is our right as American citizens to write in whatever style we prefer.So if you dont like it too bad GET OVER IT!!!Stop whining and complaining about peoples choice of writing style.All your doing is wasting your time and ours.If this is all you have to do with your time i pity you please for all of our sakes get a life.Stop worrying about small unimportant things.There are much bigger things to worry about.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide
Methinks thou dost prostestith too much.

Sorry, I honestly couldn't resist. Besides, it's Shakespeare.

Now that this has been moved to BTS...

The above is actually a misquote. The original is:

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Hamlet Act 3, scene 2.


reply to post by State of Mind

srsly? wuts wrng wit dis? my typing iz teh awsum.



posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by I Want To Believe

Laugh....OUT....LOUD.... That is what I did when I read your post.
How you have managed to somehow equate something that was meant as a joke by pointing out insignificant nuisance, into something constitutional I may never know.

I do know it is a sad sad post.

First off brainiac you have never read an old English post because none exist. Myself and others are referencing single sentences and phrases within posts, wherein someone is attempting to be overly arrogant; much in the same way you are with your retarded comment.

Secondly, A persons rights to speak in whatever form they want have not been violated you crazy thread Nazi so stop :bnghd: over it. This is the kind of post I can expect form an adolescent.

At any rate your grossly outnumbered in your ideas about this being a poor thread. Your attempts to insult me have actually insulted every legitimate poster who has commented on this thread.

I don't know how old you are but I'm guessing your a kid from your post.
FYI, if your gonna troll don't do it in BTS of all places for the love of God. That's like robbing a 7 eleven and claiming it was a bank heist. LOL
Go outside and play or something and stop pestering the adults.

Peace hero.
Thou Doth Annoyest me!!

[edit on 5-8-2010 by snowen20]

[edit on 5-8-2010 by snowen20]

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by snowen20
I just feel that it is more empirical to your points if you were to use old English, Latin and other archaic forms of language to explain your message via translated meaning; rather than commenting in said languages.

Latin says this, Exceptio firmat regulam in casibus non exceptis
Old English style; Thy exception confirms thy rule a case where it be not axcepted.
Modern usage; The exception confirms the rule in cases which are not excepted.

I prefer the Old English
I love Old English and I am a big Shakespeare fan although I would not be able to speak in that form in any way. I would mess it up

OP I know what you mean. I like the language but not when used in this me it seems to cheapen it like they are making fun of it or if they speak in that way people will believe them or see them as more honest. I personally think it's crap and don't read those posts. I love Old English but not in this form.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by I Want To Believe
Stop worrying about small unimportant things.There are much bigger things to worry about.

Like that BIG chip on your shoulder?

IRM :shk:

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 02:08 AM
Gotta say also that the members who end their posts by typing out 'peace and light' make me nervous. I get images of Kool Aid and Jonestown from some of them.

Turn that frown upside down. Adjust your vibrational density man!

Did you know that if we all organise and concentrate on just one big happy thought, like at the same time? We can end earthquakes, poverty and rainy days in summer? For real!!!

Peace and light

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
Gotta say also that the members who end their posts by typing out 'peace and light' make me nervous.

I hear ya mate!



posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 04:53 AM
Verily I say unto the good sirs and madams doth light of the post original saith thine truth. Whence a guided lad or lass uses thine olden tongue to prostitute the truth so merrily. Mine eyes seek not the sustenance derived therein. Nay, for I seek not the words of yesteryear or the kings English to divine truth. I seek those pearls cast daintily and verily easily told. For to speak plainly without ado, and without pretense thine truth can be sought without malice towards my simpleton mind.

Yay I say good people, do not mock my simpleton mind hence with words of the olden tongue, for lies cast with silver are still lies are they not?

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 05:21 AM
"Peace and Light"

Any worse than: "Piece and Light"?

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 05:25 AM
I hope ATS2010 returns the star system to BTS. There are some cool posts in this thread and no way to say

Sunshine and happy thoughts

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by EnlightenUp

Any worse than: "Piece and Light"?

THIS "piece and light" frightens me more lol

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