Before I get into individual replies again I wanted to say a few things to everyone.
First of all, the comments on this thread, by others, have somewhat rekindled my faith in humanity, albeit the online community, I had very much lost
my faith in humanity, to do the right thing for their fellow human.
This is because all over this site all I see day in and day out is how people want to do violent things, when it comes to people, speaking
specifically about Government, politicians, even to Law Enforcement Officers, you name it.
I am not a violent man by nature, whether I was raised under the Art of War, or not, having studied Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, Government,
Military, Law Enforcement, Intelligence Agencies, you name it, this does not make me a violent person in any way, shape, or form.
I turned all of that into the Art of Peace which I walk daily.
That only make me an informed and intelligent citizen who knows how things are done.
Secondly, that people would step in and intervene, on behalf of a homeless individual, if monstrous teenagers were teasing, taunting, and wholly being
evil little turds, means to me, people see the homeless are people.
You might laugh or scoff at my simply saying something like that, that people on here see homeless people, are people, humans in fact, but it is
I have seen, known, and listened to far too many people who think those people, the homeless, who believe they are less than human, it racks my head
with the unfathomable, that anyone could think they are inhuman.
The homeless.
I see those teenagers, albeit the video is a staged event, as inhuman monsters.
Countless years have I read that bums, homeless, hobos are beaten, robbed, or killed because of the evil within mankind, the cruelty towards fellow
To kick someone, when they are down, quite physically at the stage of someone being homeless, is about one of the most evil and wholly unforgivable
things I see within society, as I mentioned in reply to someone earlier, if I had ever done something like this myself as a teenager, my parents would
have disowned me, if I had ever done something akin to this atrocity, thereby possibly making me homeless back then.
Third, for those who have expressed their concerns, well wishes, or generally kind thoughts towards me, living out of my car, thank you very much.
I do have a job.
I making enough to be able to eat, pay car insurance, and that's about it.
Yes, I still have my laptop, I am grateful I made the decision to buy it years ago, even more grateful I chose to keep it, instead of selling it for
less than it's worth.
I post from either the public library, or from McDonalds with their free Wi-Fi.
There is so much more I could say here but I will not right now.
The one last thing I will say, leaving space here to edit in other replies later though is this.
Thank you to each and every one of you for restoring my faith in mankind.
Without humanity we are not human beings to begin with nor are we Earthlings.
Yes, I avoided stating we are Americans, those who are know who they are, but this being an international forum, I felt the necessity to address
America has no individual claim to humanity as it is something all men and women have.
The question is not whether we have humanity through compassion though.
It is whether we use it, whether we believe in it, or whether we show it to our fellow human.
Did he never seek out any sort of psychological assistance to get better?
I think your actions were commendable and probably helped him.
Just how long was he homeless and living on the street?
Noticing you're in Australia, and seeing as I have been there three times, I never saw or noticed homeless anywhere there, but then again, I did not
go out of my way looking.
Of course, I am sure some people are probably out there, coasting on pity.
I have seen plenty individuals going to the daily labor facility and working.
And then asking for handouts after work, or before work, or instead of work.
In my area, locally, there is a mission, called Christ is the Answer, C.I.T.A. Mission.
From talking to people all over my city the majority of the homeless avoid it.
If they can help it.
One of the biggest reasons is due to a strict no drug/no alcohol policy.
As well as the mission preaches to them and expects them to attend church services.
However, in this current economic climate, I have to disagree about minimum wage.
It is not enough to live off of if there are no jobs available.
You are right, just because someone is homeless, it does not mean people have the right to treat them like scum, like this video demonstrated to us
And Law Enforcement telling someone to move along who is literally working the corner, holding up a sign, for a local business sounds like they let
the Cop take advantage of their plight, instead of just telling the Cop he was working.
Not to sound like a longing nostalgic fool, but I really do miss the days when respect was a little more apparent in the home, in public, and in
society in general.
I'm not a big fan of Caligula's empire.
End--- My favorite has always been, "dont run, you'll only die tired".
Originally posted by bigun_9
Ok, let's cut through the crap here. I live in Florida too, Cape Canaveral and Cocoa Beach to be exact. This is the reality: About 95% of the
homeless here are there because they want to be there. They refuse to give up the alcohol or drugs and live like that because they CHOOSE to spend
any money they get through unemployment, SSI, or by panhandling to buy their substance and not pay for a place to live. There are numerous
rent-by-the-week places where the rent is only $160 a week with all utilities included. Most if not all have a felony on their record, again not
society's fault, and most likely will not be hired in this county. They live on the beaches and beach cross-overs and even under the world renowned
Cocoa Beach Pier which is a major tourist attraction. They contribute NOTHING to society, pay NO taxes, and get public assistance. All they do is
drink, drug, fight, and steal which is reallly a selling point for tourism. (Sarcastic remark) Let me ask you a question ATS? If you spent your hard
earned money on a vacation and brought your wife and children to a beach, would you want them to be around a bunch like that? If anyone is so
concerned about the homeless here, then take them into your house, feed them, buy them drugs and alcohol and let them do their thing while you go out
and work for a living. Oh and thanks to New York City and Daytona Beach for handing out free bus tickets to their homeless and shipping them here.
Yeah thank alot Arseholes!
Um I live in the same area and it is not how you make it out to be. It is NOT a choice to be unemployed in this area, there are NO jobs and MORE and
MORE places are closing so more people lose their jobs. I have been looking for a normal job over my current one and there arent any..I know I have
been trying and I apply anywhere I find "help wanted." I don't like this area in the least bit but I am not gonna say it's full of homeless people
who you basically say are losers. You know for a fact those people at the pier don't have jobs? You know for a fact they are all on assistance?
I am pretty sure I would have intervened, but sometimes what you think you would do and what you actually do turn out to be very different actions.
You know what I mean?
This is mildly off-topic I suppose, but my Aunt and Uncle travel the world. In a third-worldish country they were in, a kid walked up to them.
"American, will you give me money for a Coke?" the kid asked.
My Uncle said "No, but I will buy you and I both a Coke, and then we can sit right over there and drink it."
The kid turned the offer down and kept trying to convince my Uncle to just give him the money, but my Uncle refused. Then the kid got pissed off,
called him a few names, and walked off.
Shortly afterwards my Uncle saw the same kid asking another traveler for some money.
Next time I run across a homeless person, I'm going to offer him a meal and give him someone to talk to, rather than money.
That reminds me of the Jawbreaker song Kiss the Bottle:
"Say mister can you spare a dime,
Some change could make a change,
Buy some time, some freedom,
or an ear to hear my story."
Sorry, that was even more off-topic...
Thanks for the thread.
I am proud to say that I am the first to jump in and defend those who are not capable. My son has seen me often stop the car and jump into fights, or
help someone in distress. One time while I was filling up gas in my car, a blind man caught my eye. He seemed to be confussed and was trying to cross
a very busy intersection. As I drove over to the man, he reached in his pocket and pulled out something, as he did, his money fell out. It was under
$20. He did not notice, (he was blind) I was not yet near him to help but was watching as other people walked over, right past him, picked up the
money, and kept walking. When I did reach him, I asked if he needed any help. As it turned out he was very turned around and very lost. I informed him
about his money and he was upset, that being the only money he had. I asked him to join my son and I for dinner and then we would get him on his way.
During dinner we chatted and he shared his life, which was interesting. He was a Veit Nam vet, father of 2, very nice man. After dinner we replaced
his money and took him to BART. He was trying to get to the station when we found him, he was 6 miles away. We then called his sister to tell her were
he was, and what train he was on. He Thanked us, and I Thanked him.
I got a call from my sons school, he had been in a fight, and we were to come down. Upset, I get to the school. My son tells me some of the other kids
were picking on some kid. He told the yard person who did nothing but say, "Knock it off". As soon as she turned her head it was on again. My son
then stood in and punshed the main bully. Which stopped the bullying. As we sat with the Principle, I asked were are the other kids. He said, your son
started the fight, so he is the one being punished. I asked if he had heard my sons side of the story, he said yes from the yard person. My son then
told his story. The Principle just stared. I then said, "Is this the kind of school that ignores bullying and then punishes someone for standing up
to that. I am proud of my son and his actions. With that we walked out of the office.
I have taken in many homeless individuals in the past 10 years. It was a big boost to most of them and were able to go on with their lives after about
7mos. to a yr. I never charged them a thing for staying in my home.
it was financially devastating to me in the long run. All my savings was depleted by giving them money to help with their personal stuff. I can't
help anyone anymore. I had to move out of the nice big 7 room house to a very tiny 3 room apartment.
I spent thousands of dollars helping them and I never ask them to pay me back, and none have offered yet. But that is ok, for as I said before, most
are on the right track and are now back in the work force. Some are even back in school and working.
I hope you are going to be ok. Living in a car is miserable, been there done that!! That is the reason I took the homeless into my home.
How is the value of a homeless individual any less than that of an average citizen?
I think the values are the same.
But, in the same vein, why isn't Obama and his government picking up a weapon and leading an assault in Afghanistan or Iraq?
Because they think they are supremely more important than the soldiers they order to kill and die.
Same thing with the homeless. They imagine they are without worth, because they have no monetary worth..and it's all about the paper pulp with pretty
pictures printed on it.
Now this is where a FEMA camp would come in handy... and why they've never done this escapes me. It's would be a good place to screen the homeless
and provide temporary shelter in a controlled environment... and collect DNA for past unsolved crimes... etc.
Any of us could become down on our luck and become homeless so I would like to think that if this happened to me someone would help.
If I had seen this happen I would have stepped in.
I am working towards being self-employed eventually because I'm tired of working for other people, making them money, and never having a guaranteed
I am not expendable nor will I ever accept that status as I see it as false.
I was taught to make myself as the most dependable employee.
The problem with this is that it makes other people money and it makes me seen as someone will stay at the job forever, which is not true, I want to
make my own money.
Your story sure shows how society can forget about people, even your own self-destructive nature took you down some twisting alleys, and side streets
in life.
There is no romantic adventure to living on the streets, it is live or die, usually hard.
The very nature of being a homeless individual is living on even the outside of the fringes of society, meaning not even seen as a human, because
people disassociate themselves, because of the shame of their own ability to live better.
All it might take one day, is one missed paycheck, and all of us could be homeless.
In society people are frivolous with their funds, rarely do they save funds ahead towards a potential disaster, this is where the pipedream of the
lottery and winning something for nothing, comes into play with society to this day.
I remember working at 7-11 for 5 years telling, suggesting, and speaking with lottery ticket buyers, about saving their money, and getting a Roth
Instead of throwing them money away daily, weekly, and monthly.
People were so irrational due to their I'm going to win someday mentality.
I am so grateful I did set aside money into my own Roth I.R.A. saving towards the future.
Last year I ended up cashing that in just to stay in an apartment I knew I would not be able to afford forever, which lead to my being evicted,
Originally posted by dietsamcola
With good Samaritan laws being challenged and overturned, it's not worth sticking your neck out for anyone these days. It just opens you up to civil
I would mind my own business and leave the area.
While I certainly understand where you're coming from with liability I disagree.
Those who would kick, beat, or burn a homeless individual deserve to get their ass kicked.
Do I think they would sue me if they were able to do so?
Can they prove anything?
Not likely.
Would the homeless person be an expert eyewitness?
No, he's homeless, no jury would listen to him, if you could even get him to go to court.
Do I look like I care about a potential lawsuit from teenagers beating a homeless individual?
If they tried it I would file charges against them for Public Endangerment.
I would as well file charges against them for loitering.
As well there is engaging in being a public nuisance against the frail and helpless.
Then I would ask the homeless individual their age.
If he or she was over the age of 65 that is a felony.
I agree with you that the amount of people acting ignorantly does mean the amount of and or the ability to intervene would depend upon each person's
I would analyze the situation and react accordingly.
My first action would be to disarm anyone ignorant enough to have a weapon.
I wouldn't have stepped in unless I had a firearm with lots of ammo to back me up... as that would have been putting my own life in danger. But I
certainly would have descretely taken my own photos/videos and called the cops to file a complaint against all those involved.
I hope the media hunts down all those kids in the videos and turns them in... and demands that LE take action.
If ever I have to go to a city for any reason, I always make sure to bring a pocket full of change with me. Many years ago I went through a period of
time during which I ate at soup kitchens and slept in parks. I have also panhandled, and have to admit that most of the money went to buying booze. It
can happen to anyone...circumstances can come along and turn a comfortable life into one of desperation and the 24/7 struggle of just trying to
survive. Some of us managed to get back on our feet and are able to start over, for others it's a one way ticket until some day perhaps another
street person stumbles across a body lying crumpled in an alleyway. There are just as many reasons why a person ends up on the street as there are
folk having to live that way, but "why?" is none of my business, and I don't ask. I know that in most cases someone asking for change to buy
coffee, will instead head for a liquor store or drug dealer, but what does it matter if the person can buy themselves a couple of hours of escape from
the cravings their habit brings on? Sure it would be great if we could help everyone get of the street, but that would happen only in a perfect world,
and we all know this one is far from being that.
Hello, I am a new member here. I was homeless before. Unlike many, I don't have a mental illness to blame as the reason as to why I was homeless. I
brought it all upon myself, but that is another story. Before I was homeless, I used to think that all homeless people were drug addicts and/or
alcoholics. While alot of them do use these substances, this stereotype is simply untrue. Furthermore, for the people who insist that every homeless
people are just lazy and don't want to work, remember this: If you were homeless and couldn't practice proper hygeine, had no phone, had to carry
your belongings everywhere you went- do you really think an employer would want to hire you? No. So, some people resort to temporary Labor Halls for
employment. These places are designed to keep people down. Other people resort to begging (panhandling). I personally couldn't muster up the courage
to resort to this method to acquire money. I caught a merciful miracle from GOD (whom I didn't believe in before I was homeless, mind you) who worked
through a perfect stranger. This person gave me a hand up, not a hand out.
Anyways, this life lesson was a serious wake up call in my life and I have gained several much needed tools from this lesson: WISDOM, LOVE and
COMPASSION (for others)...I help everyone that I can within my abilities. Do I know if they are going to spend it on drugs/alcohol? More than likely.
But, hell, it's rough out there- who wouldn't want to escape?
dam right I would intervene, I believe you can judge a society by the way it treats it 'underprivilaged' those without. It's very easy to turn your
back on those with no voice, and it takes effort to look after them.
As my wife would always say....your getting involved in other peoples problems is going to get you killed one day.
Well so far i am still alive and still intervening...
life is about karma....and as was earlier said....I too have a lot of karma point to make up for...and i am sure i will never achieve it..
But no matter assist the underdog unconditionally without any expectations in return...cept maybe one more Karma point.
The world is falling to pieces and will become much worse where compassion for others is going to be the only thing left in society(this is not doom
and gloom).
heck there will be so many homeless that it may just become the norm.
It has been said before we are all just one paycheck from being homeless.
yes some are into the drink
yes some do drugs
yes may choose that life.
but never make the mistake of painting people with one brush.
just as each and everyone of us typing here is different in so many ways.
I know this cause i have done a journey where i i met hundreds of people from all different backgrounds stayed at their homes and it woke me up.
until you hear their stories you never know how someone has contributed in this life. I too have met many homeless who
are...doctors,lawyers,businessmen,stocktraders,restaurant owners to name but a few.
each one with their own story of their road to the street,life is a precarious thing, no one knows it all, and no one (yet) can say what the future
might bring for an individual.
now each person has their own reason for helping or not.
but dont judge those who you might decide to help.
and do not help for your own rewards.(cause there usually isn't any)
just help cause you have a kind heart.
no one in this life deserves to suffer at the hands of another.