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The Philadelphia Project, U.S.S. Eldridge and Project Rainbow

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posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 10:27 PM
I have written a number of posts critical of the Philadelphia Expermiment elsewhere. I was especially harsh, with the exception of pointing out that the key players were not fictitious.

What bothers me about the PE is how short a time it took from building the ship to doing the actual experiments. Someone might reply, "there was a war on!" Maybe, but they sure had to work fast.

Right now, I'd like to give a pass to Berlitz on the PE and explore how such experiments might be done today. In the book, scale models are talked about on pp. 187 and 189.

First, there has to be a connection between magnetism and gravity. Current research has not involked a "Unified Field Theory" but that may be the end result. For example, physicists Claudio Maccone and Geoffrey Landis discussed magnetic wormholes in the late '90s. Each published a paper in the "Journal of the British Interplanetary Society."

In his paper, Maccone admitted that he needed 3.48x10^18 Tesla to build a womhole. Landis pointed out that Maccone's solution to Einstein's equations did not yield a viable wormhole. What to do?

The key players in the PE relied on the phenomenon of "resonant mangnetism." This is very different from the simple magnetic field of a permanent magnet. Fortunately, the field in resonant magnetism does not have to be very large to have significant effects. In fact, the maximum magnetic field in iron does not exceed about 2 Tesla. This was achievable using the degaussing coils around the ship. It is also workable in a small scale experiment.

In General Relativity, use is made of the term, "curvature of spactime." Now, a body in spactime accelerates along the curvature in the same way a body accelerates under gravitational force. For our purposes, they are different ways of saying the same thing.

Now, a centripetal force is a form of gravitational force. Resonant magnetism is connected with centripetal motion. It is not hard to show
that resonant magnetism can produce a centripetal force exceeding the gravitational force on a test body near a spherical body of 20 solar masses
(recall there is an equivalent spacetime curvature).

The key is an application of the formula that connects circulating electrons and centripetal motion (the cyclotron equation). The values of resonant magnetism are inserted into the cyclotron equation.

Cyclotron Equation (p.30 below)


posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 10:51 AM
So would it be possible for just about anyone with technical savvy to be able to rig up a miniture model using conventional 120V outlet as a power source. I would be very interested in building and experimenting on a small scale to see whether these "effects" could be duplicated. I have time and knowledge, just need some plans to work off of, I'd be happy to share my findings, if any.

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 08:10 PM
You might consider the fact that it was an experiment and that they might not have expected it to work. Besides that, the government has always had deniability. The farther out the claim the easier to deny.

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 09:36 PM
[Having trouble with the formatting. Please accept my apologies.]

I have written a number of posts critical of the Philadelphia Experiment elsewhere. However, I try to point out that the key players were not
fictitious. What really bothers be about the whole thing is how short a time it took from building the ship to doing the actual experiments.

Someone might say, "there was a war on!" But that just means they had to really work fast.

Another poster asked how the PE could be done on a small scale. Permit me to put my biases aside for now, and speculate how this might

be done. I have studied ferromagnetic resonance for nearly 20 years. Corum, Corum, and Daum include in Appendix I of their book the details

about FMR and how it could be used for radar invisibility. I am more interested in how teleportation could be done than how radar invisiblity

might be accomplished. In the book, the Philadelphia Experiment, scale models are talked about on pp. 187 and 189.

Certainly there has to be a connection between magnetism and gravity. Current research has not involked a "Unified Field Theory" but it may

be the end result. For example, physicists Claudio Maccone and Geoffrey Landis discussed magnetic wormholes in the late '90s. Each

published a paper in the "Journal of the British Interplanetary Society."

In his paper, Maccone admitted that he needed 3.48x10^18 Tesla to build a womhole. Landis pointed out that Maccone's solution to Einstein's

equations did not yield a viable wormhole. What to do?

The key players in the PE relied on the principles of FMR. A low magnetic field produces an extremely fast precession of the electrons in an

iron body. The precession, or rotation, of the electrons is like the motion of particles in a cyclotron. There is a force called the centripetal

force. The formulas for centripetal force and magnetic force are equal to each other. There is not much force produced by a single particle in a

cyclotron. But FMR involves the precession of billions of electrons.The values relevant to FMR are inserted into the magnetic force equation to

get the centripetal force. Here are the particular equations:

Centripetal Force Fc = mv^2/r = q(Wc r) B

where m is the mass of the moving particle, v is its velocity, r is the radius or the distance from the center of rotation to the particle, q is the

charge of the particle, Wc is the cyclotron frequency and B is the magnetic field through which the particle moves.

Fc (FMR) = Q (Wp r) B

where the centripetal force due to FMR equals the total charge of the precessing electrons multiplied by the precession frequency, the radius

of turning of the total charge, and the magnetic field B.

There are 10^28 electrons in one cubic meter of iron. The total charge is about one billion coulombs. For B = 1 Tesla, Wp = 10^11 radians/s.

Wp = the ratio of charge to mass of the electron multiplied by B. With r = 1 meter,

Fc (FMR) = 10^20 Newtons

Einstein identifies the centipetal, centrifugal, and Coriolis forces as manifestations of gravitational force.In General Relativity, use is made of

the term, "curvature of spactime." Now, a body in spactime accelerates along the curvature in the same way a body accelerates under

gravitational force. For our purposes, they are different ways of saying the same thing.

Now the Newtonian gravitational force between a spherical body of 15 solar masses and a 1kg test mass, with a center-to-center separation of

1m is:

F = GMm/r^2 = 2x10^21 Newtons

Thus, in the Newtonian approximation at least, FMR, using electromagnetic quantities, can yield nearly the same gravitational force as the

mass of 15 Suns. Here is a hint of the unification of electromagnetism and gravitation. A unification like this may have been responsible for the

Philadelphia Experiment. Next: working on a scale model.


posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 07:23 PM
In ordinary FMR, very, very small iron samples are placed
in crossed constant and alternating fields. The specimens
are placed in a microwave cavity. The constant field starts
the electrons precessing and the radiation at the same
frequency keeps the precession going.

Now, Corum et al., have devised a way to do FMR on
large bodies (from the size of your hand to the size of a
ship). No cavity is required. They performed an experiment
demonstrating radar absorption, the nature of radar
invisibility. See:

FMR can be further simplified for the hobbyist. The
requirement of external radiation can be dropped if the
precession frequency can be obtained insided the iron

To achieve this, a coil is wrapped around an iron body. The
driving curent has a special waveform. In general terms, it
is a low frequency varying DC. See the waveform and
schematic at:

The precession frequency is orders of magnitude greater
than the input low-frequency waveform. Now, the B-field in
the iron object and the related precession frequency are
always resonant because both change in the same way at
the same time.

B is proportional to the magnitude of the current in the coil.
It also depends on the geometry of the iron object.

Post here if you'd like to know more!


posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 07:41 PM
i've been unimpressed by what i've read on montauk.

where is this montauk, because i live right near a montauk.

on the matter of the philadelphia projects. i think its completely plauable. there was one guy who had so information on it when it occured unfourtunately he 'commited suicide' the day he was gonna meet with someone to tell them what he found out.

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 09:01 PM
The PE is a complex and difficult myth to verify. It becomes all the more difficult when one considers the facts presented as evidence string together like quartz beads on a thread, except some of the beads are glass and it is difficult to tell the real beads from the fakes. The myth is riddled with bad information superimposed over a skelton of fact. Whoever thought up the myth that was fed to Moore and others was a very capable disinformer. Imagine your only job was to disinform. A little research and you all could probably do just as good. Put just enough hog wash in the story to make it refutable. Meanwhile, while we are scratching our heads trying to figure it out, the real project continues in the background and any new info regarding it gets pushed back onto the confusing PE.

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 06:26 AM
im sure 10 or so years ago the U.S. goverment promissed to release the "official" documents on the U.S.S. Eldridge,they did but with a black line through any information of any intrest-any one remember that?

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 12:40 PM
Yep! I heard about that and now the Navy are saying the official records have gone missing. Convenient isn't it?

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 10:18 PM
Can a hobbyist make a scale model experience optical
invisibility? Let's take a shot at it.

In FMR, there are two vectors along one line but pointing
in opposite directions. These are the magnetization vector
and the angular momentum vector. The precession of
the vectors describe upper and lower cones joined
together like the two halves of an hourglass.

The precession of the magnetization vector produces a
rotating magnetic field. Where the two precession cones
join, a rotating radial electric field expands outward.

This radial electric field is similar to that produced by a
Homopolar generator, with a magnetic field rotating
through a fixed metal disk. (Check out Homopolar
Generators on Google.) Or, see Feynman's Lectures
on Physics, 1963, v2 chp17 p3. Feynman uses a fixed
magnet and a rotating disk. These configurations are
equivalent according to Special Relativity.

The radial electric field of the Homopolar generator is
confined to the disk. The field produced by FMR extends
beyond the iron body into the surrounding space. It has
different strengths at different radii.

The same physics of invisibiltiy applies to both scale
model and to ship. It will be easiest to describe the effect
using the ship as an example.

Sunlight is reflected off the ocean into the surrounding air.
If you put a mirror perpendicular to the surface of the ocean,
the image of the water appears in the mirror.

Now the rotating electric field around the circumference of
the ship causes the light from the water ( a medium of high
index of refraction) to be totally reflected by the surrounding
air (a medium of low index of refraction). Compare:

The ship disappears in a mirage of ocean water. It looks like
the water continues on indefinitely.


posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 08:26 PM
[Please disregard the second to the last paragraph of my last post.
This is what it should be replaced by:]

Sunlight reflecting off of water loses its vertical oscillation.
It has only its horizontal oscillation. This is called
polarization: ICLS_Polarization__final_PC-version.pdf

Neutral air has a higher index of refraction than ionized air:

The rotating electric field partially ionizes the air around
the ship.

Light going from a medium of higher index of refraction
(neutral air) to a medium of lower index of refraction
(ionized air) can be totally reflected:

On one side of the ionized air is the ship. On the other
side is reflected sea water.


posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 12:54 AM
I personally belive that the expiriment wasn't about turning the ship invisible. I think it was about teleportation from the start. The only reason I say this is that out of all the places in the universe it could appear it was Norfolk, Virginia. Somehow it was lucky enough to appear at sea level in the regular position. Why Norfolk out of all the places in the universe. Well it is home to the worlds largest naval base. Might that have something to do with it?

posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 09:10 PM
Teleportation might occur in one or more ways. One way is the disintegration/reintegration approach. Another is the wormhole idea. Static
wormholes require negative energy; rotating wormholes do not.

Physicist M. Kaku speculates that the starship Enterprise does not move as
such, but creates a wormhole and contracts the distance to its destination.

The above could be applied to the Eldridge. Recall the huge centripetal (gravitational) force developed by magnetic resonance. The rotation does not involve the ship but the enormous equivalent mass (15 Suns). The resulting rotating wormhole contracts the space between the ship's two ports.

The 3 dim separation between origination and destination is fixed. Light will take some time (t) to leave the former and arrive at the latter.

Through a wormhole is a 4 dim separation between origination and destination. Light will take a time less than (t) to enter one mouth and exit the other.

For the right t, the 4 dim separation goes to zero and the two locations are
instantly connected:

(4 dim separation)^2 = (ct)^2 - (3 dim separation)^2

The Eldridge wormhole creates a bridge between the two distant ports.


posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 09:17 PM
What I want to know is how they could have possible understood how to teleport the ship from one Navy base in Philly,PA to the Navy base in Norfolf, VA. This does not seem possible to understand how to do this during the supposed first test and this happening accidentally also seems near impossible.

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by merovingian
What I want to know is how they could have possible understood how to teleport the ship from one Navy base in Philly,PA to the Navy base in Norfolf, VA. This does not seem possible to understand how to do this during the supposed first test and this happening accidentally also seems near impossible.

1) How could the scientists have possibly understood how to teleport the ship?

I have already mentioned two books about the Experiment. One is by Moore and Berlitz and the other by Corum, Corum, and Daum (see previous

The Moore book points out that model experiments were done before the actual ship experiment. This means the scientists had some working knowledge about how to get the desired result.

If you're asking what physical principles were understood by the scientists to achieve teleportation, these were drawn from quantum theory and relativity. Specifically, the discovery of the magnetic moment of the electron
and the derivation of the Einstein-Rosen bridge. The ER bridge gave them the notion of a wormhole; today we know that black holes and wormholes
are interconvertible. All of the ideas needed for the experiments coalesced
before 1940.

2) How could the ship be teleported on the first test?

As I said, they perfected the technique using scale models. The ship experiment was not the first test of teleportation.

3) This happening accidentally seems near impossible.

Exactly right. While the Moore book vascillates between saying the effect
was intended or accidental, the book by Corum, Corum, and Daum indicates that the groundwork was carefully layed for the ship experiment.


posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 01:44 AM
before somebody else posts about how to do it and what they need to do it, Do it yourself and make a video and post a link to it. I want to see a video of this happening not type on how i can do it. If there is any links anywhere to anyone having done this experiment please link up something it is very interesting.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by ThinkB4uSpeak
before somebody else posts about how to do it and what they need to do it, Do it yourself and make a video and post a link to it. I want to see a video of this happening not type on how i can do it. If there is any links anywhere to anyone having done this experiment please link up something it is very interesting.

I guess you are not aware that the instructions were not published in the physics literature of the time. Would have been nice if they had been. Haven't had too many potential collaborators offer to work with me. Would
you like to?


posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 09:16 PM
One problem.
In order for teleportation to work, the time elapsed would be 0. The travel report stated that the amount of time the ship took for travel was fifteen minutes.
Time Travel is the only possibility for this to even happen. But, even from that arises another problem. To travel foward in time you must be moving close to C (C= speed of light). The closer you are, the faster/farther in time you will move. I'm almost 100% sure this is not humanly possible or even replicable in today's highest technology. Much less, in view of public! I'm not even sure how they would be able to begin Time Travel unless they used a loop-hole.
I can only think of one highly speculated theory, they used the earth's magnetic field to somehow boost them to another point on the field. (But again, this isn't possible in today's highest technology.) Correct me if i'm wrong about the theory.

Hope this spawns some answers and dispute.

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 09:35 PM
Why faster than light though?
Light is just an EM wave and its speed is nothing diffrent really to that of sound waves and the speed of sound.

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by xxRageOfIcexx
One problem.
In order for teleportation to work, the time elapsed would be 0. The travel report stated that the amount of time the ship took for travel was fifteen minutes.
Time Travel is the only possibility for this to even happen. But, even from that arises another problem. To travel foward in time you must be moving close to C (C= speed of light). The closer you are, the faster/farther in time you will move. I'm almost 100% sure this is not humanly possible or even replicable in today's highest technology. Much less, in view of public! I'm not even sure how they would be able to begin Time Travel unless they used a loop-hole.
I can only think of one highly speculated theory, they used the earth's magnetic field to somehow boost them to another point on the field. (But again, this isn't possible in today's highest technology.) Correct me if i'm wrong about the theory.

Hope this spawns some answers and dispute.

The speed of light is a constant. It does not have to be violated in order to achieve teleportation. The time light takes to travel through free

space may be one value and the time it takes to go through a wormhole may be another value, but the speed of light is still the same.

If you check the Moore book it says either a few minutes or only seconds elapsed. There is some uncertainty. I think a case could be made

that the actual travel time through the wormhole was less than a second.

Recall the "teleportation equation" I gave earlier:

(4 dim separation)^2 = (ct)^2 - (3 dim separation)^2

(The above is actually Minkowski's geometric formulation of Special Relativity. It is adequate for our purposes.)

Also recall that the 3 dim separation is fixed. For the 4 dim separation through the wormhole to go to zero, t must be exactly equal to the
3 dim separation divided by c. Since c is constant, t is proportional to the 3 dim separation. So, t may be small, but it is never zero.

The wormhole described here is rotating to lift the requirement for negative energy (or exotic matter). But it is not in translational motion.
So, there is no time travel taking place and no "moving close to c" is involved.


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