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Federal Reserve Charter expires 12/21/2012!!!

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posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by beebs

Is this kind of where the 'de jure' vs. 'de facto' legal systems were switched over? Constitutional being the 'de jure' reality under 'god'... 'de facto' being the corporate dictatorship...

So people better understand De Jure is a matter of law and principle, and De Facto is a mater of fact and practice.

When the congress disbanded in 1861 sine die (with no date set for it's next session) Lincoln called it unlawfully back into session de facto.

However two things occurred when this happened. The first is that only the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate can legally (de jure) call the Congress into session, and the second is that the Congress then sat, lacked a quorum (a minimum number of representatives required de jure to vote on and pass legislation) because the Southern members did not respond to this call.

Not only did these actions lead to the North and South not being able to peaceably work out their differences and call Congress legally (de jure) back into session once they had, it led to the Constitution falling into desuetude ( an outdated and unenforceable law or doctrine because of disuse and abandonment that is not longer legal as a result).

So the Constitution ceased to become a legally enforceable doctrine at that time. A military dictatorship sprang into existence using contract law (The United States Codes) and Congress began after the war then regulating almost everything by using the Interstate Commerce Clause of the Constitution once all people were made corporate citizens of the States and the States incorporated under the Federal Government in the 14th Amendment.

This is why people like Pelosi laugh when critics of laws like Health Care decree them unconstitutional because the Constitution has not been enforceable since 1861 because it became desuetude and everything the Congress passes is under the Interstate Commerce Clause to keep the Supreme Court from having to acknowledge that the Constitution is unenforceable.

This is why the Census is conducted by the Department of Commerce.

See my Census Thread:

The 2010 Census How I Have Responded to Five Enumerators

Officially making all people part of the commerce system, which allows us all to be regulated through commerce based laws as a result of that, so they can claim no violation of the constitution has occurred.

In reality after the Civil War the only way Constitutional Government could have been reaffirmed is by holding another Constitutional Convention and all the States agreeing on a new one. However the Federal Government could not do that because the Southern concerns leading to the split still had not been rectified (still haven’t) and the South was under military occupation, meaning that what ever they would have agreed to would have been under the point of a gun.

So yes this all happened during the Civil War and the reconstruction aftermath.

Great post and questions, thanks.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

i was wondering if you had any information or proof/evidence of the IRS being a corporation of the UK

i remember i saw a document before stating that it was but i cant find it now

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Thats much more detailed and informative than what I was trying to say

Genius, Proto, genius...

I believe Marrs says about the same thing in Rule by Secrecy.

edit to add: Ah, and thanks for the direct reply(I was posting when you posted).

I have seen many times where people on ATS do not understand the reasons that groups such as the Guardians of the Free Republic do the things they do - and using legal terms such as de jure and de facto to declare the current gov't(corporation) actions null and void.

I'm curious as to your opinion on the 'Sovereignty' movement/ 'GOTFR' movement?

But maybe this is starting to get off topic... still seems relevant though.

[edit on 6-8-2010 by beebs]

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by tankthinker
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

i was wondering if you had any information or proof/evidence of the IRS being a corporation of the UK

i remember i saw a document before stating that it was but i cant find it now

The IRS operates under the color of the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Bureau. Color of means flag, as in ship’s flag, and this is once again Contract Maritime Law.

The ATF is an extension of the Stamp Act which caused the Revolutionary War to begin with. Note the Tax Stamp on your cigarettes and liquor bottles.

The IRS is a collection agency owned and operated by the Crown as part of the Stamp Act and it is actually run out of the Territory of Puerto Rico because it is not a lawful de jure enterprise, but a de facto matter of criminal practice and deception.

Finding the exact paper trail on where the money goes to is something the Federal Reserve obscures through it’s own secrecy but I can tell you that no IRS Agent has been able to disprove these arguments and me asserting this led to them lifting a IRS Levy against me, when I refused to acknowledge the debt as being lawful based on those grounds and included those accusations on a Tax Payer’s Advocate 9-1-1 form.

I made that challenge in person at the IRS Office here in Miami and a series of Supervisors across the United States engaged me on the telephone at their Offices for hours before they conceded that they could not establish clear evidence that they had a lawful right to pursue what I contend is not a lawful debt.

The Constitution only allows for taxation by the Federal Government in times of War lawfully declared by Congress. Neither of the wars we are fighting is wars lawfully declared by Congress, so as a result Federal Taxation is entirely illegal. In addition the IRS Act was not lawfully passed. Ohio was not a lawful member of the Union at the time because of a paper work snafu back when it was admitted to the Union. Later it was retroactively granted the powers of the State making it’s deciding vote a valid one in an invalid way.

My contention is that our Tax Money goes to the Crown because under Prince George’s titles under the Holy Roman Empire and not his English Crown he reserved the right to be our Prince Elector (hence the electoral college that actually decides who the President is going to be) and our Arch-Treasurer (hence the Federal Reserve) in the Treaty of Paris that concluded the Revolutionary War, all of which was reaffirmed in the Treaty of Ghent after the War of 1812.

Both wars we are supposed to have won, even though when you read the treaties it is obvious England is dictating the terms.

However the great deception is while King George of England, and France (he was considered the King of France by the Holy Roman Empire also and not the Bourbon King) Ireland, and the Duke of Luneburg gave up his claims to America under those offices, he retained those claims as a Prince, Prince Elector, and Arch-Treasurer of the Holy Roman Empire.

So my contention is our taxes go to England and then on to Rome where all roads eventually lead too.


posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Okay funny guy, not ALL roads lead to ROME.

Yes, you could assume, but do you really believe they are the disease not the symptom?

Do you REALLY believe they are the causal effect and not just a reminiscent factor?

I have to ask Proto, there is a difference between the source and the symptom.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

OK i read your tax thread and its pretty in depth and interesting,

what im confused about is a little bit of information that i received from another source that contradicts your story, so i would like to hear your opinion of it

basically i read that - the North was actually against the banking interests of London, that the Greenback was actually a note used to get the states out of debt because it wasnt borrowed money from a bank (hence no interest on it) but was just money for the country to run on that was lawful and wouldnt need to be paid back by anyone the southern states whom where English controlled led a "rebellion" which led to the civil war.

now the reason the English never intervened physically to help their Southern subordinates, was because The Czars of Russia who had no central bank, and where against the banking cartel, warned that if England helped the South then Russia would go to war in favor of the North. This is also why the Bolshevik Revolution was considered a huge revenge plot for the Elite because of when the Russian Nobility Stopped their plans during the civil war!

im not sure if this is correct, but im just trying to get the truth as much as possible, what are your thoughts?

ps. in relation to your troubles with the IRS, did you go in and explain it to them personally with out any sort of legal documents or did you use a Conditional Acceptance (because that would have kept you from going into dishonor)?

just curious!

[edit on 6-8-2010 by tankthinker]

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by beebs

I have seen many times where people on ATS do not understand the reasons that groups such as the Guardians of the Free Republic do the things they do - and using legal terms such as de jure and de facto to declare the current gov't(corporation) actions null and void.

I'm curious as to your opinion on the 'Sovereignty' movement/ 'GOTFR' movement?

I feel these people are on a better track, but not quite the right one, because they too are failing to deal with the 800 pound guerilla in the room.

They harbor the illusion that the Founders actually won the Revolution and at some point our Constitutional Form of Government actually worked.

The truth is that the Founders were part of a Masonic and Rosicrucian Conspiracy to create a New Atlantis, which is really a euphemism for a new Rome.

They competed against Protestant Christians for power that are another dominant faction, yet because Christianity as we know it was put forth by Rome, this is also a Roman faction even though they themselves don’t understand that they are and will disagree with it.

So what went on behind the scenes between the Mason/Rosicrucian Faction and the Christian Faction are details mostly overlooked and obscured at this point.

The third faction was just people looking to survive and enjoy some kind of freedom in an uncertain and often hostile and fluid environment of a new world and nation, who really were out just to survive and didn’t care.

The founders did obscure from the public the debts that they agreed to pay in order for England, Europe’s and Rome’s blessing and permission to manage the new nation. The nation was actually named by Prince George using his powers as a Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire.

This led to the enterprise having a hard time getting off the ground, and as the founders died out, and many of these secrets with them, a new more independent minded group of politicians ended up inciting the War of 1812 through their failure to make good on the obligations to England, Europe and Rome the founders had agreed to in the Treaty of Paris. Once again History obscures this.

Yet at Ghent at the conclusion of the War once again the critical agreements that had been kept under seal by Congress regarding the debt and the chain of command for the nation came out on the table and our delegation acquiesced once again and submitted to England and Rome’s demands. While the Holy Roman Empire dissolved on paper, the original Roman Empire has never gone out of business and uses the Vatican and the Catholic Church as a front.

In the aftermath of Ghent when a new crop of politicians had to explain their submission to these foreign powers in the Treaty, they let it be known what the Founders had saddled them with. This led to a whole backlash against the Masonic movement and many lodges were abandoned and burned to the ground.
The debt we were obligated was so severe the first attempt at secession by the South occurred during this time period, as they cited that Northeastern Bankers were manipulating the currency and the debt so it could never be paid off.

Andrew Jackson famously talked them out of seceding in a famed joint session of Congress, yet the discord remained.

When the Second United States Bank charter was allowed to expire as a result of the political pressure against these obligations the bankers all but ruined the economy through hyperinflation before releasing the strangle hold, but with in 40 years Southern Frustration with the Bankers and Industrialists in the North and their close ties to Europe and Rome led to them wanting to secede at any and all costs, and the eventual military imposition of what Europe and Rome wanted that lasts to this day.

So the freeman movement, the patriots, etc, are in fact all pursuing a myth that never existed in the first place, except in a theory sold by politicians who were actually double dealing and defeating those notions behind the citizens back.

It’s always been a struggle since day one, because no administration except for Jackson’s has ever tried to come to grips with the fact that we are not yet, and have never been a sovereign nation. Jackson came close to pulling it off but the Bankers ultimately pulled the rug out beneath him.

The banking cartels wealth emanates from Rome. That is why the Rothschild Family has Papal Titles and gets to use the Papal Crest and insignia, its Rome’s money. While the Roman State did collapse the patricians who had long before had all it’s wealth filtered into their hands did not. They are the Shadow Government.

Where many people get confused is King Henry and the Church of England, but the truth is that the Church of England is still based on the Roman principles of Christianity, it just allows for localized control and administration of the system, but the wealth still flows back to Rome.

As long as the Roman Elites and their Blood Lines survive, and they control the resources and the wealth, no revolution is going to succeed any better than our first one.

People fail to understand that the Pope in 1490 decreed through Papal Bulla that everything west of the Canary Islands yet to be discovered is property of Rome. He simply allowed the Kings of Aragon and Spain to divide that amongst them selves to rule it as vassals, Rome’s agents.

They also forget William the Conqueror pledged England and all it would ever own to Rome in exchange for the Pope’s blessing.

So America was never ever England’s as a result to grant independence too, which is why you will see when you read the Treaty of Paris and understand the language of it, that the English Monarch gave up his claims to it as an English Monarch, but did not give up his claims as a Roman Prince, Prince Elector, and Arch-Treasurer.

Various subterfuges create the illusion that all of this was rectified long ago, yet one thing remains clear, every notable entity on earth is a bound party to the United Nations save one, Vatican City, which can observe but is not bound by anything the United Nations or anything that it’s sister agencies like the World Bank or World Health Organization do.

So the truth is that the 800 pound guerilla that no one wants to deal with because they are too busy pursuing myths and illusions is the unholy trinity of the City States, Washington D.C. the District of London, and Vatican City all of which exist as corporate entities not bound by laws of the nations they exist within.

There will be no real freedom until Rome is defeated once and for all, and Rome is not threatened because most people don’t know it’s never stopped ruling the world and running it.


By the way there is a reason so many of our legal terms are in Latin!

[edit on 6/8/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by endisnighe
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Okay funny guy, not ALL roads lead to ROME.

Yes, you could assume, but do you really believe they are the disease not the symptom?

Do you REALLY believe they are the causal effect and not just a reminiscent factor?

I have to ask Proto, there is a difference between the source and the symptom.

Why yes in fact they do, and if you haven't done the research (and you haven't) you do fall victim to that base assumption.

Rome has set up a genious system of semi-atonymous states it controls through the Shadow Government that even while evidence is all around you of it, most people prefer to deny to cling to illusions and myths that clearly are not working for the people.

Nothing funny about that.

The truth will set you free.

By the way I am in contact with people inside the Cabal, and have proven it's existence to myself through my own interactions with it.

Those interactions span decades by the way.

Look at the back of your Dollar Bill and understand that there is a reason why "The New Order of the Ages" is being decreed in Latin.

All Roads lead to Rome and they always have and they always will until people wise up to it and do something about it.

I know I am.


posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Well, I was raised catholicism, though my father got us away from that. He did not explain why.

Anyway, there is no absolutes, unless the Pope has told you he is the anti Christ, Has he?

Yes, I do know you LOVE your theory, but still, I have a theory also, they are just a bunch of wacked religious folk. Hell, I could be part of the conspiracy?

Part of every conspiracy is truth, get them to absorb the truth, do I get the vibe right? Are you an ex catholic? Or am I wrong?

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

The truth is that the Founders were part of a Masonic and Rosicrucian Conspiracy to create a New Atlantis, which is really a euphemism for a new Rome.

Well if the USA is then new Rome could we say that Rome was the New Atlantis?

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by tankthinker

basically i read that - the North was actually against the banking interests of London, that the Greenback was actually a note used to get the states out of debt because it wasnt borrowed money from a bank (hence no interest on it) but was just money for the country to run on that was lawful and wouldnt need to be paid back by anyone the southern states whom where English controlled led a "rebellion" which led to the civil war.

There were two versions of the Greenback the first was offered as legal tender which London took strong objection too.

The second was not legal tender which London took no objection too.

What the Greenback was, was a fluctuating promise to pay, meaning that at the end of the war, if you held Greenbacks you could then and only then exchange them for what they were deemed to be worth in Gold and Silver.

This was simply a way for the Union to defer payment without having to borrow against what London considered a risky venture since the 2nd United States Bank's Charter had expired and there was no gauranteed collection mechanism in place.

Once the Legal Tender was stricken from the Second Greebacks, the Union itself would not even accept them as payment because they had no fixed value.

This enabled Lincoln to prosecute what was often a very unpopular war and one he was not sucessfully waging for the bulk of it without having to significantly tax the people, that might have then led to a full on rebellion in the North.

Even the draft itself led to riots in New York City that had to be put down violently and thousands of New Yorkers killed and parts of the city raised by the Union Army, so increasing taxes to pay Gold Loans from London to pay for the war, might have easily been the straw that broke Lincoln's back.

The English are adept at playing both sides of the coin. This is called the Hegelian principle where the synergy of two opposing sides will result in the outcome you actually want.

So rather rely on, one side carrying out your agenda, amassing too much power or usurping it, you set up both sides to fight one another with the outcome being what you want as a result of that conflict.

It's important to note that once London had what it wanted, it simply had John Wilkes Boothe an English man and English Agent kill him.

The Industrial Norths capital was provided to them through Rothschild and the Bank of England. The Papal Rothsthchild Family.

The American Oligarchs are closely related blood wise and ever other way to the European Monarchs.

So I am very skeptical of that source.

I went by myself in person to the IRS and took nothing with me but my 9-1-1 Form and my copies of 10 years of 1040 stamped recieved by the IRS that I had signed where it says Tax Payer Jack Me Hoff.

I could prove that I had filed, but because they had accepted the Contracts (the 1040 Form) with an improper signature, they had accepted that Jack Me Hoff was responsible for my social security number's contractual obligations.

Of course Jack Me Hoff is not going to pay them, and this provided me an opportunity to challenge their system.

I demanded they provide proof I have an obligation to pay taxes, and interestingly enough I was wanting proof that my Birth Certitificate Name (the Name that appears on my Brith Certificate has a specific legal obligation to pay taxes) but they couldn't prove in fact that any American has an obligation to pay taxes.

The only thing I had to prove is they had no valid enforcable contract between them and me, and that I was prepared to involve the Tax Payer Advocate in the matter.

The IRS Agent who had the unlucky task of calling my number declared at the end of the day when he was filling out a hand written release of levy form for the first time in his 22 year career that I was either the luckiest man alive or destined to go to jail a very long time.

He wasn't sure which and he himself was actually concerned that what his superiors had ordered him to do in releasing the levy might result in his own criminal prosecution in the future and took every precaution to document which regional supervisor ordered what and their badge numbers to cover his butt.

That was 10 years ago, and the IRS has not written, called or stopped by since.

Thanks for asking.

[edit on 6/8/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by endisnighe
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Well, I was raised catholicism, though my father got us away from that. He did not explain why.

Anyway, there is no absolutes, unless the Pope has told you he is the anti Christ, Has he?

Yes, I do know you LOVE your theory, but still, I have a theory also, they are just a bunch of wacked religious folk. Hell, I could be part of the conspiracy?

Part of every conspiracy is truth, get them to absorb the truth, do I get the vibe right? Are you an ex catholic? Or am I wrong?

Rome simply uses a religious front, Rome in fact is not a Christian or religious enterprise, it's a business.

It simply passes itself off as a religion which is such a good scam that even entities like Scientology do the same.

Rome is just a little bit better and bigger at it.

Rome simply instituted a system to replace costly bread and circuses by promoting heaven or hell based on your compliance with Roman and Talmudic Law.

Brilliant actually. Almost impossible to defeat because of the way religion has clouded the picture.

Thanks my friend.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by tankthinker

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

The truth is that the Founders were part of a Masonic and Rosicrucian Conspiracy to create a New Atlantis, which is really a euphemism for a new Rome.

Well if the USA is then new Rome could we say that Rome was the New Atlantis?

Yes we could since Aeneas was a Trojan Prince and founded Rome, and Troy was actually the first post flood city not Babylon.

Read my All Roads Lead to Rome thread. It explains it all.


posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
I went by myself in person to the IRS and took nothing with me but my 9-1-1 Form and my copies of 10 years of 1040 stamped recieved by the IRS that I had signed where it says Tax Payer Jack Me Hoff.

I could prove that I had filed, but because they had accepted the Contracts (the 1040 Form) with an improper signature, they had accepted that Jack Me Hoff was responsible for my social security number's contractual obligations.

Of course Jack Me Hoff is not going to pay them, and this provided me an opportunity to challenge their system.

I demanded they provide proof I have an obligation to pay taxes, and interestingly enough I was wanting proof that my Birth Certitificate Name (the Name that appears on my Brith Certificate has a specific legal obligation to pay taxes) but they couldn't prove in fact that any American has an obligation to pay taxes.

ahhh man thats brilliant, i never thought of that, wait so let me get this straight

was the signature the only think you put as Jack Me Hoff? or did you fill in that name for where it says

Your First Name Initial and Last Name

or did you put your person's name there

the tax form today wants "preparers signature" instead of "tax payers"

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by tankthinker

No I put my Birth Certificate Name on the front along with my real social security number, so in fact I couldn't be construed as failing to file.

I simply filed an invalid contract by signing it Jack Me Off but because the IRS accepted that offer of Contract it accepted Jack Me Off was responsible for the Contract.

Since they couldn't establish through law I have a personal obligation to pay taxes, and they had no valid contract with my corporate entity (birth certificate name) where I had obligated myself, they were left without an enforcable mechanism under contract law, which is all they do.

Your 1040 is addressed to Tax Payer, when you sign it you are agreeing you are a Tax Payer thus making it a legally enforcable contract.

You need to start your nation early in the age if you are going to fool Proto!

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 12:42 PM
im curious proto if youve ever heard of a certain method of negating contract
which is that when you receive a offer to contract, say a notice to appear in court for example,

you open the document, find out what it is, put it back in the envelope and write in red ink, big letters on the front:

No Contract Return To Sender

in this way you are stopping a contract from ever even beginning to take hold on you

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by BuffaloJoe
100 years from Monday 12/23/1913 is Tuesday 12/23/2013.

At best there would be 25 leap years during this span adding only 25 days to the original projection.

I knew this sounded to good to be true.

It is probably like a land lease which is usually 99 years. The apartments i live in are under a 99 year lease agreement

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by tankthinker
im curious proto if youve ever heard of a certain method of negating contract
which is that when you receive a offer to contract, say a notice to appear in court for example,

you open the document, find out what it is, put it back in the envelope and write in red ink, big letters on the front:

No Contract Return To Sender

in this way you are stopping a contract from ever even beginning to take hold on you

You are free to write Offer of Contract Rejected without prejudice all rights reserved.

But if it is a writ, the state might still choose to kidnap you under armed force and compell your appearance before a judge.

Once this happens your are shanghaied and on the ship and under their jurisdiction. It’s much better in my humble opinion when dealing with a writ to avoid service or in the event you have been served to appear as stated, yet to appear as a representative third party (don’t identify yourself other than a representative of the named party) in the gallery and be careful not to be tricked into crossing the bar (the rail that separates the Gallery and land from the Bench, Jury Box, Witness Stand, and Plaintiffs and Defendants Tables the Ship).

The whole trick is not being tricked onto the ship or into entering a verbal contractor on the record (the stenographer records everything said).

By reserving all your rights, and declaring you are there under duress, from the threat of armed force, and denying that the person so named exists as anything but is only a corporate fiction, you are now putting yourself in position to use common law instead of Corporate State Codes and the burden of proof of guilt shifts to the state instead of proof of innocence being placed on you. When you enter a plea not-guilty or guilty you have been tricked into surrendering your right to force the state to prove your guilt, but instead are now letting the state determine if you are guilty or not. Under the constitution you are presumed innocent, yet they allow you no pleas of innocence, just guilty or not guilty. Most of it is all a word game for contractual obligation and most people don’t know the difference between the figurative definition of words and the legal definition of words. Often the figurative definition of a word seems benign, yet the legal definition that the court is using, is often malignant.

They rely on your ignorance, threat and intimidation and saddling you with one of their officers (an attorney of the bar) to represent you and further trick you into the contract and compliance.

Most people do submit because they fear challenging the court will result in a stiffer penalty which the court and it’s officers will point out to people who do challenge the system as a threat.

Once again this is all part of the Roman system, as the Officers of the Court and the Judge swear an oath to God, and you are asked to swear an oath to God while giving testimony. By 11th Century Treaty God is the Vicar of Christ the Pontificus Maximus the Pope in Rome and whether it appears on your money, in a pledge, in a treaty, or through an oath, and reference to God in a legal situation is in fact referencing the Pope God’s legal representative.

The whole system relies on deception, and intimidation and force to make it work. When you aren’t deceived, because you are well informed, and you aren’t intimidated by the force that they can employ or the threat of it, and you can speak to these things and will, and hold your own ground doing it, you then become the sovereign.

That’s what they don’t want you to no.

Declare yourself divine and sovereign and living in accordance with nature’s laws, stick to that and if the state can’t prove real damages in Gold and Silver have befallen it or a ‘victim’ they actually have no case under common law, and if they proceed to judge you with the Codes you have strong ground for appeal.


posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by tankthinker

No I put my Birth Certificate Name on the front along with my real social security number, so in fact I couldn't be construed as failing to file.

I simply filed an invalid contract by signing it Jack Me Off but because the IRS accepted that offer of Contract it accepted Jack Me Off was responsible for the Contract.

Since they couldn't establish through law I have a personal obligation to pay taxes, and they had no valid contract with my corporate entity (birth certificate name) where I had obligated myself, they were left without an enforcable mechanism under contract law, which is all they do.

Your 1040 is addressed to Tax Payer, when you sign it you are agreeing you are a Tax Payer thus making it a legally enforcable contract.

You need to start your nation early in the age if you are going to fool Proto!

Having read all your posts here, and laughing all the while, great writing and insight that few have, unfortunately, The Charter may end but it will be the beginning of something else.

As for your references to the IRS, people NEED to know HOW they get sucked in to begin with. The "employment application" is the initial contract. This is where it all begins. What you are filling out is an application to be considered as part of the federal corporation.

Don't believe this? Think about this, in 1800, you went to a sawmill or hardware store or saloon or wherever you could to find work. You had a discussion with the owner and he hired you on your abilities and desire to work hard. You worked it out with him what your compensation would be for your labor. You trade you labor for something else, be it gold, silver, potatoes, carrots, animal hides, whatever. There is no THIRD PARTY INTERLOPER!!!! The IRS is a third party interloper, BUT, because you filled out the application to be employed by the Fed, you are now a part of the "corporation" and it is corporate policy that you "donate" part of your pay for the use of the Federal Reserve Note which is your compensation.

Okay, does everyone understand that? Now, because you were not given "full disclosure" when you filled out the application and signed it, the "contract" is Null and Void, period. But until you understand the legal aspects of it all, you keep feeding the machinations.

"Prove up your claim or cease and desist under the color of law against the sovereign in the party, John: Doe."

Simple as that, they can't, won't, and never will.

Your birth certificate is the document of manufacture of the "strawman" you. Not the flesh and blood living soul you. Strawmen can be brought into court becuase the name in all capital letters is a corporate fiction, you are not. Flesh and blood living souls can not be sued, only corporations, get it yet?

Unless you injure someone or damage their property or violate their rights, you have commited absolutely NO CRIME. And the county sheriff shall be the judge.

Most people go to jail by their own consent and don't even know it. That is just too funny to me. is one of the best sites to review the true history of this nation and of law. Many professors, tired of the system and all the lies, post there.

I must say ProtoplasmicTraveler, you are one of the best. I look forward to many more of your writings.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Im curious if you think that the real powers behind everything, like the federal reserve for example, and the whole system of debt and Rome in general are out in the public?

what i mean is do you really believe that the current pope has all or much of that power over rome or do you think he is a figure head for the real emperor who is in the shadows?

i mean seeing who the attendants of the Bilderberg group are its as if its a meeting of Electoral Princes deciding and discussing the policies and plans of Rome, but to me they are still too public,

if i were controlling the whole thing, i would never put myself out there as the head of it all, i wouldnt even let my vassals know it, i would be in the shadows even within the shadows if you get what im saying.

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