I too read multiple books at one time. My problem is I rarely finish any. The internet helps me by finding books similar to the one I am reading and
to instantly research what I am reading. However when I go to the internet to look something up, I never get back to the book. Pretty frustrating. I
need to learn to focus.
Looking at the replies to the thread, I am thinking it's mostly just me. Perhaps my "conditions" are getting worse. Something for me to work on
fixing now
This concerns me too. I absolutely notice that I scan a lot. It is getting harder for me to slow down and take in what I am reading. The main problem
I have is with my email and ATS. I check my email a million times a day (I am not as popular as I wish I were ), and I click the darn "recent
threads" button 5 billion times a day.
I think this is very true for younger generations. I my self find I'm reading more books. I went from one a month to 1 every 2 days. I notice now
that I read faster because the internet just makes me read faster... Don't like the glare from my computer, why I will not buy E-books until I'm
forced to.