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NEWS OUTRAGE! Mom locks kids in bathroom for 9 months, gets life in jail

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posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:58 AM
OK, I'll play devil's advocate on this one....

Those of you who condone a life sentence have probably never seen the inside of a jail cell, .... life in prison is just draconian.

These kids "might" have issues for the rest of their life, ... or perhaps they will find new homes, and their future will be drasticaly improved due to this unfortunate incident.

If they stayed with their mother, they no doubtedly would of shared her fate in drug addiction and lifestyle, perhaps this incidient will be instrumental to them ultimately finding a better life and opportunity's never before fathomed. Sometimes it is the worst things in life, which shape and motivate us, as I hope this does for them.

But life in prison ?? really now, .... why not just take her behind the shed and put a slug in her head.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by IntastellaBurst

But life in prison ?? really now, .... why not just take her behind the shed and put a slug in her head.

That sounds good to me. I can not fathom why people have children when they have no desire to care for them, or even love them. I think the death penalty is a great idea for those people who hurt children with such deliberate acts of cruelty.

True Pedophiles too, not the stupid cases of 19 yr old guys sleeping with their 17 yr old girlfriend, but the adults who repeatedly rape and abuse younge children and babies.

The normal reaction of a mother to a child being locked in a room is to do whatever it takes to get that child out, including kicking the damn door in if need be.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by InfaRedMan
I'm not sure sick people like this can ever make a positive contribution to society. I don't see counselling or rehab an option in these cases. I see it as a waste of tax payers money. She isn't going to make the world a better place no matter how much the bleeding hearts and politically correct opine.

The punishment should fit the crime. This women has given her children a life sentence of nightmares, trust issues, abandonment issues, relationship issues and that's just for starters. She should also cop a life sentence. Those children never had a choice and neither should she. Throw away the key!


Don't usually agree with you, but on this I do 100 % and then some!

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by Blanca Rose

Yes that is what I am suggesting.
Too many people don't get rehabilitated and that is what our jails are supposed to be for and many including you are forgetting this.
Rehabilitating them to be a good member of society while they are being punished.

Too many people fall thru the cracks in our system and I feel this is yet another one.
Her behavior might be able to be corrected.
I like most of you are not willing to cast her aside as expendable,especially when it involves kids.

I am not condoning her actions but I am condemning her sentance.
Its too easy to toss someone aside so I see it as a copout and the easy way out.
Its worth the effort to see if she is able to be rehabilitated and that is my first choice.
Jail for life...NOPE.I would suggest a jail sentance and some very heavy counselling and make her EARN her kids back thru hard work.
Theres other ways of doing things then just tossing people in jail for life,that just seems too easy and unproductive.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by Starbug3MY

Hmmm, let me TRY AGAIN, lol.

You said:

This news story does not really surprise me (which is bad enough) but I am outraged at this insanity.

At WHAT insanity??? What YOU are OUTRAGED about?

That no one else seems to be outraged?
At the sentencing?
At the event itself?



posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by IntastellaBurst

But life in prison ?? really now, .... why not just take her behind the shed and put a slug in her head.

While I haven't seen the inside of a prison cell, I grew up in an abusive household, that by all outside visitors, wasn't so. I was verbally abused, starved at times, and beaten for things like my shoes not being lined up in a closet properly. I was also sexually abused by a neighbor, and my parents, and siblings knew about it, and did nothing.

The years I endured of beatings, on nearly a daily basis tells me, this woman needs to be brought out back by a shed.

The sad thing is, a slug probably costs more than she ever contributed to society!

[edit on 4-8-2010 by Blanca Rose]

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by DrumsRfun

And, I am telling you, a person like this, will never change, no matter how much, the system and tax dollars pay for it.

They may play the game, to pretend to be in a position of being able to parent, but why should we have to pay for it?

Stick the kids with somebody else, and pray, they get the help they need.

A parent like this, is only a contributer via seeds and sperm. And hopefully, for the complete benefit of society, eliminated quicky in prison, by other possibly rehabilatative prisoners, who have not abused children in any way!

The world has no place for people who abuse children. If you think otherwise, invite them into your home!

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 04:07 PM
The children were horribly abused, a life in prison seems an appropiate sentence to me.

Some people definately cannot be allowed to have children or be a parent. While we are at it, I support sterilization of all criminals, as part of the sentence.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 04:10 PM
I am outraged at the lack of compassion this poor excuse for a human being displays for her children,

I am outraged that she allowed her partner to sexually abuse one of the children.

However, I am not outraged at her life sentance, I think she got what she deserved.

I have relatives who have drug problems, one uncle imparticular has three kids by three differant women. he has spent more time in prison over the last twenty years than free. He was a huge role model for me as an adolecent, but seeing how far he fell from his drug use showed me that even people with good hearts can lose thier way, especially when thier mind is clouded with hard drugs. Mind you he never starved the children , except for attention, and he never beat them or allowed any one to molest them.

I am not making excuses for him or her ,but my point is, seeing what it did to him and his children made me the person i am today, i learned from his mistakes and never picked up a needle or snorted a line. Hopefully these kids will see what the drugs did to thier mother and learn from it as well..Sorry i guess im just looking for a silver lining.

Also i think this type of punishment should be mandatory for such levels of child abuse, and in any case of pedophelia. Ruining your own life is one thing, Ruining your own childs chances at a normal life is a crime worthy of life in prison.



Oh and on a side note just so you dont think I am a hypocrit, the last few times he went in to jail we refused to bail him out or accept any phonecalls. The entire family is at the point where we, sad to say, wish he would get life inside.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Blanca Rose
reply to post by DrumsRfun

And, I am telling you, a person like this, will never change, no matter how much, the system and tax dollars pay for it.

They may play the game, to pretend to be in a position of being able to parent, but why should we have to pay for it?

Stick the kids with somebody else, and pray, they get the help they need.

A parent like this, is only a contributer via seeds and sperm. And hopefully, for the complete benefit of society, eliminated quicky in prison, by other possibly rehabilatative prisoners, who have not abused children in any way!

The world has no place for people who abuse children. If you think otherwise, invite them into your home!


Its amazing how many people judge so quickly.
1.You don't know how she was raised which could be a relevant variable.
2.She was with a controlling pedophile who she was fearful of as it implies in the article.
3.The daughter cried and didn't want to see her mother go to jail.
4.The mother showed remorse and dropped the crap in the middle of the trial to plead guilty and own up to her guilt and take her lumps.
5.Last but certainly not least...sometimes bad things happen to good people and sometimes good people do bad things.

I won't answer the question of if I would have them at my house but will ask you instead...if you knew you messed up bad,would you want a chance to correct things or would you want to be thrown to the dogs with no chance ever again?

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
(thats coming from a non-religious guy by the way)

As far as the financial part cost more money to keep her for the rest of her life,then it does to just teach her the error of her ways by rehabilitation and counselling for all involved.

Having remorse and admitting it was wrong and being able to own up to it seems like a good candidate for rehab to me.

Also because I know how people here like to take things out of context I will re-iterate,I do not condone what she did.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by silo13

I am just outraged because of the living hell these kids went through. The 5 year old may be able to forget this as he grows up. But the 10 and 11 year olds will need lots of counseling and therapy
and all of the issues they have to deal with. Another poster had a list of things like being abandoned, trust issues, life issues.

A lot of my outrage is because of the lack of respect of all human life and how sacred it should be. Humanity has become a commodity that can be bought, sold, traded, killed for organs etc.

I just realized that no one has spoken about the man who was sexually assaulting the girl.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by Demetre

You're right, OP. Where is the outrage? How sad is the state of our world when people are more pissed off at the sentence handed down than they are about the act itself??

How sad some posters cannot see there is more than one issue to debate in this sad situation, and Silo was just bringing attention to another facet of the story. It is called thinking, not condoning.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by Starbug3MY
I just realized that no one has spoken about the man who was sexually assaulting the girl.

That's what happens when the title of the thread and link are expressing outrage over an egg donor getting a life sentence for locking her kids in a bathroom and starving them instead of expressing outrage over what was done to the kids.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Check the source.....all garish headlines with no stories, seems like a "HOAX" to me.....Mod Alert

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 06:26 PM
Having thought about all of this, I am going to pray for the woman and the man, and of course for the children. It's quite possible that they are drug addicts because of crack, heroin or meth, you pretty much cannot even take care of yourself.

These drugs mentioned above can hook you so fast you really don't see it until you get sick, then you deny it and lie to yourself and become so addicted that you will sell everything you have, prostitute your body, do almost anything to obtain your next fix.

There are testimonials all over you tube showing drug addicts and how they live every day. A lot of them when questioned about why they started, most of them said "I was curious". You can get addicted to crack the very first time you use.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 06:27 PM
Official Source

It's a site that posts garish headlines but the stories are contained within valid links.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by debris765nju

You have a typo on your avatar.
It is spelled interstitial.

[edit on 4-8-2010 by Starbug3MY]

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