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Congressman Calls for Execution of Wikileaks Whistleblower

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posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by ProdigalSon

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
reply to post by SUICIDEHK45

actually ill play the devils advocate here......

Im not sure if any of you are familiar with military law, but what he actually DID was defined there in..........

Punishable by death if seen fit........

i know a lot of you want to hug babies and kiss flowers and sleep in trees and admire rainbows and lick lollipops , but this is the real world.

Maybe what he did was right, maybe it wasnt, Im not here to judge, I just know it could have put a lot of military people at risk and thats treasonous activity......

[edit on 3-8-2010 by ManBehindTheMask]

well said man,
is time to see the reality that not everything is candy's and flowers.
Is thanks to US military power that US chas been the most powerful nation, and if it were not for that maybe today us citizens would immigrate to mexico.

all that power and your more worried fighting wars with goat hurders , Look in your own back yard and fix the issues there before you go and proclaim you are fixing other countrys problrems , countrys that have been around thousands of years before the usa.

If the usa minded there own business it wouldnt be in the mess it is now.

trillions of dollars in debt and and a starving popilation. That is the real world my friend.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 07:54 AM
so, to kill a man who exposed
the military killing the civilians,
financing taliban and who knows
what else

and that is treason?


sorry to say this, but you really
deserve what is backfiring to you

[edit on 4-8-2010 by donhuangenaro]

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by truthy-bird

Murderer Rogers, Keep him in jail please dont kill the kid.


He mentioned "fighting for your country" ... protecting the Arizona border IS fighting for your country. The war in Afgan is fighting for another country.

Ask any mother if she would have her kid kill by her country for any given reason.

[edit on 4-8-2010 by truthy-bird]

If this congressman mean what he is saying. He should first stop the press from being in battle with the troops. And second, he should stop soldiers from filming them selves in action. Which ends up on YouTube and other places.

When a soldier puts his face on a self made video and airs it on the Internet, he puts him self at risk. This is being done by the soldiers in Afghanistan every day.

This congressman haven't done his homework at all.

It is the illegal actions done by soldiers that put them in danger.

Isn't that also the whole idea with 911, to make the people responsible pay for what they have done illegally?

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 07:57 AM
some people are looking for a scapegoat I suppose. The war is going badly, but let's not blame the presidents, let's blame the whistle blowers. While we're blaming the victims, why not blame the civilians that were bombed on "accident" because they didn't understand the altruistic nature of the war of terrorism. Karma is unavoidable so whatever you reap you sow. Have a good day.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 08:07 AM
I'm guessing some of you missed the part where Assange was on Larry King and had said that responsibility is one of the reasons it takes so long for them to release documents - so they don't inadvertently endanger any specific sources found within any leaked documents.

And also the part where the documents leaked were no newer than 7 months old which didn't include any ongoing missions.

Not sure where the whole "irresponsible" and "endangering our forces" comes into the picture here, because Assange has said himself that they take great care, which sounds to me to be specifically responsible.

The picture may have changed since I saw that, but, then again, maybe not.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 08:17 AM
This guy is a hero, until someone dies as a result of the intel he released. Will you feel the same then? Military operations have very specific guidelines. When we give all of those to the enemy, they now know how we operate. It becomes much easier to counter what they are doing.

Does anyone even KNOW why he released this info? You are assuming he is some sort of super patriot, who is trying to do our country right. The reality is that he had been punished previous (and more than once) for misuse of his clearance. He released a barrage of info - he was not discriminate about what he gave up. He just grabbed all he could and said "Here you go!" He did not even ponder if it would put his fellow soldiers in danger. If I were a soldier stationed there, I would be pissed-off at this guy.

And then he bragged about it, which got him caught in the first place. Which leads me to believe that he did it only because he was showing off his clearance to his buddies. Lookat what I can do! He is young and low ranking. You honestly think he made some hard moral choices to release critical info to inform America?

You are all over his bandwagon because what he did in your opinion, was the "right" thing to do for America. While that may or may not be the case (I feel a very VERY few tidbits of info was actually useful - most of the stuff is mundane, and did not need to be released), I don't think he had any grand design to do the patriotic thing for his country. I think he is a simply a dolt who was showing off his clearance, and put his fellow soldiers at risk to do so. And he is a hero? I think not.

I don't know if he deserves execution, but if ANYONE dies (which will be impossible to determine probably) as a result of his actions, then why would he be immune to the death penalty? What if an entire squad dies because the enemy was waiting for them? Just toss a medal on him and call it good eh?

I know when I was serving, I'd have liked to punch this guy in this mouth for what he did. Right or wrong for his country, he is a SOLDIER first. It's his duty to protect his fellow soldiers. Not put them at risk.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by SUICIDEHK45
What is this 1865?
I am not calling for this guys execution.

I must say that American soldiers have been executed for far less, well after the Civil War.

Private Eddie Slovik was executed for desertion near the end of WWII, apparently because Dwight Eisenhower wanted to make an 'example' of him.


Martin Sheen won an Emmy in 1974 for his portrayal of Eddie Slovik in an NBC TV movie.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 08:47 AM
Punish the whistleblower for treason?

But isnt it a greater treason when you put thousands of American soldiers lives at stake for fighting a war without any reason at all?

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by SUICIDEHK45

If it is determined that he committed treason, then the law allows it, especially since he is a member of the Armed Forces. Remember, this put good peoples lives at risk here, people are going to die because of it, despite the attempt to uncover anything malicious or to "do good," What was done was wrong and did not uncover anything that was not already known. Obama's words (paraphrased). Which begs the question, why hasn't he done anything about it. If this was on the battle field, they soldier could have been summarily executed on the spot. I wont say yes he should be executed or no he shouldn't, I'll let the Tribunal determine that.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by SUICIDEHK45

I think the congressman wants him charged with Treason, and being convicted of treason could be death by firing squad- Problem is a good half of congress and the Administration could also be charged with treason. My bet is because of that No Charges to be filed.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by guavas
I'm guessing some of you missed the part where Assange was on Larry King and had said that responsibility is one of the reasons it takes so long for them to release documents - so they don't inadvertently endanger any specific sources found within any leaked documents.

And also the part where the documents leaked were no newer than 7 months old which didn't include any ongoing missions.

Not sure where the whole "irresponsible" and "endangering our forces" comes into the picture here, because Assange has said himself that they take great care, which sounds to me to be specifically responsible.

The picture may have changed since I saw that, but, then again, maybe not.

I'm with you. Being in the military is serious business. You do what this guy did -- you deserve to have the book thrown at you.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:31 AM
If someone dies because of the intel...INTEL that wouldn't even EXIST if things were a LOT MORE on the up and up.

One war that wouldn't even EXIST without the fabled Weapons of Mass Destruction......and now this war.....

That is being FUNDED by people WE are giving money to. (Pakistan)

Intel that shows we are using eye in the sky killing forces to perpetuate a witchhunt on the behalf of greedy Afgan politicians WE SUPPORT?

Wait a minute. Someone's gonna die. Someone's gonna die every day regardless of this - and if the news would really digest this and present IT instead of spin spin spin oh this is nothing, old news...spin, spin, spin...this puts lives at risk....spin, spin...oh he did it because he was GAY....spin spin

If the media would do their JOBS this war might be a lot more efficient and maybe OVER - so how many lives would THAT save? But I shouldn't just blame it on the media - the America people need to darn do their jobs too and quit trusting authority so much. THAT is what the American people are supposed to do - be informed and weary of big governments that want to kill people for something they aren't even charged with. ha! Oh Lindsey Lohan, Oh Britney, Oh O'Reilly with Girls Gone Wild clips shown before every commercial....oh titilate me baby, who cares about that icky war?

I am SICK. I'm sick of the politicians, I'm sick of the media, and I'm sick that we, the American people, let those things happen.

When people don't agree with me, heavens, just please let them have some opinion in their head other than the one that Gates planted there.

GATES. I knew when Obama took office and left that man in place that NOTHING was going to change.

Think he didn't know about WMD being a lie? You wanna talk treason?

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:40 AM
I wonder if this chuckle-head ever heard the phrase "People in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones"?

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by SUICIDEHK45
Every soldier in Afghanistan and Iraq are facing the "death penalty" everyday. It's sad that these unnecessary wars are contiually allowed to go on.

It's an outrage that these illegal wars are continually allowed to go on. In whos name? money,greed and power

What this soldier did allegedly is nothing but heroic IMO and should be publicised as such!

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by arcnaver

how do these documents put good peoples lives at risk? The people fighting over there are already at risk. It has been said a few times that this leak is putting people at "risk". Risk of what? What exactly is it that is going to happen now that these documents are out that, as you say, don't tell us anything new."

It's utter nonsense this fear mongering. None of us are at anymore risk than we were two months ago and certainly less at risk then the armed service men and women fighting over there. If the law says the whistleblower should be killed, then I suppose there isn't much we can do about it. But claiming that this person put peoples lives at risk? that is complete and absolute bull****.

[edit on 4-8-2010 by thebulldog]

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:55 AM
We HAVE to do whatever we can to discourage this.

As you remember, in the last several years military witnesses have been coming out and telling what they know about ETs, UFOs and other things.

We cannot allow the military to make an example of this soldier. We need to encourage such people to feel safe to come out with the truth.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:00 AM
These politicians make me sick. I am not even American, but up here in Canada we have the same shinannigins.
Here we have our head of CSIS being ridiculed by only media and politicians, after stating that two of our provinces politicians our being heavily influenced by the chinese govt'.
He also is being called a traitor. HUUUUUUUUUUUH?!?!
How does this even remotely making sense, when did we lose the right to be informed? If our government is involved in a illegal acts, how is it that we do not have the right to be informed. We criticize countries like China, Venezuela, Russia and even Cuba because their citizens are always exposed to censored information while our bodies of government here in the west do the SAME THING.
How do we tolerate things like this?
This stuff makes me sick...
Very Sick.

Oh and is it in any surprise to anyone that this rep, was an FBI agent. Wouldn't it make sense he would stand up and say something like this?

[edit on 4-8-2010 by tribaltrip]

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:04 AM

that says it all

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:25 AM
Good Lord, what has this country come to.
The young man saw a crime, uncovered it... The Noose for this: NO.
Give him a metal and lets put the congressmen's puffed up heads, the ones who have known the truth all along, yet keep passing bill after bill to fund this travesty, under the guillotines sharp blade, seemed to have worked for the french.

It is so Sad, how We The People, let the horror of 911, scare us so
bad, we let a few wicked men, disrupt our countries economy, whittle away at our constitutional rights, and in so doing near on to destroy our cherished way of life. However, but it is not to late, for We The People to take the raines back, putting the greedy fat cats in jail, where they belong...

I wish you all well


posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by Faiol
these are the same people that support illegal wars, illegal rapes, illegal killings, corruption

well, if someone deserves to die, it sure isnt the guy who is against all of the above

WOW...the power of 1 sentence is amazing
If I could give ya 5 stars I would.

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