+4 more
posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 06:04 PM
No matter what you do, PLEASE DON"T VOTE?
For anything ever anymore.
I suggest to you, that in todays world, your vote only condones, the things we see going on in Washington today.
When you vote ;
You are agreeing with everything that is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan.
You are agreeing to open borders and very soon no borders. At all. Wow! maybe das why dey no secure border. Yeah ahuh!
You say to hell with the middle class who needs em? Tax 'em fine 'em spy on 'em, they step out of line? kill 'em. Do everything short of declaring
war on 'em. Make sure they know their days are numbered.
You say it's ok for BP to pass gas in the face of the American people.
You condone the assassination of John, Bobby, Martain and Abraham. As well as other leaders around the world.
You support the slow erosion of our freedoms and liberties.
You support false flags!
You support the fat cats.
You very simply support the wicked. The war mongers.
You support slavery not freedom.
You support the best rendition of the matrix.
You say " hey when will the police be stopping by to get my guns?"
You support corruption and police brutality.
Election time. It seems to me the politicians use" voter turn out" for one thing only. I believe it is simply a stupidity gauge for the politicians.
High voter turnout observed," Buah ahahahahah!
No way, there still buy'in it? CHEESE AND RICE THEIR NEVER GOING TO LEARN.!
aHHH AHAHAHAH! What a bunch of friggin goons man? I mean I know it was a nice dream and all but, why become a Rumplestiltskin over it? Wake up !
Voting for the lesser of two evils.
Well that's still a vote for evil.
"It's your civil duty to vote!",
Maybe so. That dosn't mean you have to vote for criminals and
domestic enimies of the constitution. It's obvious that's the only thing in Washington today.
Since Washington isn't even a state, does that make it fair game?
Let's declare war on it.
I suggest that as of today, a state of war does exist between the United States of America and Washington D.C. We need to attack and burn that whole
motha #@$%#$ to the ground. Destroy it all. At the same time perge the earth of every illuminati bloodline. I mean perge it clean.
The people can't vote anything their way with out some Judge knocking it down. Arizona is a prime example. Same thing happened here in Calif. a few
years back. On immigration no less!
The manical thing about it? There are going to be people come on this thread and defend against
what I'm saying here. I think I know why though!. Because if they don't, then what I'm saying becomes reality for them also. If they argue against
it. It's as if their talking their selves out of believing this is the reality we need to address.
I may be jumping the gun a little. The way I'm seeing things is like this. Voting for anything in this country today, demonstrates the very
definition of insanity:
Use of a single method in the aspiration of a goal, over and over again. Never changing or modifying the method. Never achieving the goal, only the
same results, time and time again.
To the point where the method has come to mean more than the goal.
Don't listen to your favorite celebrity tell you how important it is for you to vote,
Most likely they are from the same place the politicians in Washington come from.
Bankers, Politicians, Media, Entertainment/Hollywood. All the same.
Dog pile on Washington!
Re-establish the Republic with the addition of a new system of term limits and rotation laws that requires half of all Govt.institutions in the U.S.
to be made up of people, who are for the people. The middle and yes even the lower class. Yes even the uneducated. Because they who are in Washington
right now, have made one thing abunduntly clear. No one in Gods creation could do any worse. Term limits are needed big time so if corparations bribe
someone. Well in a short time they will have to risk bribing some one all over again.
Then we the people will pass laws forever restricting government from interfering with the peoples pursuit of happiness. In fact forever baring
Politicians and Millionares from all Govt. facilities.
Even the bathrooms. If you are all ready a millionare, just exactly what else do you need?
I would suggest a country that is strong on moral laws.
Make greed a crime. Those found guilty are stripped of everything and sent to SURVIVAL ILAND.LOL.
Can't wait for the arguements.
[edit on 3-8-2010 by randyvs]