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Establishment Media Pushes Brain Eating Vaccines

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posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 09:29 PM
Not likely, someone so lobotomized as to accept anything without question, would be unable to take care of themselves. There are plenty of ways to control the public without hurting them. As we all know a large portion of the population would rather have their opinions provided by a reliable source, than discover, or think things through for themselves. Commonly known as sheeple they need guidance and the government provides it through mass media and a two party political show. They live under the assumption that they live in a fair society that gives them a chance to compete. Therefore they feel no need to rebel.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 09:38 PM
Chill out, man, everything's going to be all right. It's beautiful. Really it is.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by budro
Now that I have your attention may I add that your post is void of reason or substance.

Void of reason? You mean my knowledge of Alex Jones, the fear mongering lying HOAXER, and my ability to see through his delusional conspiracies of horror, is void of reason?

My ability to understand how he takes random articles from "main stream media" and then takes them out of context in order to support his delusions of horror and fear inducing conspiracies, is nothing but reason.

My post did have substance. I was pointing out that Alex Jones, or whoever wrote this article, made a huge jump to conclusions based on NOTHING. He found studies about lithium levels matching with reduced suicide levels and made illogical conclusions that the media is pushing some horrible zombie vaccine...

News Flash.... Anti-Depressents are probably the most used drug in these hard times. Stress reducing medicines are constantly being researched. There are drug companies with commercials playing 24/7 pushing anti-depressents that do exactly what Alex Jones fears. They reduce synapses in the mind to reduce stressfull thoughts, and suicidal thoughts. They also make you more dumb.

Alex Jones took an innocent medical study aimed to help people deal with stress and despression, and turned it into a fearfull plot to turn the world to zombies. The medicial industry is constantly looking for miracle drugs to help solve complex problems, and all Alex Jones can do is make people fear it, and condem some imaginary "PTB" with some imaginary agenda.

Alex Jones is in the business of using fear to induce thoughts of retaliation against some imaginary monster so that he can be crowned some type of saviour by his minions. He used to always preach about mind control and nobody realizes he is using a type of mind control to get you to read his b.s. and send him money.

If you went to a pre-school and told all the little children that just outside the door there is a monster trying to kill them, and that you are there to help them, guess what, all the little kids will think you are their saviour, and they will trust you, and do whatever you ask them. That is EXACTLY what Alex Jones does. However, he uses pieces of truth to support his lies, and it works in fooling the gullible every time. He is a deciever, plain and simple.

Originally posted by budro
If you were anything more than a troll you might explain why you feel that way and maybe lead a few people to the light of your glorious knowledge.

If you were anything more than BLIND, you would have noticed that I did explain why I feel the way I feel about this b.s. topic. The topic is nothing but jumps of conclusions. Using vague articles out of context to support some horror conspiracy.

So who is the troll now? YOU. You called me a name, a troll, that is what trolls do.

Originally posted by budro
So enlightened one, please educate those blind fools that you say should be eradicated for their childish beliefs.

I never said anyone should be eradicated. You suffer form the same disease Alex Jones does... you connect dots that don't exist to create objects that you then later believe actually exists.

If you were at all clever in any way or form, you would have realized that I just suggested Alex Jones, and all his blind followers, take anti-depressent medication to reduce their stress and fear.

Originally posted by budro
Oh wait, you forgot to charm them into listening to you and instead insulted them. So just maybe it is you with ugly motives. Or do you have some family member who went nuts as a result of some one else’s "fear mongering" and you have a personal vendetta against those who question authority?

I don't need to charm anyone for them to listen to me. That is what the decievers do. I tell it how it is, the honest truth.

[edit on 4-8-2010 by Unst0ppable0ne]

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by budro
Or do you have some family member who went nuts as a result of some one else’s "fear mongering" and you have a personal vendetta against those who question authority?

There are people who "go nuts" every day, and take their own lives, because of FEAR. I care about them.

I HATE people who spread fear, and don't understand the consiquences.

Alex Jones doesn't question authority. He doesn't question anything. He wrongly excuses people of horrible acts without any hard evidence, or trial. He jumps to conclusions based on coinsidences. He finds patterns that don't exist and believes they support his conspiracies.

In this case, he is condeming scientists in the medical field for trying to help people deal with stress and depression and suicide, and then accuses the worlds media of trying to push some type of zombie drug in order to dumb down the public.

His idiotic conspiracy falls apart right when you realize how many people would have to be "in on it"... He is just a lying scumbag who accuses people of things without any proof. He throws "innocent until proven guilty" right out the window.

Alex Jones proves himself to be a fear mongering lying hoaxer all the time. To even post his b.s. topics is a disgrace. People should have stopped repeating his b.s. long ago.

Questioning authority involves asking questions, not pointing figers and spouting lies as the truth.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by Unst0ppable0ne

By trying to pin what Doctors have to say on Jones with out references you betray your self as a unreliable source of nonsense.
Just an ad hominim attack is hardly usefull info.

considering the truth doesn't change with Jones not in it
I guess you are just WRONG
enjoy your floride

Washington, Sept 12: Newer antidepressants, already suspected of raising the risk of suicide, may also cause a few people to become violent, researchers reported.

They found that people who took Glaxo Smith Kline’s antidepressant Paxil were twice as likely to have what was called a “hostility event” as those given a placebo. Paxil aka paroxetine, is in a class of drugs called Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs). They came under scrutiny when some doctors reported that teenagers taking the drugs might be more likely to commit suicide.

In 2004, the US food and drug administration concluded there was a higher risk of suicidal behaviour among children and teenagers and ordered strong label warnings on several SSRI drugs. It has urged close monitoring of adults.

The shooters at columbine wre on SSRIs and instead of having that come out when one of the few heros tried to expose it in court the judge ordered the shooters medical recorde destroyed.

Vaccines have "conquered" disease, right?
Growing evidence suggests that improved public health measures and nutrition — not vaccines — have led to a decline in infectious disease.
In fact, according to Newsmax medical editor Dr. Russell Blaylock, those very vaccines you and your children endure "for your own good" may instead leave you hammered with:
► Altered brain development
► Seizures
► Loss of brain cell connections

the amount of references that says you are wrong goes for miles with out a jones in sight

[edit on 3-8-2010 by Danbones]

[edit on 3-8-2010 by Danbones]

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 11:10 PM
I never fully trust InfoWars.... like this (below) for example. The throw out these huge things with no source, use all kinds of fallacious arguments, and just over-sensationalize most everything they post.

The first occurrence of fluoridated drinking water on Earth was found in Germany’s Nazi prison camps. The Gestapo had little concern about fluoride’s supposed effect on children’s teeth; their alleged reason for mass-medicating water with sodium fluoride was to sterilize humans and force the people in their concentration camps into calm submission.

from OP article

Is this true?? I've NEVER heard this before, I heard it was in America in the 1950s or so, if I recall correctly...

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 11:25 PM
I almost get the feeling he saw my video:
The Neuro-Invasive Nanobot Takeover

EDIT: Hey now this is interesting:

“Academics say they are close to developing the first vaccine for stress – a single jab that would help us relax without slowing down,” reports the Daily Mail.

Dr Robert Sapolsky, professor of neuroscience at Stanford University in California, says the vaccine is intended to impose a state of “focused calm” by altering brain chemistry.

It's no surprise to see Stanford involved here.

[edit on 3-8-2010 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by Danbones

What exactly am I wrong about? Absolutly nothing....

Anti-depressents reduce synapses in your brain. This reduces your total amount of thoughts, including rational thoughts. This has many different effects on different people. It could turn innocent people into criminals, and it could turn criminals into innocent people.

I never said anti-depressents "work".... I simply said they reduce your synapses in your brain, and make you more dumb. They also can reduce stressfull thoughts, and thoughts of suicide. However, they can also reduce rational thoughts and only leave the suicidal thoughts where they were.

I actually tell people NOT to take anti-depressents because they do more harm then good.

The problem is, doctors don't know JACK about the human body. They feed people different chemicals until one of them effects the symptoms they are trying to cure. It's trial an error really... Since every human is unique there is no way to predict how all humans react to the same drug, so this creates even more problems such as the ones you tried to use as proof that I was wrong.

What Alex Jones does is takes the stupidity and lack of knowledge of doctors and twists it into some type of conspiracy that they are trying to dumb people down. The truth is, the doctors are just dumb, and some are just in for the money. Some of them have good intentions and are trying to help but their lack of knowledge of the human body turns their good intentions into a nightmare.

You have to understand the big picture, which all of you blind people just can't see. Most conspiracies exist because of stupidity, and lack of foresight. This topic is one of them.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by Unst0ppable0ne
reply to post by Danbones

What Alex Jones does is takes the stupidity and lack of knowledge of doctors and twists it into some type of conspiracy that they are trying to dumb people down.

..Then you know what Alex Jones does with this fear? He makes money from it.

Ridiculous amounts

Whether he is a liar, hoaxer or truth for you to decide.

What I know is that he is rich.

Yes, he is also passionate about what he is selling. You have to be, or the sale is shot.

Can you NOT see the salesman in him? He is as dirty, if not worse than the leaders he shouts out about. He has forgotten truth and substituted it with $$.

Edited to add that I wasn't replying to Unst0ppable0ne's post as a rebuttal, but supplemental.

[edit on 4-8-2010 by Demoncreeper]

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
We're going to need to purify all our drinking water, evaporation method, and write in. Denounce them, why are we being so passive. When we learn or hear of something we need to be alert and speak up. They can't put anything in our water if we all say no and are lined up outside their offices until they leave now can they?

Two things do annoy me somewhat. First is the FACT that various people in power are obviously abusing it and trying to control us via medication. The US is famous worldwide for being continuously medicated for everything and also relying on help from councilors and psychiatrists and being in the medical field myself as some of you know, I really do NOT think this is the way forward. It promotes dependency and mental weakness and an easy way to be manipulated.

Second thing that I find annoying is the amount of people on here ATS, that say we as a people should stand up. But no one is the USA ever does. In fact everyone is so terrified in the US its quite disturbing. In France they riot better than anyone when they do not like something, in Belgium they destroy their leaders homes and threaten them with harm and mass riots, and its works because they do it together and their leaders eventually listen. I'm not saying its right, but I'm saying what does YOUR gov have to do to you before you grow a pair. You all moan to the nth degree but fail to act. I have seen this through and through on here with people offering some tiny attempt at a rally call and yet they cower at home doing nothing.

You may win all sports at the Olympics, win at NFL football, Hockey, but to be honest you have inherited the dependency bug. together you can accomplish and show strength, but on your own individually there is no fight and you seem lost. So why do you not all as a people stand up to your black Hitler and fight for your rights. Fight for what your grand parents fought so hard for. fight for what the four fathers wanted for your future and fight for your children. Because for those that have children on here, they and their children will probably be slaughtered and shot dead like dogs if something is not done now.

[edit on 4-8-2010 by sassyncute]

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by Unst0ppable0ne
I think Alex Jones and his blind followers should be the first to jump in line for this "vaccine", that way they can all stop spreading this fear mongering B.S

Eradicate, eliminate, do away with, move out of way.
Still say you didn’t say that? So let’s see what else you did say.

Originally posted by Unst0ppable0ne How do you go from studies about lithium, and stress reducing drugs, to tyrannical agendas to make all humans zombies? That is a giant leap.

You question the OP’s reasoning but offer none of your own

Originally posted by Unst0ppable0ne
Alex Jones needs to be taken off the air and locked up in a mental ward. His ideas and theories that he supports show him to be mentally unstable, and quite evil. He should be shut up before he gives people ideas.

You offer your resolution with no substance for your conclusion.

Originally posted by Unst0ppable0ne
Void of reason? You mean my knowledge of Alex Jones, the fear mongering lying HOAXER, and my ability to see through his delusional conspiracies of horror, is void of reason?
My ability to understand how he takes random articles from "main stream media" and then takes them out of context in order to support his delusions of horror and fear inducing conspiracies, is nothing but reason.
My post did have substance. I was pointing out that Alex Jones, or whoever wrote this article, made a huge jump to conclusions based on NOTHING. He found studies about lithium levels matching with reduced suicide levels and made illogical conclusions that the media is pushing some horrible zombie vaccine...
If you were anything more than BLIND, you would have noticed that I did explain why I feel the way I feel about this b.s. topic. The topic is nothing but jumps of conclusions. Using vague articles out of context to stupport some horror conspiracy.
So who is the troll now? YOU. You called me a name, a troll, that is what trolls do.

Very impressive, you understand, a wise grasshopper indeed and we finally have some substance. Maybe you forgot to post it earlier? Point is, mind readers are very expensive and most people don’t own one.

Originally posted by Unst0ppable0ne I never said anyone should be eradicated. You suffer form the same disease Alex Jones does... you connect dots that don't exist to create objects that you then later believe actually exists.
If you were at all clever in any way or form, you would have realized that I just suggested Alex Jones, and all his blind followers, take anti-depressent medication to reduce their stress and fear.

Your haughtiness does precede you while you assume to be correct in your dissertation, based on what you perceive as fact, while none other than you know how you came to those conclusions. How can you have your pudding if you don’t eat your meat?

You entirely missed one important aspect. Stating that you believe sedation of those who disagree with you or your beliefs is a justifiable solution, falls right in line with what the op was expressing concern over. So you have confirmed his or her fear that there are self righteous people who would love to be able to shut up those who won’t fall in line. Of course that came right after you called them blind. So how many little people have you saved today?

Originally posted by Unst0ppable0ne
I don't need to charm anyone for them to listent to me. That is what the decievers do. I tell it how it is, the honest truth.

Yah well, maybe you are too young to have learned that judgment closes door, wisdom opens them.
I’d probably agree with you in most ways, but your tact is lacking.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by Unst0ppable0ne

His followers are questioning or they would not be listening. Calling people bkind and saying they should be sedated is not agood way to get people to listen to you. If you truly care about people read some Dale Carnegie

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 02:21 AM
What fear-mongering NONSENSE!

from the article

Chronic stress, as opposed to everyday worries, is linked to illnesses ranging from diabetes to heart attacks. Professor Sapolsky, who first observed the damage caused by stress on animals in Kenya, has been studying hormones called glucocorticoids, which are part of the body's immune system and help fight cancer and inflammation.

All mammals produce these hormones, which help them deal with a threat - often by running away.

But Professor Sapolsky has observed that, while a zebra will turn off the stress chemicals after escaping from a lion, modern man not only produces too many glucocorticoids in response to everyday alarms but cannot turn them off afterwards.

He says the hormone becomes toxic both biologically, by destroying brain cells and weakening the immune system, and socially, when people continue to snap at their friends or family hours after the original cause of tension has vanished.

After early setbacks, the Stanford team has adapted a herpes virus to carry engineered 'neuroprotective' genes deep into the brain to neutralise the rogue hormones before they can cause damage. The virus is now shown to work on rats.

'To be honest, I'm still amazed that it works,' Professor Sapolsky told Wired magazine recently.

He warned that human trials are years away, but added: 'We have proved that it's possible. We can reduce the neural damage caused by stress.'

Read more:

See how it works now, without all the "it's going to turn your brain to mush" hysteria? This actually would PREVENT people from having their brains turn to mush.

Any of you suffer from chronic stress? I do. Stress interferes with every biological function in the body. It can and does indirectly lead to brain damage, not to mention damage to literally every organ and tissue of the body.

This sort of thing is intended for people like me - it would bring me down to a state just like normal people. Emotionless? No. If you don't have chronic stress, then you don't know what it does to your emotions. It MAKES you emotionless, because it basically creates an electrical storm in your brain, impossible to follow let alone express - similar to static on the television.

A pill or a shot or anything to reduce the stress, will allow my emotions to flow more freely and coherently. Stop getting afraid of stuff you don't understand, this is pretty brilliant (and exciting!) stuff.

edit to add - I agree that fluoride, lithium, and almost every pharmaceutical out there is dangerous. But this is nothing like that - this is cutting age technology.

Don't be put off by the fact that the delivery mechanism is a herpes virus. They use something like that because it's so effective at penetrating natural defenses. But that's mostly a quality of the outer layer of the cells - the scientists can remove the DNA nucleus of the herpes cell and replace it with a relevant substance.

Result is like a Red Cross aid flotilla launched from a ballistic missile into Gaza.

[edit on 4-8-2010 by Son of Will]

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by Demoncreeper
..Then you know what Alex Jones does with this fear? He makes money from it.

Ridiculous amounts

So if I made that video, but didn't make money, it'd be credible?

But then if I started making money, it'd no longer be credible?

If you had any idea the time it takes to do investigative journalism, and then to turn that into articles / videos / etc, you'd speak differently. Check out the AGI Manhattan Project for an inkling of an idea. I've never made money from my work, but if I decide to it shouldn't change the value of the research and reporting.

Player hating about if someone makes money instead of addressing the content is called an ad hominem attack. And as I always say, people are player haters until they're themselves hated on.

[edit on 4-8-2010 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by FoxStriker

The establishment media and the scientific dictatorship are promoting brain-eating vaccines that virtually lobotomize people and rewire their brains into a state of subservient compliance so that their natural instinct to get angry and rebel against the tyranny being imposed upon them is neutered and sterilized.

My mother said to me once that in her day if the Government did something the people were against, they would all go down and protest. She wonders why nobody does that these days.

I just thought at the time is was because people has less time due to having to work longer. Probably a good combination of both.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 03:05 AM
I don't know a whole lot about Lithium, but I decided to do some reading about the metal.

Here is one article.

This part is interesting,
"The patients do not appear to be "drugged" or drowsy, but are quiet and cooperative, often capable of normal daily activities while on a maintenance treatment."

I do not trust anything like this in our drinking water, as it seems that even though it is found in trace amounts in places, I fear that too much could possibly be a disaster.

I think what we need to find out, is if our body really needs such a thing.

The "quiet and cooperative" thing kind of makes you think about "control mechanism."

Considering Big Pharma, Psychiatric drugs, well a bunch of the drugs are quite prone to throw you out of consciousness, it's not too far fetched to thing about things like "mind control." This is a condition where you might not care much about what is happening around you. A state where the "prison" could be erected around you, and you could miss it happening.


posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by Danbones

how long before we're taking soma?

what's with the bars and stars?

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 03:49 AM
They already have a class of drugs called the benzodiazepines that will do something similar to your brain. They do not tell you how extremely addictive these drugs are. Many people who are trying to withdraw from them, especially those who have been on them for years are finding that they alter their personality, they are mind numbing, encourage apathy, and affect your memories, especially short term.

I speak from personal experience here. I was put on valium after a traumatic situation in my life. It took me a year solid to taper down from them, and it took another 2 for me to begin to feel more like myself. While on these medications I developed apathy and inability to cry. There's more but I've little time to go into it. When I was going through the withdrawal process, I met many people on the internet who had similar complaints.

It is not surprising to see them produce a vaccine.... and I wonder exactly what is in it and if it contains benzodiazepine components. When you speak to some people who were on ambien (which also had a benzod component) they will tell you that they experienced waking up in their sleep and performing such things as cooking or going for a walk.... in their sleep.

These drugs are very dangerous.... and it is scary to think they have produced something even far worse. They definitely have the capability to do so.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by NuclearPaul

I tend to think the masses are already being lobotomized via technology, ipods, cell phones, HD flat screen tv and programming, food/water sources, some hollywood films, medications, etc.

My parents also speak of how odd it is to see so many apathetic tuned out people since 9/11.

I also think the internet has changed people greatly.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 04:03 AM

Originally posted by Unst0ppable0ne

There are people who "go nuts" every day, and take their own lives, because of FEAR. I care about them.

I HATE people who spread fear, and don't understand the consiquences.

I will agree with you on one thing, that Alex Jones makes a living selling fear and panic to the masses. I do not and have never gotten a good feeling about the man.

The one thing I would say though is this... even if he does not question authority, he causes many to do so. It's a good thing to not live in blindness either. One has to seek balance.

Aside from Alex Jones... I do not trust the drug companies. There are plenty of drugs that cause people to take their own lives. There are way too many commercials on tv selling drugs.... another way to sell panic and fear.

I am not completely anti pharmaceutical, but at the same time there are way too many drugs for things that could be addressed differently. I truly believe that most psychotropics are extremely dangerous and most psychiatrists are starting to see the light about anti depressants and other medications that are not part of the solution..... but the problem.

There's no balance being struck between medications and solutions in treating illness. It's a runaway train...... and all they want to do is sell you their "miracles".

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